An Auditor - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Auditor


The responsible party (usually management or the board of directors) is one who ... identification the responsible party. Statement - performed in accordance ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An Auditor

An Auditors Services Principles of Auditing An
Introduction to International Standards on
Auditing - Ch 4
  • Rick Stephan Hayes,
  • Roger Dassen, Arnold Schilder,
  • Philip Wallage

IAASBs Engagement Standards
  • Some engagement standards are based on
    International Framework for Assurance
    Engagements (assurance engagements), and others
    result from the Related Services Framework
    (related services engagements).
  • Three sets of standards (ISAs, ISREs and ISAEs)
    share the assurance engagement framework and one
    standard set (ISRS) is based on the related
    services framework.
  • ISAs, ISREs, ISAEs and ISRSs are collectively
    referred to as the IAASBs Engagement Standards.

Illustration 4.1
Reasonable and Limited Assurance Engagements (not
in text)
  • Reasonable assurance engagement and limited
    assurance engagement distinguish between the two
    types of assurance engagement
  • The objective of a reasonable assurance
    engagement is a reduction in assurance engagement
    risk to an acceptably low level as the basis for
    a positive form of expression of the
    practitioners conclusion. E.g, presents fairly
    in all material respects
  • The objective of a limited assurance engagement
    is a reduction in assurance engagement risk to a
    level that is acceptable in the circumstances, as
    the basis for a negative form of expression of
    the practitioners conclusion. E.g., nothing has
    come to our attention that causes us to believe
    that financial statements do not conform, in all
    material respects, with IFRS.

Besides the International Framework for Assurance
Engagements, ISAs, ISREs and ISAEs,
practitioners who perform assurance engagements
are governed by (not in text)
  • The IFAC Code of Ethics for Professional
  • International Standards on Quality Control (ISQCs)

Assurance Engagements for Audits and Reviews for
Historical Financial Information (ISAs / ISREs)
  • Historical Financial Standards are divided into
    those governed by International Standards on
    Auditing (ISAs) and International Standards on
    Review Engagements (ISREs)
  • Audit standards are described in ISA 200-799.
    Special Purpose Engagement and other examinations
    of historical financial information is ISA 800
    899 (except reporting which is ISA 701).
  • Review standards are ISREs 2000 2699

Assurance Engagements on Subject Matters Other
than Historical Financial Information (ISAEs)
  • The ISAE standards are divided into two parts
  • (1) ISAEs 3000 3399 which are topics that
    apply to all assurance engagements
  • (2) ISAEs 3400 3699 which are subject specific
    standards, for example standards relating to
    examination of prospective financial information,

Not all engagements performed by practitioners
are assurance engagements
  • Frequently performed engagements that are not
    covered by the Assurance Framework are
  • Engagements covered by International Standards
    for Related Services (ISRS), such as agreed-upon
    procedures and compilations.
  • The preparation of tax returns where no
    conclusion conveying assurance is expressed.
  • Consulting (or advisory) engagements, such as
    management and tax consulting.

Related Services Framework (ISRSs)
  • Standards under this framework, International
    Standards on Related Services (ISRSs), are
    applied currently to two audit services
  • Agreed-upon procedures (ISRS 4400) Agreed-upon
    procedures are assurance based on audit
    procedures in a very limited agreed upon area
    with a proscribed set of users.
  • Compilations (ISRS 4410 ). Compilations offer no
    assurance whatsoever.

Assurance Engagements Defined
  • Assurance engagement means an engagement in which
    a practitioner (professional accountant or
    auditor), expresses a conclusion (in report form)
    that is designed to enhance the degree of
    confidence users have about the evaluation of a
    subject matter against identified criteria.

five elements that all assurance engagements
  • a three party relationship involving a
    practitioner a responsible party and the
    intended users,
  • a subject matter,
  • suitable criteria,
  • evidence
  • an assurance
  • report.

Illustration 4.2
Three Party Relationship
  • The practitioner (e.g., auditor, accountant,
    expert) gathers evidence to provide a conclusion
    to the intended users about whether a subject
    matter (e.g., financial statements) conforms, in
    all material respects, with identified criteria.
  • The responsible party (usually management or the
    board of directors) is one who is responsible for
    the subject matter and is not the intended user.
  • The intended users are generally the addressee of
    the assurance report.

