Title: Mao Zedongs Little Red Book
1Mao Zedongs Little Red Book
- Do Now Read the following quote from Mao and
answer the questions. - War is a continuation of politics, and there are
at least two types just (progressive) and unjust
wars, which only serve bourgeois interests. While
no one likes war, we must remain ready to wage
just wars against imperialist agitations. - What is a just war?
- What is an unjust war?
- What are bourgeois interests?
- What are imperialist agitations?
The Little Red Book will come up later in the
3The Chinese Republic
- Even though the Boxer Rebellion (fight against
foreigners) in the early 1900s failed, Chinese
nationalism spread. - Sun Yixian, who had traveled to the West (USA),
organized the Revolutionary Alliance with the
goal of building a Chinese Republic based on the
Three principles of the People - Nationalism
- Democracy
- Livelihood
- In 1908 the reigning emperor of the Qing Dynasty
died and a 2 year boy took the throne China
slipped into a chaos - In 1911 uprisings sprang up all over China with
support from all classes and in December, Sun
Yixian was named President of the new Chinese
4Struggle in the New Republic
5Chinese Civil War Beginnings
- Sun Yixian (Yat-sen), revolutionary who overthrew
Qing Dynasty in early 1900s and created the
Republic of China - Sun predicts there will be challenges ahead for
the new Chinese Republic - Foreign Imperialism
- Internal struggles for control
- In the 1920s Sun allies China and his National
Party of China (aka Kuomintang) with communist
USSR. - 1925 Sun Yixian dies, Jiang Jieshi (aka Chiang
Kai-Shek) takes over Nationalists abandons
communism and USSR and wants pure Asian system - ?orders murder of Chinese communists leaders
(Ellis and Esler, 752)
6Jiang Jieshi (Chiang Kai-shek)
Sun Yixian (Yat-sen)
Founder of National Party of China
Kuomintang (communist)
Takes control of Kuomintang in 1925 (Anti-Communis
7Rise of Mao Zedong (Tse-tung) The Long March
- He is a peasant communist who survives Jiangs
purges while thousands of others killed - The Long March
- Mao 100,000 remaining communists flee to
western China along the way 80,000 killed by
Nationalist Army - Mao leads the 6,000 mile march to Western China,
while he commands guerilla forces to attack the
Nationalists as the communist try to escape
strengthens military skills and leadership - China in WW II
- 1937 Japan invades Manchuria, which forces
Nationalists and Communists to declare cease-fire
in order to fight the foreign invaders - For 8 years Japan ravishes China and the
Nationalists, while the communist gain strength
and the nationalist suffer the worst attacks of
the Japanese army. - WW II lasts until 1945 when civil war resumes.
(Ellis and Esler, 754)
8Mao Tse-tung A.K.A The Chairman Mao The Great
9The Long March
- Minus the 80,000 dead communists
10The Long March
The Map
The tattoo!
11Communists Triumph
- Civil War restarts at end of WW II, but
Communists have won the support of the people - Nationalist China suffered greatly in war with
Japan - Much Nationalist corruption revealed
- Results
- Mao and Communists win and set up Peoples
Republic of China in 1949 - Jiang and Nationalist forced to flee to island of
(Ellis, 880)
12Communist China and Nationalist Taiwan
13Communist Victory!
14Benchmark WHII. 34
- Identify the political and economic upheavals in
China after the Chinese Revolution - Communist Party attempts to eliminate internal
opposition - The Great Leap Forward and its consequences
- The Cultural Revolution and its consequences
- The 1989 Tiananmen Square demonstrations
- China's economic modernization and growing
involvement in world trade
15Eliminating the Opposition
- To protect communist control of China Mao
- Nationalized businesses (no private ownership)
- Encouraged peasants to kill land owners
redistribute the land - Created a one-party state (no political
opposition) - Outlawed traditional religious practices
- Built schools for everyone emphasized political
education and praise for Mao Tse-tung - Created a limited health care system
- Gave women equality under the law
(Ellis and Esler, 882)
16The Great Leap Forward
- In 1958, a Mao plan was implemented to increase
farm and industrial output - It created communes a community in which
property (houses, food, supplies) is held in
common distributed in exchange for work - The goal was to make China more efficient by
creating production quotas (steel and other
industrial materials) for communes - People set up backyard industries (simple and
basic factories) but produced low quality and
often useless goods. - FAILURE Not enough people were producing food,
combine with bad weather harvests failed ?
Massive famine where 30 Million peasants died in
2 years
(Ellis and Esler, 882)
18Famine n. 1. A drastic, wide-reaching food
shortage. 2. A drastic shortage a dearth. 3.
Severe hunger starvation.
30 million dead from hunger!
