Title: Diapositiva 1
1Lets talk about Art
Lets talk about art by Paul García López, 4 C
21look at these two people.
32Where are they?
They are at home
43What are they doing?
They are kissing
54What has the woman got in her hands?
The woman has got flowers
65Do you think it is a present?
Yes I do
76What are they wearing?
The man a green t-shirt, black trousers and
black shoes. The woman a black and white dress
and black shoes.
87What can you see through the window?
98What can we see on the table?
We can see a glass, a plate, a cake, a knife and
a wallet
109How do they feel?
They feel very happy
1110What's your opinion about the painting? Do
you like it?
Yes, It is beautiful
1211Where is Russia?
Russia is in the East of Europe
1312Can you draw and paint something similar?
No, I cant. I dont like drawing and painting
This is my slideshow about ART.
To the Museum of Modern Art of New York