Title: Sem t
1 Correlações significativas para plt.01 e
Correlações significativas para plt.05.
Correlações significativas para plt.01 e
Correlações significativas para plt.05.
A multidimensional approach to assessment,
planning and intervention www.irisproject.eu a
ac_at_uevora.pt A.A. Candeias1, N. Cabral2, J.L.
Valls 3,J.P.Evans4,M. Magnusson5, E. Bernat6,
J.-C. de Vreese7 H. S. Pires8 1Un. de Évora
(PT), 2EB 2,3 Paranhos (PT), 3Dep. dEducació.
Catalunya (SP), 4Devon County Council(UK), 5Un.
Of Stockolm (SW), 6 Sonderpädagogisches Zentrum
Sprachheilschule Graz (AU),7Service de
lInspection de lEnseignement Spécialisé (BE),
8Un. de Évora (PT),
Eleven years after the Salamanca declaration
inclusive education is still a faraway concept
for many schools and teachers in Europe. In this
presentation we will focus the main objectives
and the expected outcomes of IRIS Project. We
propose that to improve teaching and learning we
need to develop a new attitude, based in research
and focalized on an understanding of pupils
strengths and needs. A multi focal approach will
allow teachers to understand that the learning
potential of any child is the result of many
factors. The multi-dimensional approach involves
3 levels of action (from children to
collaborative work between professionals)
The target groups will be mainly teachers and
other professionals who work with children in the
school community, in Portugal, Spain, Austria,
United Kingdom, Sweden and Belgium. The expected
outputs will be a multifocal assessment and
teacher training materials for in-service and
trainee teachers. Key words IRIS Inclusive
education Multifocal assessment Collaborative
work. Project supported by
1. An improvement in understanding the spectrum
of potential or multiple skills of children, e.g.
cognitive, socio-emotional, motor, artistic. 2. A
need to improve the teachers capacities for
research, evaluation and assessment to
differentiate between childrens strengths and
difficulties. 3. The collaborative work between
teachers, families and other professionals and
agencies. Together these support effective
planning and intervention, including the use of
the IEP, in the inclusive classroom and school
for all children, which reinforce and support the
newly evolving role of the professionals as
competent partners, opening up opportunities
instead of reducing them through single
discipline focus.
of School Education Staff) Education, Audivisual
and Culture Executive Agency European Commission
International Association forCognitive Education
and Psychology http//coged.org/conferences/XI/ XI
Biennial International ConferenceThe University
of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, USA July 1 5, 2007