Illustration 4.3
Subject Matter
  • The assurance engagement evaluates whether the
    subject matter conforms to suitable criteria that
    will meet the needs of an intended user.
  • A subject matter of an assurance is the topic
    about which the assurance is conducted.
  • Subject matter could be information such as
    financial statements, statistical information,
    non-financial performance indicators, capacity of
    a facility, etc.
  • The subject matter could also be systems and
    processes (e.g., internal controls, IT systems)
    or behavior (e.g., corporate governance,
    compliance with regulation, human resource

Suitable Criteria
  • Suitable criteria are the benchmarks (standards,
    objectives or set of rules) used to evaluate
    evidence or measure the subject matter of an
    assurance engagement.
  • International Financial Reporting Standards
  • U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles
  • national standards
  • Global Reporting Initiative
  • PCAOB internal control report criteria
  • Applicable law, regulation or contract
  • An agreed level of performance

Characteristics of Suitable Criteria
  • (a) Relevance
  • (b) Completeness
  • (c) Reliability
  • (d) Neutrality
  • (e) Understandability

Assurance Report
  • The practitioner provides a written report
    containing a conclusion that conveys the
    assurance obtained as to whether the subject
    matter conforms, in all material respects, with
    the identified criteria. For instance, an audit
    of financial statements provides an opinion on
    conformity with IFRS.

Assurance Report Basic Elements
  • A title
  • An addressee
  • A description of the subject matter.
  • A statement restricting the use of the assurance
  • identification the responsible party
  • Statement - performed in accordance with ISAEs.
  • A summary of the work undertaken
  • Identification of the criteria
  • The practitioners conclusion
  • The assurance report date.
  • The name and location of the firm or the

Engagements to Review Financial Statements (ISRE
  • Where reviews of financial statements differ most
    from a financial statement audit is in the
    limited procedures performed (limited in inquiry
    of management and analytical procedures) and the
    review report. Reviews are limited assurance

ISRE 2400 Objective of Review (not in text)
  • The objective of a review of financial statements
    is to enable an auditor to state whether, on the
    basis of procedures which do not provide all the
    evidence that would be required in an audit,
    anything has come to the auditors attention that
    causes the auditor to believe that the financial
    statements are not prepared, in all material
    respects, in accordance with the applicable
    financial reporting framework (negative

Engagements to Review Interim Financial
Statements (ISRE 2410) Not in Text
  • The objective of a review of interim financial
    information differs significantly from that of an
    audit in accordance with ISAs. A review of
    interim financial information does not provide a
    basis for expressing an opinion.
  • A review may bring significant matters affecting
    the interim financial information to the
    auditors attention, but it does not provide all
    of the evidence that would be required in an

Review Limited Audit Procedures
  • Inquiry consists of seeking information of
    knowledgeable persons inside or outside the
  • Analytical procedures consist of the analysis of
    significant ratios and trends including the
    resulting investigation of fluctuations and
    relationships that are inconsistent with other
    relevant information or deviate from predictable
  • Inspection consists of examining records,
    documents, or tangible assets, is carried out on
    a limited basis.

Review Review of Financial Statements Conclusion
  • The review report should contain a clear written
    expression of negative assurance. The auditor
    should assess whether anything has come to the
    auditors attention based on the review that
    causes the auditor to believe the financial
    statements do not give a true and fair view (or
    are not presented fairly, in all material
    respects,) in accordance with the identified
    financial reporting framework.

701 replace the old ISA 800 terms Not in text
  • The auditor refers to ISA 701 when expressing an
    opinion on
  • A complete set of financial statements prepared
    in accordance with a financial reporting
    framework designed for a general purpose, but not
    designed to achieve fair presentation
  • (b) A complete set of financial statements
    prepared in accordance with a financial reporting
    framework designed for a special purpose (1)
    Other comprehensive basis of accounting and (2)
    Reports on compliance with contractual
    agreements such as
  • That used by an entity to prepare its income tax
  • The cash receipts and disbursements basis of
  • The financial reporting provisions of a
    government regulatory agency
  • (c) A single financial statement, or statements,
    that would otherwise be part of a complete set of
    financial statements and
  • (d) One or more specific elements, accounts or
    items of a financial statement component
    financial statements.

A complete set of financial statements prepared
in accordance with a financial reporting
framework designed for a general purpose, but not
designed to achieve fair presentation
  • For example, for a balance sheet prepared to
    establish the value of net assets of an entity at
    the date of its sale, the seller and the
    purchaser may have agreed that estimates of
    allowances for uncollectible accounts receivable
    are to be made. This may result in preparing
    financial information that is not neutral (as
    required in paragraph 36(d) of the ISA 200
    Framework), but it may nevertheless be acceptable
    in the circumstances.

A financial reporting framework designed for a
special purpose Other Comprehensive Basis of
Accounting (OCBA) and Reports on compliance with
contractual agreements
  • That used by an entity to prepare its income tax
  • The cash receipts and disbursements basis of
  • The financial reporting provisions of a
    government regulatory agency.
  • The financial reporting provisions of a contract

? One or more specific elements, accounts or
items of a financial statement Reports on a
Component of Financial Statements ?
  • The auditor may be requested to express an
    opinion on one or more components of financial
    statements, for example, accounts receivable,
    inventory, an employees bonus calculation or a
    provision for income taxes.
  • This type of engagement does not result in a
    report on the financial statements taken as a
    whole and, accordingly, the auditor would express
    an opinion only as to whether that specific
    component audited is prepared in accordance with
    the accounting standards.

