Title: CFCA
1Fire Service EMS System Responsibilities Presente
d by Division Chief Bob OBrien Battalion Chief
Ron Mayfield
2Behavioral Objectives
- The participant shall be able to describe the
components of a Fire Department EMS management
system - EMS Oversight
- Medical Direction
- Education
- Quality Improvement (QI)
- The target audience for this session
- EMS Managers, EMS Administrators, EMS
Coordinators, Nurses, Educators and Medical
Directors - What this program is designed to
- Provide an overview of Fire-Based EMS management
- Identify things you wish you would have known
when you took on your role in EMS oversight
4Im NewWhere Do I Start?
Your Not Alone!
5Im NewWhere Do I Start?
County EMS Officers Cal Chiefs EMS
Officers Networking Fire Departments Ambulance
Providers Receiving Hospitals Base Hospitals
6Time Management
- Use Technology!
- E-mail
- Internet
- Paperless Office
- In-Basket Priorities
- Consider Your Credibility
7Time Management
- In-BasketLots To Get Done!
- Reports
- Patient Care
- Daily
- Monthly
- Supply Orders
- Complaints
- Obligations
- Meetings
- Training
8Time Management
- Review
- Statute
- Regulations
- Local State Protocols
- Internal/External Contracts
- Know
- When Where You Need To Be
9Time Management
- (when if you can)
10Job Description
- EMS Manager
- Medical Director
- EMS Coordinator
- Clinical Nurse/Educator
- QI Coordinator
- Liaison
11Job Description
- Legal Review
- Counselor
- Planner
- Director
12Job Description
- Depending on the size of your organization, you
may be filling one or more of these functions.
Does your boss realize the scope of your
responsibilities? -
- How many hats can you wear?
13Things To Do
- Tasks
- Controlled Substances Monitoring
- Supplies/Equipment
- Regulations, Statutes, Policies, SOPs
Performance Standards - Field Responses Observation
- Field Care Audits
- Data Analysis
- Networking
- Liaison
- Meetings Internal/External
14Things To Do
- Processes
- PCR Compliance Reports
- Data Systems Management
- Subpoenas
- HIPPA Compliance
- Billing Compliance Program For CMS
- Infection Control Plan
- QI Plan Feedback Loops
- Certification/License Tracking
- Training Records
- Budget
15Reference Materials
- Journals
- Web Sites
- Newsletters
- List Servers
- Text Books
- National Fire Academy
- Hospital Library
16Medical Direction
- EMS Agency Medical Director
- Base Station Medical Director
- Fire Department Medical Director
- Full Time vs. Contract
- Dispatch Center
On The Job Training New Employee
Training Continuing Education (CE) Certifications
18EMS Programs
- Public Access Defibrillation
- Citizen CPR
- 12 Lead
- Grief Support
- Special Event Details
- Bike Medics
- Snow Mobile Medics
- Sporting Events
- EMT Program Manager
- ALS/BLS Engines, Trucks Squads
- Technical Rescue
- Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS)
- Urban Search Rescue
- Immunizations
- Public-Private Partnerships
19Things That Can Get You Your Fire Department In
Hot Water
- Breach of Patient Confidentiality
- HIPPA Violations
- Federal Anti-Kick Back Violations
- Freebees
- Medicare Fraud
- Lack of a Compliance Program
20Things That Can Get You Your Fire Department In
Hot Water
- No Medical Oversight or Quality Assurance
- Poor Patient Care
- Lack of Following Protocols
- Licensure Issues
- Accreditation Issues
- OSHA Violations
- Infection Control Program
- Controlled Substances
21Quality Improvement
- Formerly known as Quality Assurance
- Measuring
- Trending
- Data Driven
- Remedial Training
- Time Labor Intensive
22Data Analysis
23Data Analysis
24Data Analysis
25He/She Who Has Data Wins!
- Learn from the Cops
- EMS stats sell programs
- Provide a funding mechanism
- Its part of QI
- Youll probably be measuring your delivery system
better than your counterparts in OPS!
26Cutting Red Tape
- Data Reports
- Response Times
- Analyze Information
- Provide Timely Feedback
Would you use your own service? Do you think
youd be surprised? How are your EMS
professionals viewed by the community? Are there
turf wars with transport personnel?
Build relationships with other EMS disciplines,
agencies, and departments.
29Lack of Oversight
- Compromised patient care
- Time consuming investigations
- Personnel actions
- Credibility
- Turf wars
- Litigation
- Trust issues
- Community Confidence
Does your fire apparatus market your service?
Professional lettering Adds pizzazz and clearly
identifies the level of service your providing.
Have you ever had someone sayHey, I just wanted
the paramedics not the Fire Department!
31Using Appropriate Levels of Transport
QI activities should include ride-alongs and
field observations. Frequent PCR audits will
catch whether or not your personnel are using the
right transport resource. Assure proper
field protocols are used for complex scenes. Do
transport medics understand ICS?
32Scene Safety and Patient Care
PCR audits will not always identify if EMS
personnel are providing appropriate care during
extrication activities. CE classes focusing on
these incidents must include patient care and
rescuer safety.
Do your personnel understand respect in the
workplace and in the public arena?
34Continuing Challenges
3 _at_ 50 We are loosing key members and
experience. Workforce Generation X dot.comers
48/96 Schedule Budgets! Continue to shrink and
change FD priorities. Is EMS a priority in your
35Will Your Actions Pass The Headline Test?
- Is it the right thing for the customer?
- Is it the right thing for our Department?
- Is it legal, ethical, and nice?
- Is it safe?
- Is it on your organizational level?
- Is it something you are willing to be accountable
for? - Is it consistent with our Departments values and
policies? - if the answer is yes to ask if these questions,
dont ask for permissionjust do it!
36Will Your Actions Pass The Headline Test?
Can you stand in front of the City Council, Board
of Directors or Supervisors and defend all of
yours and other personnel actions?
37Terrorism Threats
Changes of mindset Funding opportunities Trainin
g challenges
39Things To Help The Overwhelmed
- Share the workload
- FD staff (or partner FD)
- Optimize technology
- Make friends with the IT Department
- Network!
- CFCA, Fire Departments, Ambulance, Hospital
- History will repeat itself
- Establish Committees
- Quality Action Teams
- Prioritize
- Document what hits the cutting room floor
40Things To Help The Overwhelmed
- When all else fails, delegate or plagiarize
- (with permission of course!)
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- It takes time to learn your responsibilities
- Seek a mentor
- Use your time wisely
- Take advantage of technology
- Build partnerships
- Quality and training go hand-in-hand
43Where to Get More Information
- California Fire Chiefs Association
www.calchiefs.org - EMS Authority
- http//www.emsa.cahwnet.gov
- Page, Wolfberg, Wirth www.pwwemslaw.com
- National Fire Academy www.usfa.fema.gov/dhtml/fir
e-service/nfa.cfm - And theres plenty more on the web!
44Let Us Not Forget Our Roots
The CFCA EMS Management Academy has been
dedicated to Mr. Page. He spent most of his
career preaching the value of high quality
fire-service based EMS. He raised the bar many
years ago. Lets make sure the bar continues to
stay at a very high level.
James O. Page Father of EMS
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