Title: Diapositiva 1
1(No Transcript)
2The GLAST observatory
- Talk overview
- instrument design
- the LAT Tracker
- science goals
- conclusions
3Precision Si-strip Tracker (TKR) 18
XY tracking planes Single-sided silicon strip
detectors 228 ?m pitch, 8.8 105 channels Measure
the photon direction
4Experimental Technique
Instrument must measure the direction, energy,
and arrival time of high energy photons (from
approximately 20 MeV to greater than 300 GeV)
- photon interactions with matter in GLAST
energy range dominated by pair conversion
determine photon direction clear signature for
background rejection
Energy loss mechanisms
- Energy Range
- Energy Resolution
- Effective Area
- Field of View
- Angular Resolution
- Sensitivity
- Source Location
- Lifetime
20 MeV - 30 GeV 10 1500 cm 2 0.5 sr 5.8o _at_ 100
MeV 10-7 cm-2 s-1 5 - 30 arcmin 1991 - 1997
20 MeV -300 GeV 10 8000 cm 2 gt 2 sr 3o _at_ 100
MeV 0.15o gt 10 GeV lt6 x 10-9 cm-2 s-1 0.5 - 5
arcmin 2007 2012
6Covering the Gamma-Ray Spectrum
- Broad spectral coverage is crucial for studying
and understanding most astrophysical sources. - GLAST and ground-based experiments cover
complimentary energy ranges and performances
(wide FOV and alert capabilites for GLAST, large
effetive area and energy reach for ground-based) - The improved sensitivity of GLAST is necessary
for matching the sensitivity of the next
generation of ground-based detectors. - GLAST fill the energy gap between space-based and
ground-based detectorsthere will be overlap for
the brighter sources
7Sensitivity and Sky Map
EGRET (1991-2000) - map based on 5 years data
GLAST one year sky-survey - based on the
extrapolation of the number of sources versus
sensitivity of EGRET
8LAT Sensitivity During All-sky Scan Mode
100 sec
During the all-sky survey, LAT will have
sufficient sensitivity after one day to detect
(5s) the weakest EGRET sources.
EGRET Fluxes
- - GRB940217 (100sec)
- - PKS 1622-287 flare
- - 3C279 flare
- - Vela Pulsar
- - Crab Pulsar
- - 3EG 202040 (SNR g Cygni?)
- - 3EG 183559
- - 3C279 lowest 5s detection
- - 3EG 1911-2000 (AGN)
- - Mrk 421
- - Weakest 5s EGRET source
1 orbit
1 day
zenith-pointed rocking all-sky scan
alternating orbits point above/below the orbit
9Glast Physics
First year dedicated to the all-sky survey
Sources identification and diffuse emission
10Identifying Sources
GLAST 95 C.L. radius on a 5? source, compared
with a similar EGRET observation of 3EG 1911-2000
Counting stats not included.
- GLAST high resolution and sensitivity will
- resolve gamma-ray point sources at arc-minute
level - detect typical signatures (e.g. spectra, flares,
pulsation) for identification with known source
11Active Galactic Nuclei
- AGN signature
- vast amounts of energy (1049 erg/s) from a very
compact central volume - large luminosity fluctuations in fractions of a
day - energetic (multi-TeV), highly-collimated,
relativistic particle jets - Prevailing idea accretion onto super-massive
black holes (106 - 1010 solar masses)
- AGN physics to-do list
- catalogue AGN classes with a large data sample
(gt3000 new AGNs) - identify contributions from leptonic (SSC/ESC)
and/or hadronic (?0 decay) emissions in the
spectra multiwavelength campaigns - resolve diffuse background and study redshift
dependence of cut-off to probe EBL - track flares (? minutes)
12AGN EBL Studies
Photons with Egt10 GeV are attenuated by the
diffuse field of UV-Optical-IR extragalactic
background light (EBL)
Opacity (Salamon Stecker, 1998)
only e-t of the original source flux reaches us
EBL over cosmological distances is probed by
gammas in the 10-100 GeV range. Important
science for GLAST! In contrast, the TeV-IR
attenuation results in a flux that may be limited
to more local (or much brighter) sources.
A dominant factor in EBL models is the time of
galaxy formation -- attenuation measurements can
help distinguish models.
No significant attenuation below 10 GeV.
13LAT studies EBL cutoff
- Probe history of star formation to z 4 by
determining spectral cutoff in AGN due to EBL
14CR production and acceleration in SNR
- SNR widely believed to be the source of CR
proton acceleration after shell interaction with
interstellar medium - ?0 bump in the galactic spectrum detected by
- GLAST simulations showing SNR ?-Cygni spatially
and spectrally resolved from the compact inner
gamma-ray pulsar a clear ?0 decay signature
from the shell would indicate SNR as a source of
proton CR
15Dark Matter a short review
- Evidence
- Rapidly moving galaxies in clusters
- Rotation curves of galaxies
- Hot gas in galaxy clusters
- Gravitational lensing
- Stability of rotating spiral galaxies
- Types
- Baryonic vs. non-baryonic
- Cold vs. Hot
Hot gas in Galaxy Cluster
16Searching for dark matter
- The lightest supersymmetric particle c is a
leading candidate for non-baryonic CDM - It is neutral (hence neutralino) and stable if
R-parity is not violated - It self-annihilates in two ways
- c c ? gg where Eg Mc c2
- c c ? Zg where Eg Mc c2(1-Mz2/4Mc2)
- Gamma-ray lines possible 30 GeV - 10 TeV
17Road Map for Photons from Dark Matter
Type Line XX gg, gZ0 (Small Br, Line
Spectra) Inclusive XX g Anything (Large
Br, Continuum Spectra)
Where Galactic Center Known Location Intensity
Dependence Diffuse Character Extra
Galactic Associated with AGN Point Like Character
Particle Source SUSY X c0 (LSP - many
models parameter space large) LIMP X Heavy
nR (Signal to weak too be observed by GLAST)
Focus on Galactic Center
18Diffuse emission from Relic decay
- Set limits on relic mass, density and lifetime
Unresolved AGNs WIMPs Total
19GLAST WIMP Search Regions
- Galactic center
- Galactic satellites
- Galactic halo
- Extra-galactic
20known gamma-ray pulsars
- direct pulsation search in the ?-ray band
- high time resolution
- detect new gamma-ray pulsars (250)
- precise test of polar cap vs outer gap emission
models - large effective area
21Gamma-Ray Bursts and GLAST
- spectral studies for
- non-thermal emission model (synchrotron, ICS)
- fireball baryon fraction
- high energy resolution
22Gamma-Ray Bursts
Simulated one-year GLAST scan, assuming a various
spectral indexes.
LAT GBM complimentarity
- The large statistics that GLAST will collect in
the first year of operations will address many
important questions- origin of CRs- AGN and
EBL studies- Dark Matter- GRB- study of
unidentified EGRET sources - Importance of multiwavelength observations