Title: Slides 2 9 : What is CERN
- Slides 2 9 What is CERN?
- general overview of CERN
- Slides 10 19 What is LHC?
- LHC and LHC challenges in terms of data and CPU
- Slides 20 36 The Grid
- the GRID in general
- Slides 37 50 The Grid _at_ CERN
- grid projects at CERN (EDG, DataTAG, LCG, Grace,
Mammogrid, Openlab) - Short video clips
- CERN in 2 minutes
- Simulation of LHC collider
- The Grid
2What is CERN?
- CERN is
- 2500 staff scientists (physicists, engineers,
) - Some 6500 visiting scientists (half of the
world's particle physicists) - They come from
- 500 universities
- representing
- 80 nationalities.
- CERN is the world's largest particle physics
centre - Particle physics is about
- - elementary particles which all matter in the
- Universe is made of
- - fundamental forces which hold matter together
- Particles physics requires
- - special tools to create and study new
3CERN Site
Mont Blanc, 4810 m
Downtown Geneva
4What is CERN?
- The special tools for particle physics are
- ACCELERATORS, huge machines able to speed up
particles to very high energies before colliding
them into other particles - DETECTORS, massive instruments which register
the particles produced when the accelerated
particles collide
5What is CERN?
- Physicists smash particles into each other to
- - identify their components
- - create new particles
- - reveal the nature of the interactions between
them - create an environment similar to the one
present at - the origin of our Universe
- What for? To answer fundamental questions like
- how did the Universe begin? What is the origin
of mass? - What is the nature of antimatter?
6What is CERN?
CERN in 2 minutes Movie
7What is CERN?
The World Wide Web was invented here, to
improve and speed-up the information sharing
between physicists working all over the world!
8What is CERN?
- CERN has made many important discoveries, but
our current understanding of the Universe is
still incomplete! - Higher energy collisions are the key to further
discoveries of more massive particles (Emc2) - One particle predicted by theorists remains
elusive the Higgs boson
9What is CERN?
- To answer questions still open, CERN is
building the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) - The LHC will be the most powerful instrument
ever built to investigate elementary particles - If the Higgs boson exists, the LHC will almost
certainly find it
10What is LHC?
LHC is due to switch on in 2007 Four
experiments, with detectors as big as
- LHC will collide beams of protons at an energy
of 14 TeV - Using the latest super-conducting technologies,
it will operate at about 3000C, just above
absolute zero of temperature. - With its 27 km circumference, the accelerator
will be the largest superconducting installation
in the world.
11accelerators, detectors, LHC?
12The LHC Data Challenge
- A particle collision an event
- Physicist's goal is to count, trace and
characterize all the particles produced and fully
reconstruct the process. - Among all tracks, the presence of special
shapes is the sign for the occurrence of
interesting interactions. - One way to find the Higgs boson
- look for characteristic decay pattern producing
4 muons
13The LHC Data Challenge
Starting from this event
Selectivity 1 in 1013 Like looking for 1
person in a thousand world populations! Or for a
needle in 20 million haystacks!
You are looking for this signature
141 Megabyte (1MB) A digital photo 1 Gigabyte
(1GB) 1000MB A DVD movie 1 Terabyte (1TB)
1000GB World annual book production 1 Petabyte
(1PB) 1000TB Annual production of one LHC
experiment 1 Exabyte (1EB) 1000 PB World
annual information production
LHC data
- 40 million collisions per second
- After filtering, 100 collisions of interest per
second - A Megabyte of data digitised for each collision
recording rate of 0.1 Gigabytes/sec - 1010 collisions recorded each year
- 10 Petabytes/year of data
15Balloon (30 Km)
LHC data
CD stack with 1 year LHC data! ( 20 Km)
LHC data correspond to about 20 million CDs each
Concorde (15 Km)
Where will the experiments store all of these
Mt. Blanc (4.8 Km)
16LHC processing
- Simulation start from theory and detector
characteristics and compute what detector should
have seen - Reconstruction transform signals from the
detector to physical properties (energies, charge
of particles, ..) - Analysis Find collisions with similar features,
use of complex algorithms to extract physics
17LHC processing
LHC data analysis requires a computing power
equivalent to 100,000 of today's fastest PC
Where will the experiments find such a computing
18Computing at CERN
- High-throughput computing based on reliable
commodity technology - More than 1000 dual processor PCs
- More than 1 Petabyte of data on disk and tapes
Nowhere near enough!
19Computing for LHC
Europe 267 institutes 4603 users Elsewhere
208 institutes 1632 users
- Problem CERN alone can provide only a fraction
of the necessary resources - Solution Computing centers, which were isolated
in the past, should now be connected, uniting the
computing resources of particle physicists in the
20Computing for LHC a problem?
The Grid a possible solution!
21What is the Grid?
- The World Wide Web provides seamless access to
information that is stored in many millions of
different geographical locations - In contrast, the Grid is an emerging
infrastructure that provides seamless access to
computing power and data storage capacity
distributed over the globe.
