Title: Diapositiva 1
1Study on search of a SM Higgs (120GeV) produced
via VBF and decaying in two hadronic taus
V.Cavasinni, F.Sarri, I.Vivarelli
- Motivation
- Signal and backgrounds
- Preliminary results of analysis
- Trigger issues
3Cross sections and branching ratios for the Higgs
sVBF H120 4.35 pb (value from VV2H with CTEQ5L
for PDF )
BR(H 120?tt) 0.0679 (value from Hdecay)
4Tau channel for low Higgs mass
Previous study (hep-ph/0402254) tt ? lnln , tt
? ln hn . In 30 fb-1 about 32 signal events and
22 background events
5Mass reconstruction in collinear approximation
For tt?had had, if x1,2 are the visible energy
fraction of the two taus
6VBF signature
- 2 high pT forward jets
- - depleted jet activity in the central region
Rapidity distribution for the tagged forward jets
for signal and for ttbar background.
7HVBF ? tt ?hhnn
Tau decays 65 of times in hadrons The BR(tt?hh)
is 42.25
- Main features of this event
- 4 jets
- 2 forward jets
- 2 central tau jets
- Missing transverse energy due to neutrinos
Main background QCD
Other backgrounds ttbar, Z/?jets
8Treatment of QCD backgrounds
- Due to the high cross section, impossible to
generate all the needed events for the QCD, even
with ATLFAST. - After all the analysis cuts, very poor background
statistics. - To solve the problem when requiring tau jets,
keep all the background events and weight them
with the rejection factor for tau jets. - The performance of the tau identification
algorithm in FULLSIM depending on pT and h is
parameterized and put directly into ATLFAST.
(M.Heldmann work)
9Tau id in full simulation - tauRec
- Reconstruct tau-candidate
- Start from Calorimetric Clusters (default).
- Associate tracks to the candidate.
- Calibrate candidate.
- Build the set of pT dependent variables for
tau-identification (REM, FISO, Ntrack, Strip
Width, Nstrip, Charge, Impact parameter,
ET/pT(1sttrack)) and then calculates Likelihood. - Apply a set of the basic cuts for
L gt 4
10(No Transcript)
11Typical cuts of the analysis (hep-ph/0402254)
- at least 4 jets in the event
- 2 tau tagged jets with pTs over given
thresholds - 2 candidate forward jets with pTs above given
thresholds - negative eta product for the forwards and Dh gt
4 - taus between the 2 forwards
- 0 lt x1(2) lt 1 and taus not back to back
- invariant mass for the forwards gt 700 GeV
- missing transverse energy above a threshold
- no jet with pT gt 20 GeV between the 2 forward,
apart from the taus - cut on mass window.
Two different sets of cuts used for the analysis
12Soft cuts
- at least 4 jets
- 2 tau tagged jets with pT above 35 and 30GeV
- missing transverse energy gt 45 GeV
- 2 forward candidates with pT above 50 and 30
GeV - negative eta product for the forwards and Dh gt 4
- taus between the forwards
- 0 lt x1(2) lt 1 and taus not back to back (Df lt
3) - cut on mass window 104 GeV lt mtt lt 150 GeV.
- dedicated trigger menu
13Soft cuts
cut Signal efficiency Events 30 fb-1 (300 fb-1) QCD rejection Events 30 fb-1 (300 fb-1)
4jet (2 tau), Etmiss gt 45 GeV 4.4 3.4 10-8
Pt tau 2.5 1.21 10-10
Pt forward 1.9 4.81 10-11
h forward 0.94 3.56 10-12
t cuts 0.65 24 (241) 5.4 10-13 155 (1551)
Mass window 0.55 21 (206) 8.1 10-14 23 (231)
using the trigger thresholds for low luminosity
14Soft cuts
15Hard cuts
- at least 4 jets
- 2 tagged tau jets with pt over 45 and 35 GeV
- missing transverse energy over 45 GeV
- 2 forward candidates with pt above 60 and 40 GeV
- negative product of forward jet eta and Dh gt 4
- taus between 2 forward
- 0 lt x1(2) lt 1 and taus not back to back (Df lt
3) - forward jet invariant mass gt 700 GeV
- no jet with pt gt 30 GeV between the forwards,
apart from the taus - cut on mass window 104 GeV lt mtt lt 150 GeV.
16Hard cuts
cut Signal efficiency Events 30 fb-1 (300 fb-1) QCD rejection Events 30 fb-1 (300 fb-1)
4jet (2 tau), Etmiss gt 45 GeV 4.4 3.4 10-8
Pt tau 1.6 3.96 10-11
Pt forward 0.97 1.22 10-11
h forward 0.49 7.8 10-13
t cuts 0.33 1.22 10-13
Mjj 0.3 9.5 10-14
Jet veto 0.26 10 (99) 5.1 10-14 14 (144)
Mass window 0.24 9 (89) 5.3 10-15 2 (15)
using the trigger thresholds for low luminosity
17Hard cuts
18ttbar background
Both Ws dacay in tn 1
In 30 fb-1 about 17106 events. Almost 40 10 6
generated events.
On ttbar events the rejection from
parameterization is worse by about a factor 2.
