Title: Dan Gable
1Dan Gable
2During his prep and college careers, Gable
compiled a record of 182-1 - he was undefeated in
64 prep matches and was 118-1 at Iowa St.
3Quote"Im a big believer in starting with high
standards and raising them. We make progress only
when we push ourselves to the highest level. If
we dont progress, we backslide into bad habits,
laziness and poor attitude."
Establish a great goal
4You cant wait to do the right thing
- What do you think brought Dan Gable to this
5At Waterloo West High School, Gable went 64-0,
with 25 pins
- Establish a concrete specific goal
6by the way wrestle offs on Monday and Tuesday
Jurgens hallafter school
7Go over homework and give new
- Homework
- Read pages
- 191 to 198
- Problems 1- 14
8We have been discussing how an atom will gain or
lose an electron so that it acquires a noble gas
And the strong ionic bond is created
Bonding movie
9We also said that instead of losing an electron
you can develop a tug of war between two nonmetal
takers and develop an intramolecular covalent bond
10Covalent bonds occur when two nonmetals (two
takers) wrestle over an electron
- Both elements are takers and neither is strong
enough to pull off an electron off the other
11How strong is not strong enough
- To quantitate the strength Linus Pauling made up
numbers that gauge the ionization energy called
Electronegativity numbers
I would have called them ionization
numbers Because electronegativity numbers mean
the same thing
12Remember that Electronegativity Relates directly
to ionization energy The numbers range from .7
to 4
13For an electron to be completely pulled off there
must be a Electronegativity difference of About
14Na Cl H Cl
15If the Electronegativity is from 0 to .5 then
the molecular orbital is balanced with even
16If the Electronegativity difference is from .5
to 2.1 then the molecular orbital is skewed
toward the more electronegative
17If the Electronegativity is from 2.1 or greater
then the molecular orbital is broken and the
electron is displaced creating ions
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19With HCl the shared electron is pulled toward
the more attractive atom.
- H 2.0 .
- Cl 3.2 difference of 1.2
This is called a Dipole
20The dipole exists because there is a pulling in
of the electrons orbit on one side of the
molecule and an exposed nucleus on the other
21Sharing of electrons in water
Notice how the electrons are pulled to the oxygen
22This is what gives water its polar nature the
unbalanced sharing of electrons between oxygen
and Hydrogen
23The Molecular orbital is the space within which
the electrons orbit
With water the molecular orbital is pulled toward
the oxygen
24So in order to be stable and atom will either1)
lose or gain an electron ionic2) share an
electron a) balanced sharing is
nonpolar b) unbalanced sharing polar
25There is a special class of molecules that are
very common and very powerful
- They have perfectly balanced sharing and are thus
nonpolar and very stable
The most balanced sharing is between two
identical elements!!!!
26Diatomic Molecules
These elements never exist alone but because of
the electrons shell they create strong diatomic
covalent bonds.
27Iron reacts with oxygen
- Copper reacts with hydrogen gas
- Pottasiujm reacts with nitrogen
- Magnesium reacts with Chorine gas
- Sulfur reacts with flourine
- Bromine reacts with Carbon
28Oxygen has 6 valance electrons It needs to share
2 electrons to gain an octet
Bonding of oxygen atoms by sharing 2 electrons
29The intramolecular covalent bond is very close
and very tight
30So what happens when you put an ionic or
molecular compound together
It depends if the molecule is it polar or nonpolar
31Sugar goes into solution
32Oil does not go into water
33Show example of each
- Oil and water
- Water and alcohol
- Put alcohol in different pigment then water red
and yellow
34Why do some things dissolve and others do not?
- The entire concept of dissolving is centered
around the very simple idea of attraction between
35Picture a bucket of magnets again
36Picture a bunch of nonpolar plastic spheres
37If you mix the plastic balls with the magnets
what do you get
38do the plastic spheres and magnets mix or are
the pink plastic balls sticking together? Are
the pink plastic balls afraid of the magnets
39What happens when you put them together?
40The nonpolar spheres are invisible to the magnets
and are pushed aside.
- The nonpolar spheres dont stick together it is
the magnets that congeal and in congealing
isolate the nonpolar spheres.
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Water afraid
Water lover
43So two polar substances will mix by virtue of the
and attractionand non polar things will mix
because they are invisible to one another
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47Diapers and the issue of polarity
One pound of the crystals holds about 50 gallons
of water
48This is how those expanding toys work
49Show the diaper
Solubility is the tendency for one substance to
go into solution of another substance
51Explain molecule vs atom
- Copper CO2
- H2O Aluminum
- KClO3 C6H12O6
- Hydrogen gas
52Concentrated or real ready to drink
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54In your body the concentration can not be off by
the smallest degree for some substances
55Water soluble vs fat soluble vitamins
Vital amines vitamines
56What is concentration
- The concentration of a solution is a measure of
the amount of solute in a given amount of solvent
or solution.
- The solvent is the dissolving medium in a
- The solute is the substance dissolved in a
59The substance in a solution that is present in
the greater amount is the solvent. The substance
present in the lesser amount is called the solute
60Most liquid mixtures involve a solid and a liquid
- Liquid is the solvent
- Solid is the solute
61Know that we know how things mix and dont mix
lets talk further about concentration
- How are concentrations measured?
Orange juice