19The Cultural Revolution
- After the disaster of Great Leap Forward Mao
feared a loss of loyalty in the government - He created Great Proletarian Cultural
Revolution designed to purge China of
Bourgeois (upper class) tendencies - The Little Red Book in order to spread ideas
Mao wrote his thoughts on communism and life, he
forces every person in China to carry one at all
times - Red Guards Chinese teenagers who were
encouraged to create gangs and attack the
counterrevolutionaries authority figures
party leaders, teachers, writers artists
(Ellis and Esler, 883)
20The Cultural Revolution Cont
- RESULTS Schools and Universities closed,
millions lost their jobs, the economy slowed,
civil unrest was high and the government
struggled to keep control - REACTION The Red Guards caused too much turmoil,
Mao was forced to use the army to arrest them and
send them to work on rural communes (large farms) - ? Maos program is a failure, but he protects his
image by ending the Cultural Revolution with his
own forces He remains wildly popular until his
death in 1976 despite his domestic troubles
(Ellis and Esler, 884)
Burning the relics of upper class.
22?? ?? zài jiàn doshi
- Translation
- Goodbye Comrade
23I hope they have Joy Divisions where he is
24Do Now True or False
- Sun Yixian overthrew the Qing Dynasty and founded
a communist republic in China. - Jiang Jieshi helped expand communism when Sun
died. - Mao Zedong made his name by hunting down and
killing communists on the Long March. - WW II helps the communist gain popularity because
the Nationalists are so badly beaten by the
Japanese. - The Great Leap Forward was a huge success and
helped produce massive amounts of food for the
Chinese population. - The Cultural Revolution helped Mao spread his
communist ideas and destroy the status of middle
and upper class in China.
25Changing Times in China
- After the death of Mao and under new leadership
Chinese people began to seek greater political
freedoms (more democracy) - Centered in the capital Beijing, a movement of
students workers began to support reform after
watching the beginnings of democracy in E. Europe
and USSR in the 1980s - Chinas leaders were only willing to allow
economic reforms ? refusing political reform - RESULTS A growing economy with an unsatisfied
(Ellis and Esler, 884)
26Tiananmen Square Demonstration
- May 1989 a massive student protest calling for
more political freedom began and occupied
Tiananmen Sq. in Beijing - Protestors built a massive statue called The
Goddess of Democracy and made posters
proclaiming Give us liberty or give us death!
? an extravagant and dedicated protest - After a week the government led by Deng Xiaoping
sent the army in to remove the protestors with
deadly force tanks and soldiers attack - many
were shot or beaten ? 1,000s killed wounded in
full view of public - RESULTS
- It proved Chinas leaders were determined to
maintain control the preservation of social
order became more important than political
freedom or human rights - It showed the international community that
despite some reforms communist China was still
intolerant of democracy and could not be
completely trusted
27Deng Xiaoping
Chinese Premier Responsible for the events at
Tiananmen Square
28June 4, 1989 Tiananmen Square Beijing, China
29Modern China Its Trade
- In the last 10 years China has began a major
economic revolution ? China is ranked 3rd in
World Trade (stat.wto.org) - It began with investing in infrastructure (roads
R.R.) and continued with construction of
textile factories and oil wells. - China began to utilize natural resources (water,
fossil fuels, and people/20 of worlds
population) for industrial output - Chinese secured trade agreements for food and oil
and began investing in foreign markets ( Africa,
Middle East, Australia) - RESULTS ? An industrial Revolution??? Yeah!
Heavily regulated by Government but with all the
same problems. - PROBLEMS creates inflation, large lower working
class, negative environmental impacts
30(No Transcript)
31Welcome to Modern China.
32Chinese people. Billions of them.
33Lots and lots of cars.
34Is all this what communism looks like????
35Summarizer Quiz
- Tiananmen Square
- Mao Tse-tung
- Sun Yat-sen
- Cultural Revolution
- The Long March
- Jiang Jeishi
- Taiwan
- Peoples Republic of China
- Founded in 1949
- Created the Kuomintang
- Major Battle in the Chinese Civil War
- Author of the Little Red Book
- Anti-Communist leader
- Nationalist China
- Designed to remove the upper class
- A protest for a more democratic China
37Works Cited
- China. 1 Jan. 2008. World Trade Organization. 22
May 2008 ltstat.wto.org/countryprofiles/CN_e.htmgt. - Elliot , Michael. "China Takes on the World."
Time 11 Jan. 2007 10. - Ellis, Elisabeth G., and Anthony Esler. World
History Connections to Today. Upper Saddle
River, NJ Prentice Hall, 1999. - "Burning Buddha." Photo. www.4dham.com.21 May
2008 lthttp//www.4dham.com/go2/People's_Republic_o
pggt. - "Chinese Food." Photo. blog.lib.umn.edu.21 May
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