Title: Volunteer Centres How they can help your clubs
1Volunteer CentresHow they can help your clubs
- John Woodroffe
- Sports Leadership Volunteering
- Development Officer
- Rob Cook
- Mole Valley District Council
- Volunteer Centres an introduction
- Volunteer Centres in Surrey
- Locations
- Activity
- ASSP work
- Guidance and support
- Future work
- Potential SDO involvement an example
- Mole Valley
3Volunteer CentresAn introduction
- Volunteer Centres (VCs) are the local agencies
that - Assist in the placing of volunteers in
opportunities (brokerage) - Market volunteering
- Promote good practice
- Volunteer Centres are housed in Councils for
Voluntary Service (CVSs) which may provide - Access to facilities (meeting rooms,
photocopiers, IT) - Services such as HR and financial advice
- Clubs and organisations needing volunteers
contact Volunteer Centres - To advertise opportunities via the Volunteer
Centre - To advertise opportunities via www.do-it.org.uk
- Individuals wishing to volunteer either
- Contact their local Volunteer Centre(s)
- or
- Find out about volunteering opportunities via
5Volunteer Centres in Surrey
- There are 15 Volunteer Centres in Surrey
- Caterham 01883 344444Â caterhamvc_at_owen29.wan
adoo.co.uk - Dorking 01306 640369 cscvs_at_btconnect.com
- Elmbridge (Esher) 01372 463587
contact_at_vae.org.uk - Epsom 01372 740394Â cscvs_at_btconnect.com
- Farnham 01252 725961 cvs_at_fvscfarnham.freeserve.c
o.uk - Guildford 01483 565456 vcg_at_gavs.org.uk
- Haslemere 01428 661166 volunteer_at_haslemere.com
- Leatherhead 01372 383456 cscvs_at_btconnect.com
- Lingfield 01342 836774 lingfieldvc_at_btinternet.co
m - Oxted 01883 715785 oxtedvc_at_btconnect.com
- R B (Redhill) 01737 763156 janetr.rrvb_at_virgin.
net - Runnymede (Chertsey) 01932 571122 ravs_at_ravs.info
- Spelthorne (Staines) 01784 444201 e.moore.vais_at_s
pelthorne.gov.uk - Surrey Heath (Camberley) 01276
707565 enquiries_at_vssh.org.uk - Woking 01483 751456 info_at_wavs.org.uk
6Volunteer Centres in Surrey (2)
- Volunteer Centres in Surrey vary widely in
their - Staffing levels
- Range of potential services available to
clubs/organisations - However, ALL offer the volunteer brokerage
7ASSP work guidance and support
- Contact via
- Direct visits
- Meetings of the CVS Network
- Information sent out
- SportNav Volunteering in Sport (Sport England)
- Details of Clubmark
- Details of Active Surrey Club Accreditation
(ASCA) - Details of the FA Charter Standard accreditations
- Information on how to get details of all Surrey
sports clubs from ASSP website
8ASSP work future work
- Top-down approach Volunteer Centres to
contact clubs! - Guidance pack to be sent out to Volunteer Centres
via CD (November) - Details of Clubmark
- Details of Active Surrey Club Accreditation
(ASCA) - Details of the FA Charter Standard accreditations
- Information on how to get details of all Surrey
sports clubs from the - ASSP website
- Pro forma introductory letter to send to local
sports clubs - Adapted Volunteer Opportunity forms to reflect
common roles in sports clubs (Secretary,
Treasurer, Chairman, Volunteer Coordinator etc) ?
reduced red tape!
9Potential SDO involvement an example
- Identify target clubs
- Clubmark and FA Charter Standard accredited clubs
- ASCA Silver and above clubs
- Contact local Volunteer Centre request
Volunteer Opportunity other forms ? organise a
volunteer management training session - Discuss volunteer needs with clubs
- Send Volunteer Opportunity Forms etc to clubs for
completion - Run volunteer management training session
- Volunteer Opportunity Forms etc to be returned at
end of session
10Potential SDO involvement an example Diagram
Standard ASCA Silver
Local Volunteer Centre
Request all relevant Volunteering Forms
Discuss volunteering needs and send Volunteering
Volunteer Management Session
- Attend and complete Volunteering Forms
Ongoing contact with Volunteer Centre to support
club volunteering
Promote volunteering opportunities (with SDO
11For further information
- www.activesurrey.com
- Further details of Volunteer Centres and other
support organisations - Guidance and advice for sports clubs/organisations
potential sports volunteers - www.do-it.org.uk
- National online database for volunteering
opportunities - www.navca.org.uk
- National Association for Voluntary and Community
Action - www.volunteeringengland.org.uk
- Englands volunteer development agency
- Extensive resources to support volunteering
answer queries - www.runningsports.org
- Sport Englands website to assist clubs in the
management of sports volunteers - Online resources
- Details of sports management workshops
12Any questions?