Title: Diapozitiv 1
1The idea of an Intregrated University University
of Maribor, Slovenia
Damir Mlakar, Member of the management
board of the University of Maribor Budapest,
2Table of contents
- Introduction (Fact and Figures, Members,
Regional developer) - Integrated University(organs, role of faculties,
forms and ways) - Integrated University as a tool for development
3University of Maribor Facts and Figures
1. Introduction
- 16 faculties, 1 administrative unit-Rectorat,
Sport center Leon tukelj, University library,
The Residence Hall for Graduate Students and
Visiting Professors, Student Dormitories(8) - 7000 beginners per year
- 3300 graduates per year, including 210 master
degrees and 48 doctoral degrees - 196 study programmes
- 1900 employees,
- 150 000 square meters floor space
- 90,4 millions budget per year (92,3 public
founds, 7,7 from market activity)
4University of Maribor - Members
1. Introduction
- Faculty of Business and Economics
- Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
- Faculty of Chemical Engineering
- Faculty of Civil Engineering
- Faculty of Electrical Engineering Computer
Science and Informatics - Faculty of Agriculture
- Faculty of Law
- Faculty of Education
- Faculty of Organizational Sciences
- Faculty of Criminal Justice
- Faculty of Medicine (established in 2004)
- Faculty of Logistics (established in 2005)
- Faculty of Health Sciences
- Faculty of Arts (established in 2006)
- Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
(established in 2006) - Faculty of Energetics (established in 2007)
- In process of establishing (Faculty of Tourism,
Academy for Music)
5University of Maribor-Regional developer
1. Introduction
6Organs of the University of Maribor
2. Integrated University
Professional Leader and Manager of the University
Highest Academic and Professional Organ of the
University (elected higher educational teachers
and students, rector)
Highest Management Organ (3 repr. of founder, 3
repr. of UM, 1 repr. of public, 1 student, 1
repr. of employers)
Management Board
Student Council
Discusses questions important for students
(elected students, student vice-rector)
7Role of the faculties in an Integrated University
2. Integrated University
- The University of Maribor is a corporate body,
university members dont have legal subjectivity.
Rector represents university with full
authorization. - Public founds, gained by university and its
members from the Republic of Slovenia state
budget meant for public services, are managed at
the universitys account and separate at members
sub-accounts. - Upon university member deans proposal, rector
decides on employment status of all higher
education teachers, scientific workers, higher
education collaborators and other employees
concerning permanent contracts. - Rector is elected, deans, vice deans, secretary
general, members secretary general... are
appointed by the rector.
8Forms and ways
2. Integrated University
- Central led application and enrolment procedure.
- Integrated universitys information system.
- Common development projects on university level.
- Central directed financial operations.
- University members are present in UM boards and
comissions. - University management board consists of
university headquaters and its offices. - International project office
9Forms and ways
2. Integrated University
- Regular rectors meetings with members deans.
- Regular secretary generals meetings with
members secretary generals. - Regular meetings with heads of office for student
affairs. - Meetings with members heads of accounting.
- Meetings with members Erasmus coordinators.
- Preparing of some common public competitions for
all members. - Joint solving of conflicts and other legal
matters. - Joint preparation of acts, valid for the whole
10 Integrated University as a tool for
3. Integrated University as
a tool for development
- Cooperation with private business
- Tehnocenter at University of Maribor Ltd. -
Mechanisms of innovative environment(100 owned
by UM) - UNI- Servis Ltd.(100 owned by UM)
11 3. Integrated University as
a tool for development
- TechnoCenter at University of MariborTechnology
transfer office - Business incubator at University of Maribor
- (students, researchers, professors
- can establish companies)
- Free
12Activities UNI- Servis Ltd
3. Integrated University as
a tool for development
- University Restaurants for students and employees
of UM, Catering - Plans for the future
- UNI - Book store
- University shop
- UNI Language School
- UNI Media
- Etc.
Goal - Establishing system where money is circulating
inside, with profit from free market activity
invest in research and other University
13 Thank you for your attention