19Soft cuts
cut Signal efficiency Events 30 fb-1 (300 fb-1) ttbar rejection Events 30 fb-1 (300 fb-1)
4jet (2 tau), Etmiss gt 45 GeV 4.4 (7.3/2) 10-4
Pt tau 2.5 (1.78/2) 10-4
Pt forward 1.9 (1.46/2) 10-4
h forward 0.94 (5.09/2) 10-6
t cuts 0.65 24 (241) (1.02/2) 10-6 64 (338)
Mass window 0.55 21 (206) (5.07/2) 10-8 4 (32)
using the trigger thresholds for low luminosity
20Hard cuts
cut Signal efficiency Events 30 fb-1 (300 fb-1) ttbar rejection Events 30 fb-1 (300 fb-1)
4jet (2 tau), Etmiss gt 45 GeV 4.4 (7.3/2) 10-4
Pt tau 1.6 (1.1/2) 10-4
Pt forward 0.97 (6.8/2) 10-5
h forward 0.49 (2.4/2) 10-6
t cuts 0.33 (0.56/2) 10-6
Mjj 0.3 (4.05/2) 10-7
Jet veto 0.26 10 (99) (1.77/2) 10-7 6 (58)
Mass window 0.24 9 (89) 0
using the trigger thresholds for low luminosity
21g/Z jets background
- Important background
- g/Z jets with g/Z ? tt has a s 1742 pb
- 736 pb with two true hadronic taus.
22Hadronic Tau Trigger (I) (ATL-COM-DAQ-2003-030)
LVL1 trigger look at 4X4 matrix of calorimetric
towers (DhDf 0.1 x 0.1 each). ET threshold for
the central core (EMHad) and isolation
thresholds between core and 12 external towers
for e.m. and had. calorimeters.
second layer of EM calorimeter
LVL2 trigger look at the shower shape in the
2nd layer of e.m. calorimeter and at the track
multiplicity inside the RoI defined at LVL1. Cut
on the ratio between ET contained in a 3x7 cell
cluster and ET in a 7x7 cell cluster and on track
track multiplicity in the RoI
23Hadronic Tau Trigger (II) (ATL-COM-DAQ-2003-030)
- LVL3 (Event Filter)
- look at the complete event.
- By now the variables of the offline algorithms
are used as an approximation LVL3 trigger five
variables - number of reconstructed tracks, within DR 0.3
of the candidate calorimeter cluster, between 1
and 3 - cut on isolation fraction, defined as the
difference between the ET contained in a cone
size of DR0.2 and 0.1 normalized to the total
jet ET - cut on EM jet radius, an energy weighted radius
calculated only in the e.m. calorimeter - cut on EM energy fraction, defined as the
fraction of the total jet energy in the e.m.
calorimeter - threshold on the pT of the highest pT track.
24LVL1 Trigger Rates
Illustrative menu
M.Bosman talk_at_ATLAS Physics Workshop June 2005
25Inclusive High Level Trigger Event Selection
Selection 2x1033 cm-2s-1 Rates (Hz)
Electron e25i, 2e15i 40
Photon g60i, 2g20i 40
Muon m20i, 2m10 40
Jets j400, 3j165, 4j110 25
Jet ETmiss j70 xE70 20
tau ETmiss t35 xE45 5
B-physics 2m6 with mB /mJ/y 10
Others pre-scales, calibration, 20
Total 200
No safety factors - large uncertainties !
Current global understanding of trigger rates
M.Bosman talk_at_ATLAS Physics Workshop June 2005
26Trigger efficiency
While the trigger rate depends on the QCD
backgrounds, the trigger efficiency depends on
the physics channel under study. By now, only
studies on Z?tt and A/H?tt?hh. The trigger
impact on the VBF H ? tt ? hh has to be studied.
The channel VBF Higgs ? tt ?hh appears to be
promising to improve the statistical significance
in the critical low Higgs mass region. Fast
simulation shows that QCD and ttbar backgrounds
may be rejected at the desired level. Zjet
background still under study. Efficiency of the
trigger has to be studied for this
channel. Future work redo the analysis with
full simulated events and with ME QCD generators.
29t id in full simulation - tauRec
- Builds set of variables for t-identification
they are pT dependant - Calculate Likelihood from REM, FISO, Ntrack,
Strip Width, Nstrip, Charge, Impact parameter,
Impact parameter
Strip Width
Signal A?tt?, background QCD, 0lt pTlt44 full line
and 134lt pTlt 334 dashed line
30t id in fast Simulation - Parameterization
Rejection vs. h (jet)
Rejection vs. pT (jet)
31Parametrisation (R vs. pT)
R falls again with high pT
Rmax and slope depend on e
R grows with pT
32Parametrisation (R vs. ?)
a lot of structure in R vs. h, but taken to be
flat and than falling like a gauss
R falls for h gt 1.5 (endcap, higher granularity,
lower ID resolution)
At h 1.5 crack region should be excluded
33Hadronic Tau Trigger
- Previous studies (ATL-DAQ-98-127) used
- ETCore(emh) gt 50
- fr(Core) ETCore(em) / ETRoI(em) gt 0.85
- 1 Ntrk 3
- Now using infrastructure of LVL2 calo algorithm
(TrigT2Calo) - Adding AlgTools for Tau calculations at LVL2.
- Variables considered
- ETCore(em), ETCore(h), ETRoI(em), ETRoI(h) in
regions set in the jobOptions. - Evaluating offline variables em radius of the
cluster, width in energy deposition, isolation
fraction. - Procedure in developing HLT code
- Use offline athena for programming
- Test the code in the multithreading environment
with athenaMT. - Testbed integration.
Pilar Casado, Martine Bosman Carlos Osuna