Title: Diapositiva 1
1 Istituto Nazionale di
Geofisica e Vulcanologia NEMO - SN-1 The 1st
Real-Time Seafloor Observatory of
ESONET Paolo Favali
2Marani et al., 2004
The most important earthquakes 1169, M 6.6
1693, M 7.4 1908, M 7.2
Platania, Il Terremoto di Messina, 1908
3(No Transcript)
4Handling systems - MODUS
weight 10 kN in air (7 kN in water) dimensions
2.37 m (Ø) x 1.7 m power 25 kW thrusters max
6, 2 vert.4 horiz. (700 N each) max payload 30
kN depth rated 4000 m
navigation sonar 360(300 m) 6 cameras (4
videos) lights altimeter (100 m) heading (1)
tilt (1) LF transponder
5Handling systems Cable-winch
- winch 3.8 x 2.35 x 2.4 m 180 kN
- HPU 1.77 x 1.15 x 1.71 m 20 kN
- max payout speed 70 m/min (1st layer), 51 m/min
(10th layer) - static load 80 kN (top layer)
- cable 4000 m, 10 layers, 22 kN/km (in air)-18
kN/km (in water), 89 kN working load, 205 kN
breaking strength
25.4 mm (Ø) 3 optic fibres 3 x 3000 VAC-6A
61st mission stand-alone mode October 02 - May
03 (gt130 days gt12 Gbyte data)
weight 14 kN in air (8.5 kN in
water) dimensions 2.9 x 2.9 x 2.9 m
(overall) depth rated 4000 m
Guralp CMG-1T in the Ti-sphere .0027-50 Hz
3-C broad-band seismometer 100 Hz Z, EW, NS
24 bit Hydrophone
100 Hz 24
bit Gravity meter 1 Hz g, T
24 bit CTD
1 sample/10 min 3-D current meter
2 Hz Vn,Ve,Vz,T,P,H,Tx,Ty 16
bit Precision tilt meter 10 Hz Tx,
Ty 24 bit
72002 - 2003 ETNA ACTIVITY
Starting 27 October 2002 (26 October 2002 - 25
earthquakes with magnitude from 1.1 to 2.5) End
February 2003 The signals of both seismometer
and gravity meter are characterised by a large
number of earthquakes, superimposed to background
8SN-1 Background seismic noise
Etna 2002-3 eruption
During After
Before Etna eruption
Monna et al., GRL, 2005
Noise in high and low sea current velocity (N-S
9SN-1 Seismometer Spectrogram 14 October 2002 -
17 January 2003
.001 - .3 Hz
Eruption starting
10SN-1 Gravity meter
Spectrogram October 2002
0.05-0.5 Hz
Spectrogram November 2002
11499 earthquakes recorded only by SN-1 (over 130
12Examples of earthquakes recorded only by SN-1
27 December 2002 Regional event not reported in
the regional seismic bulletins
25 December 2002 2347 Local event not reported
in the INGV seismic bulletins
13213 high-quality earthquakes analysed
T. Sgroi, L. Beranzoli, G. Di Grazia, A. Ursino
P. Favali, GJI (submitted)
14Earth Free Oscillations recorded by SN-1 Gravity
Spheroidal modes excited by the great
earthquake of Central Alaska (30 November
2002 2212, Mw 7.9)
15SN-1 (INGV)
INFN Lab Catania harbour
10 Optic Fibres ITU- T G-652 (6 used) 6
Electrical Conductors ? 4 mm2 (4 used)
2.330 m double shield cable
5.220 m
5.000 m
20.595 m single shield underwater cable
NEMO Pilot experiment (INFN)
16SN-1 enhancements for the Real-Time data
17The 1st Real-Time seafloor observatory in Europe
25 January 2005 2060 m w.d.
18Dry mateable connector
cable 3 OF 2 electical
19(No Transcript)
20The most important teleseismic events
Sumatra Mw 8.7, 28 March 2005
Pakistan MW 7.3, 8 October 05
21Regional/Local examples
Ionian Sea ML4.7, 16 September 05
22Example of local event only recorded by SN-1
23(No Transcript)
24European Seafloor Observatory NETwork
Concerted Action (2002-2004)
GOALS Geohazards Global change Biodiversity
Norwegian margin
Action Plan of GMES Programme (Global Monitoring
for Environment and Security)
Ligurian Sea
Black Sea
Eastern Sicily
Iberian margin
10 Key-sites
Observatories At most 1 Network of Excellence
(NoE) 4th Call
European underwater ocean observatory system.(To
focus on the margin and deep-sea) It would form
the sub-sea segment of GMES and contribute to the
GEO initiative. Emphasis should be given to SME
participation and to international cooperation,
as well as on the potential for technology
transfer. Call
published in July 19, 2005
Deadlines Outline Nov. 3, 05
Full proposal March 3, 06
26Requested budget 8.96 MEuro
27ESONET NoE European Seas Observatory NETwork
European Commission
Scientific Council
Executive Committee
Test and Operation Council
Data Management Council
General Assembly
New Associated Partners
Associated Partners
(Main) Contractors
28 European
April 2005 Towards New Research
Infrastructures for Europe European Strategy
Forum for Research Infrastructures (ESFRI)
List of Opportunities(23 Research
Infrastructure projects)
European Multidisciplinary Seafloor Observatory
(EMSO) European deep-sea neutrino telescope
Research Infrastructures refers to tools that
provide essential services to the scientific
community for basic or applied research
29NEMO - SN-1 Participants INGV Laura Beranzoli,
Massimo Calcara, Giuseppe DAnna, Roberto DAnna,
Angelo De Santis, Giuseppe Etiope, Paolo Favali,
Francesco Frugoni, Matteo Grimaldi, Luigi
Innocenzi, Cristina La Fratta, Marcantonio
Lagalante, Nadia Lo Bue, Luigi Magno, Giuditta
Marinaro, Stephen Monna, Caterina Montuori,
Giuseppe Passafiume, Tiziana Sgroi, Stefano
Speciale, Roberto Tardini, Claudio
Viezzoli (consultants) INFN-LNS Giorgio
Cacopardo, Antonio Capone, Tommaso Chiarusi,
Rosanna Concimano, Rosa Coniglione, Michele
Costa, Carmelo D'Amato, Vittorio D'Amato, Antonio
Damico, Carla Distefano, Antonio Grimaldi, Emilio
Migneco, Mario Musumeci, Riccardo Papaleo, Paolo
Piattelli, Guido Raia, Giorgio Riccobene, Dario
Romeo, Alberto Rovelli, Piera Sapienza, Mario
Sedita, Fabrizio Speziale. Tecnomare-ENI S.p.A.
(Francesco Gasparoni) Technische Universität
Berlin (Günther Clauss) Technische Fachhochschule
Berlin (Hans W. Gerber) ISMAR-CNR, Sezione di
Bologna (Michael P. Marani, Fabiano Gamberi)
IFSI-INAF (Valerio Iafolla) Universities of
Roma 3 (Claudio Faccenna), Catania (Stefano
Gresta), Messina (Giancarlo Neri), Palermo (Dario
Luzio) OGS (Marino Russi) Elettra Tlc S.p.A.
(Giuseppe Maugeri)