22What is the Grid?
- The term Grid was coined by Ian Foster and Carl
Kesselman (Grid bible The Grid blueprint for a
new computing infrastructure). - The name Grid is chosen by analogy with the
electric power grid plug-in to computing power
without worrying where it comes from, like a
toaster. - The idea has been around under other names for a
while (distributed computing, metacomputing, ). - This time, technology is in place to realise the
dream on a global scale.
23How will it work?
- The Grid relies on advanced software, called
middleware, which ensures seamless communication
between different computers and different parts
of the world
- The Grid search engine will not only find the
data the scientist needs, but also the data
processing techniques and the computing power to
carry them out
- It will distribute the computing task to
wherever in the world there is spare capacity,
and send the result to the scientist
24How will it work?
- The GRID middleware
- Finds convenient places for the scientists job
(computing task) to be run - Optimises use of the widely dispersed resources
- Organises efficient access to scientific data
- Deals with authentication to the different sites
that the scientists will be using - Interfaces to local site authorisation
- and resource allocation policies
- Runs the jobs
- Monitors progress
- Recovers from problems
- and .
- Tells you when the work is complete and transfers
the result back!
25What are the challenges?
Must share data between thousands of scientists
with multiple interests Must link major computer
centres, not just PCs Must ensure all data
accessible anywhere, anytime Must grow rapidly,
yet remain reliable for more than a decade Must
cope with different management policies of
different centres Must ensure data security
more is at stake than just money! Must be up and
running by 2007
26Benefits for Science
- More effective and seamless collaboration of
dispersed communities, both scientific and
commercial - Ability to run large-scale applications
comprising thousands of computers, for wide range
of applications - Transparent access to distributed resources from
your desktop, or even your mobile phone - The term e-Science has been coined to express
these benefits
27Grid projects in the world
- UK e-Science Grid
- Netherlands VLAM, PolderGrid
- Germany UNICORE, Grid proposal
- France Grid funding approved
- Italy INFN Grid
- Eire Grid proposals
- Switzerland - Network/Grid proposal
- Hungary DemoGrid, Grid proposal
- Norway, Sweden - NorduGrid
- NASA Information Power Grid
- DOE Science Grid
- NSF National Virtual Observatory
- NSF GriPhyN
- DOE Particle Physics Data Grid
- NSF TeraGrid
- DOE Earth Systems Grid
- NEESGrid
- DataGrid (CERN, ...)
- EuroGrid (Unicore)
- DataTag (CERN,)
- Astrophysical Virtual Observatory
- GRIP (Globus/Unicore)
- GRIA (Industrial applications)
- GridLab (Cactus Toolkit)
- CrossGrid (Infrastructure Components)
- EGSO (Solar Physics)
28Grid Applications for Science
- Medical/Healthcare (imaging, diagnosis and
treatment ) - Bioinformatics (study of the human genome and
proteome to understand genetic diseases) - Nanotechnology (design of new materials from the
molecular scale) - Engineering (design optimization, simulation,
failure analysis and remote Instrument access and
- control)
- Natural Resources and the Environment
- (weather forecasting, earth observation, modeling
- and prediction of complex systems)
29Medical/Healthcare Applications
The Grid will enable a standardized, distributed
digital mammography resource for improving
diagnostic confidence"
- Digital image archives
- Collaborative virtual environments
- On-line clinical conferences
The Grid makes it possible to use large
collections of images in new, dynamic ways,
including medical diagnosis.
The ability to visualise 3D medical images is
key to the diagnosis of pathologies and
pre-surgical planning
Quotes from http//gridoutreach.org.uk
- Capturing the complex and evolving patterns of
genetic information, determining the development
of an embryo - Understanding the genetic interactions that
underlie the processes of life-form development,
disease and evolution.
Every time a new genome is sequenced the result
is compared in a variety of ways with other
genomes. Each code is made of 3.5 billion pairs
of chemicals
- New and 'better' materials
- Benefits in pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, food
production, - electronics manufacture from the faster,
cheaper discovery of new - catalysts, metals, polymers, organic and
inorganic materials
The Grid has the potential to store and analyze
data on a scale that will support faster, cheaper
synthesis of a whole range of new materials.
Quotes from http//gridoutreach.org.uk
32 Natural Resources/Environment
- Modeling and prediction of earthquakes
- Climate change studies and weather forecast
- Pollution control
- Socio-economic growth planning, financial
modeling and - performance optimization
Federations of heterogeneous databases can be
exploited through the Grid to solve complex
questions about global issues such as
Quotes from http//gridoutreach.org.uk
33Precursors of the Grid
- SETI_at_home sharing of spare PC processing power
to analyze radio signals - Napster sharing of data (music) between
computers - Entropia DCGrid commercial solution for sharing
workstations within a company
The difference The Grid CERN is developing will
combine resources at major computer centers, and
require dedicated equipment and sophisticated
middleware to monitor and allocate resources
34SETI_at_home a grassroots Grid
gt1 million years of computer processing
time gt3.5 million have downloaded the
screensaver gt30 Teraflops rating (ASCI White
12 Teraflops)
35Spinoff from SETI_at_home
Spawned a cottage industry Xpulsar_at_home,
Genome_at_home, Folding_at_home, evolutionary_at_home,
FightAIDS_at_home, SARS_at_home... Spawned a real
industry Entropia, United Devices, Popular
Major limitations Only suitable for
embarrasingly parallel problems Cycle
scavenging relies on goodwill
36Who will use Grids?
