Title: Kein Folientitel
1Towards passive microwave radiance assimilation
of clouds and precipitation Ralf Bennartz1, Tom
Greenwald2, Andrew Heidinger3, Chris ODell1,
Martin Stengel1, Kenneth Campana4, Peter
Bauer5 1 Atmos. Oceanic Sci.,University
of Wisconsin 2 CIMSS,University of Wisconsin 3
2- Outline
- Introduction
- Comparison of different models for cloud/precip
assimilation - Accuracy
- Speed
- Phase function
- Slant path
- Including Cloud liquid water/precipitation
First results - Biases GFS/AMSR under cloud-free and cloudy
conditions - MSG SEVIRI
- Status
- Plans for year 3
Gas Absorption properties
Radiative Transfer
Particle scattering properties
4GFS interface against OPTRAN-RT (gas absorption
only) (Sanity check for our implementation)
5OPTRAN-RT versus Eddington (gas absorption only)
Difference 89 GHz
6Speed Test (SOI versus Eddington)
7Accuracy of Results (Eddington and SOI versus
Monte-Carlo model)
8- Comparisons satellite/simulations including cloud
liquid water - Screening strategy
- Stay within 1.0 hours between GFS forecast and
AMSU/ AMSR observation - Use CLAVR-X (Heidinger, 2003) AVHRR gridded cloud
product to find boxes that are at least 95
cloudy (or at maximum 5 cloudy for cloud-free) - Compare AMSU-A/B window frequencies and AMSU-B
183 X GHz water vapor absorption channels -
9- First assessment of AMSR versus GFS (period Jan
2004) - (cloud-free 6.9, 10.7, 18.7 GHZ versus scan
position) -
10- First assessment of AMSR versus GFS (period Jan
2004) - (cloud-free 23, 36, 89 GHZ versus scan position)
11- Simulation example forward and adjoint
12- Simulation example forward and adjoint
13- HG versus Mie phase function
14- Comparison MSG-SEVIRI versus GFS
- June 2004
- RTTOV-8 gas absorption
- Only cloud-free so far
15- Infrared MSG SEVIRI No. of cloud-free obs,
- June 2004
16 17Channel RMSE K Bias K
6.2 1.93 0.22
7.3 1.91 -1.25
8.7 1.54 1.17
10.8 1.38 0.73
12.0 1.37 0.64
13.4 1.37 1.06
18- Infrared MSG SEVIRI BIAS mid-trop WV
19- Infrared MSG SEVIRI BIAS window
20- Infrared MSG SEVIRI BIAS CO2
21- Status after year 2
- Fast RT models (SOI) developed, tested and
integrated in CRTM - Tangent linear and adjoint model developed,
tested, and integrated in CRTM - Bias statistics for passive microwave
- Initial results also for infrared SEVIRI
cloud-free -
22- Plans for year 3
- Monitor bias statistics over longer time
period,especially - Fully include scattering (need more complete GFS
input data) - Biases in IR including scattering
- Precipitation assimilation
- Include cloud diagnostics to generate
precipitation rate - 1DVAR loop to optimize moisture profiles versus
direct assimilation? -