Title: Pearl Harbor
1-Pearl Harbor-
2 ----About Pearl Harbor---- Pearl Harbor was made
a Naval Base in 1899. It is located In Hawaii,
USA, near Ford Island today. This is a picture
of Pearl Harbor, minutes before it was attacked.
3Sequence of Events DECEMBER 6, 1941-
Roosevelt makes a final appeal to the Emperor of
Japan for peace, but there is no reply. Later
that same day, US code-breaking service begins
intercepting a 14-part Japanese message and
deciphers the first 13 parts, passing them on to
the President and Secretary of State. The
Americans believe a Japanese attack is imminent ,
most likely somewhere in Southeast
4 P
resident Roosevelt makes a final appeal to the
Emperor of Japan for peace, but there is no
reply. Later that same day, US code-breaking
service begins intercepting a 14-part Japanese
message and deciphers the first 13 parts, passing
them on to the President and Secretary of State.
The Americans believe a Japanese attack is
imminent , most likely somewhere in Southeast
December 7, 1941- The last part of the Japanese
message, stating that diplomatic relations with
the U.S. are to be broken off, reaches Washington
in the morning and is decoded at about 9 a.m.
Almost an hour later, another Japanese message is
intercepted. It instructs the Japanese embassy to
deliver the main message to the Americans at 1
p.m. The Americans realize this time corresponds
with early morning time in Pearl Harbor, which is
several hours behind. The U.S. War Department
then sends out an alert but uses a commercial
telegraph because radio contact with Hawaii is
temporarily broken. Delays prevent the alert from
arriving at headquarters in Oahu until noontime
(Hawaii time) four hours after the attack has
already begun.
5 Attack At Pearl Harbor The attack on Pearl
Harbor was a preventive attack on the United
Sates Pacific Fleet Base at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii,
by the Empire of Japans Imperial Japanese Navy,
on the early morning of Sunday, December 7, 1941,
resulting in the United States becoming involved
in World War II. Two aerial attack waves,
totaling 361 aircraft, were launched from six
Japanese aircraft carriers, with the intention of
reducing or eliminating the United States
military power in the Pacific. The attack wrecked
two US Navy Battleships, one minelayer, and two
destroyers beyond repair, and destroyed 188
aircraft personnel losses were 2,388 killed and
1,178 wounded. Damaged warships included three
cruisers, a destroyer, and six battleships (one
deliberately grounded, later refloated and
repaired two sunk at their berths, later raised,
repaired, and eventually restored to Fleet
service). Fuel storage, shipyard, maintenance,
and headquarters facilities were not hit.
Japanese losses were minimal, at 29 aircraft and
five midget submarines, with 65 servicemen killed
or wounded.
6One of the Fatal Arial Attacks, which dropped up
to ten bombs, caused this ship, the USS Arizona,
to sink. It was one of many to go down in flames
on December 7, 1941.
7December 8, 1941- The United States and Britain
declare war on Japan.
- President Franklin D. Roosevelt commented that
December 7, 1941, would live on as a Day of
9The United States Reacts This is an actual
newspaper clipping from 1941, taken from the
Providence Sunday Journal . It says Japanese
Bombing Honolulu- 350 Dead, U.S Warship Afire
10Pearl Harbor Today This is the USS Arizona
Memorial in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. The memorial
rests over the sunken ship, which
had 1,117 crew members on board when it sunk.
11More about the Memorial
This is a shot of the Memorial from inside it.
12 Tribute in the Memorial This is another view of
the inside of the USS Arizona Memorial. In this
room, the names of all of the deceased sailors
are listed on the wall.
13America May Prosper and Live On, But we will
never forget the lives taken on the fateful day
of December 7, 1941.
14Special Thanks
- Id like to thank Mrs. Ward, the best music and
computer teacher ever, for teaching me how to use
Powerpoint and for listening to my opinions. - Id also like to thank my Dad for telling me
firsthand about the USS Arizona Memorial (he was
Thanks, guys!
15Credits Sources
- www.pearlharborsurvivorsonline.org
- www.google.com
- www.wickipedia.com
- www.historyplace.com
- http//aswiftkick.mu.nu
- www.pearl-harbor.com
- www.travel-tidbits.com
- www.rivervet.com
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