- Computational scientists engineers large
scale modeling of complex structures - Experimental scientists storing and analyzing
large data sets - Collaborations large scale multi-institutional
projects - Corporations global enterprises and industrial
partnership - Environmentalists climate monitoring and
modeling - Training education virtual learning rooms and
37Grid at CERN
Grid is a solution for LHC computing
requirements ? CERN involved in many Grid
development efforts worldwide
38Grid _at_ CERN
- CERN projects
- LHC Computing Grid (LCG)
- EC funded projects led by CERN
- European DataGrid (EDG)
- others
- Industry funded projects
- CERN openlab for DataGrid applications
39LHC Computing Grid (LCG)
- Mission
- Grid deployment project aimed at installing a
functioning Grid to help the LHC experiments
collect and analyse the data coming from the
detectors - Strategy
- Integrate thousands of computers at dozens of
participating institutes worldwide into a global
computing resource - Rely on software being developed in advanced
grid technology projects, both in Europe and in
the USA
40LHC Computing Grid (LCG)
- People
- Over 150 physicists, computer scientists and
engineers from partner research centres around
the world - Timeline
- 2002 start project
- 2003 service opened (Sept)
- 2002 - 2005 prepare and deploy the environment
for LHC computing - 2006 2008 acquire, build and operate the LHC
computing service
41European DataGrid (EDG)
- Mission
- Develop the necessary middleware to run a Grid
on a testbed involving computer centers in
Europe - Key features
- Largest software development project ever funded
by the EU (9.8 million euros) - Three year phased developments demos
(2001-2003) - Three application fields High Energy Physics,
Earth - Observation and Genomic Exploration
42European DataGrid (EDG)
- People
- Total of 21 partners, over 150 programmers from
research and academic institutes as well as
industrial companies - Status
- Testbed including approximately 1000 CPUs at 15
sites - Several improved versions of middleware software
(final release end 2003) - Several components of software integrated in LCG
- Software used by partner projects DataTAG,
43EGEE Enabling Grids for e-Science in Europe
- Mission
- Deliver 24/7 Grid service to European science
re-engineer and harden Grid middleware for
production market Grid solutions to different
scientific communities - Be the first international multiscience
production Grid facility - Key features
- 100 million euros/4years
- gt400 software engineers service support
- 70 European partners
44The EGEE Vision
Access to a production quality GRID will change
the way science and much else is done in Europe
An international network of scientists will be
able to model a new flood of the Danube in real
time, using meteorological and geological data
from several centers across Europe.
A team of engineering students will be able to
run the latest 3D rendering programs from their
laptops using the Grid.
A geneticist at a conference, inspired by a talk
she hears, will be able to launch a complex
biomolecular simulation from her mobile phone.
- Mission
- Develop advanced networking solutions for
transatlantic Grid communications. - Status
- Recent land speed data transfer record 1
TeraByte of data transferred in 1hr between SLAC
and CERN (equivalent to 200 DVD movies or one CD
every 2.3s). -
- Background
- Today search engines are extremely centralized.
In order to index a document they must download
it, process it and store its index - all in one
central location. - Mission
- develop a decentralized search engine providing
dynamical categorisation of information. Uses
Grid technology and semantic tools.
- Background
- Early diagnosis through mammography screening
improves prognosis BUT quality control in
acquisition, diagnosis and efficient data
management is vital. - Mission
- To provide a demonstrator for use in
epidemiological studies, quality control and
validation of computer aided detection algorithms.
- Status
- Building Grid-enabled repository of mammography
data for research and training that contain
sufficiently large statistical samples.
48CERN openlab for DataGrid applications
- Mission
- Testbed for cutting edge Grid software and
hardware - Industry consortium for Grid-related
technologies of common interest - Training ground for a new generation of
engineers to learn about Grid - Partners
- HP
49CERN openlab for DataGrid applications
- CERN opencluster
- Build an ultrahigh performance computer cluster
- Link it to the DataGrid and test its performance
- Evaluate potential of future commodity
technology for LHC - Student Program
- student teams get hands-on experience with some
of the - latest hardware and software technologies for
the Grid - learn about how CERN and its partners are
developing - Grid technology for scientific and industrial
purposes - external lab visits and special invited talks
50Grid _at_ CERN
The Grid Movie