Title: TTL Characteristics
1TTL Characteristics
- Digital Logic 1133
- Kleitz 9-3
2TTL Sub-families
- Low Power Schottky (LS)
- as in parts kits.
- high speed
- low power consumption
- Why low power consumption important?
- conservation of energy (energy costs)
- longer portable life of batteries
- less HEAT!
3TTL LS High Voltage
- VOH high level output voltage
- gate voltage when high
- VOH gt 2.7 volts
- VIH High level input voltage
- recognized as high level
- VIH lt 2.0 volts
4High Level TTL LS Current
- IOH high level output current
- maximum source current
- - 400 ?A
- will not work reliably above 400 ?A
- IIH high level input current
- 20 ?A
- Thus 20 inputs can be supplied by one output.
- Fan out 20
5Current Sign Convention
- Currents entering a gate are positive.
- Currents leaving a gate are negative.
6Source Current
- Logical HIGH output current capability.
Fan Out
X 1
Source Current
7Source Current
- Cannot source enough current to power an output.
- Need about 15 mA for an LED.
- High output current is only 0.4 mA.
- Need a driver circuit.
8TTL LS Low Voltage
- VOL low level output voltage
- gate voltage when low
- VOL lt 0.4 volts
- VIL Low level input voltage
- recognized as low level
- VIL lt 0.8 volts
9Low Level TTL Current
- IOL low level output current
- sink current
- for TTL LS 8 mA
- IIL low level input current
- for TTL LS - 0.4 mA
- Thus one output can sink the current of 20
inputs. - Fan out 20
10Current Summary
11Sink Current
- Current into an output gate when the gate is in
its low state.
X 0
Sink Current
1274LSxx Voltage LevelsFrom figure 9-7 and table
9-4 in text.
High Level Output gt2.7 V
Recognizable High Level Input gt 2.0 V
Noise Margin
Uncertain Region
Low In lt 0.8 V
Noise Margin
Low Out lt 0.4 V
13Open Collector Output
- Collector is not connected to V.
- Device to be powered is inserted between
collector and V. - Typical driver circuit for logic.
External Load
14Sink Current
Current passes through load (an LED here), into
the gate output to the power supply ground.
15Pulse Time
- Rise time
- time required for voltage to change from low to
high level - Fall time
- time required for voltage to change from high
level to low level - Propagation Delay
- time to move through circuit.
16Rise Time
- The time required for a digital pulse to rise
from 10 up to 90 of its maximum value.
17Fall Time
- The time required for a digital pulse to fall
from 90 down to 10 of its maximum value.
18Propagation Delay
- Different times for transition from low to high
and high to low. - How long does it take to reach a set voltage?
19Propagation Delay Example
- Similar to Text 9-10.
- Use 74LS00 NAND and 74LS002 NOR.
- Ignore rise and fall times.
20Propagation Delay Example
- See datasheet.
- 74LS02
- tPLH
- 10 ns, typical
- 15 ns, maximum
- tPHL
- 10 ns, typical
- 15 ns, maximum
- See datasheet.
- 74LS00
- tPLH
- 9 ns, typical
- 15 ns, maximum
- tPHL
- 10 ns, typical
- 15 ns, maximum
Use Maximum ? worst case.
21Propagation Delay Example
Cp V1 V2
If delay is longer than time clock is high (or
low) ? error occurs. Minimum clock period 2 x
30 ns 60 ns. Maximum clock frequency 1/16ns
16 MHz