Summarized Financial Statements
  • ISA 701 does not discuss reports expressing an
    opinion on summary historical financial
    information which has been derived from
    historical financial information. Standards and
    guidance for auditors reports on summary audited
    financial statements are contained in proposed
    ISA 800, The Independent Auditors Report on
    Summary Audited Financial Statements.

? Reports on Summarized Financial Statements ?
  • Some financial statement users may only be
    interested in the highlights of a companys
    financial position.
  • The auditor expresses an opinion whether the
    summary financial statements are an appropriate
    summary of the financial statements from which
    they have been derived in accordance with the
    applied criteria.
  • The report must caution the reader that
    summarized financial statements should be read in
    conjunction with the companys most recent
    audited financial statements.

Assurance Engagements on Other than Historical
Financial Information
  • Subject specific standards fall into four subject
    matter groups
  • Prospective financial statements
  • Subject mater related to non-financial
  • Subject matter related to systems and processes
    (e.g., corporate governance, environmental
    systems, and internal control (SOx SEC 404)
  • Subject matter about behavior.

Examples of existing standards that may be
considered in systems and processes,
non-financial information or behavior assurance
engagements are
  • Sarbanes Oxley Section 404 internal control audit
  • Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Sustainability
    Reporting Guidelines.
  • SA8000 standards for social accountability
    towards employees,
  • International Labour Organization (ILO)
    conventions for social accountability towards
  • World Business Council for Sustainable
    Development (WBCSD) social and eco-efficiency
  • European Union Eco-management and Audit scheme
    (EMAS) standard for environmental management
    systems, and
  • ISO14001 standard for environmental management

The Examination of Prospective Financial
Information (ISAE 3400)
  • Prospective financial information means
    financial information based on assumptions about
    events that may occur in the future. Prospective
    financial information can be in the form of a
    forecast, a projection or a combination of both.
  • A forecast is prospective financial information
    prepared on the basis of managements assumptions
    as to future events (best-estimate assumptions).
  • A projection means prospective financial
    information prepared on the basis of hypothetical
    assumptions about future events and management
    actions which may or may not take place, such as
    a possible merger of two companies.

Internal Control Reporting and SOX 404 reporting
  • A company must issue an internal control report
    containing these statements
  • Management's responsibility for establishing and
    maintaining adequate internal control
  • The framework used by management to evaluate the
    effectiveness of internal control over financial
  • Management's assessment of the effectiveness of
    the company's internal control over financial
  • The report is reviewed by an external auditor.

Auditor Standards for Internal Control Reports
  • Section 103 of the Sarbanes-Oxley require that
    public accounting firms describe in the audit
    report the scope of its testing of the company's
    internal control structure and procedures
    performed in its internal control evaluation
    under SOx Section 404(b).
  • In the audit report, the registered public
    accounting firm also must describe, at a minimum,
    material weaknesses in company internal controls
    and any material noncompliance found.

PCAOB Auditing Standard No. 4, Reporting on
Whether a Previously Reported Material Weakness
Continues to Exist (not in text)
  • Establishes requirements that apply when an
    auditor is engaged to report on whether a
    previously reported material weakness in internal
    control over financial reporting continues to
  • Such an engagement is voluntary in nature at the
    election of management, and may be performed as
    of any reasonable date selected by management.

Sustainability Reporting Triple Bottom Line
  • Economic Sustainability An organizations impacts
    on the economic circumstances of its stakeholders
    and on economic systems at the local, national
    and global levels.
  • Environmental Sustainability An organizations
    impacts on living and non-living natural
    systems, including ecosystems, land, air and
  • Social Sustainability An organizations impacts
    on the social systems within which it operates.
  • Impacts on stakeholders at the local, national,
    and global levels.
  • The organizations intangible assets, such as its
    human capital and reputation.

The report under the GRI Guidelines has 5 sections
  1. Vision and Strategy a description of the
    reporting organizations strategy with regard to
    sustainability, including a statement from the
  2. Profile overview of the reporting
    organizations structure and operations and of
    the scope of the report.
  3. Governance Structure and Management Systems
    description of organizational structure,
    policies, and management systems, including
    stakeholder engagement efforts.
  4. GRI Content Index a table supplied by the
    reporting organization identifying where the
    information listed.
  5. Performance Indicators measures of the impact
    or effect of the reporting organization divided
    into integrated, economic, environmental, and
    social performance indicators.

Related Services International Standards on
Related Services (ISRS)
  • Engagements covered by International Standards
    for Related Services, including
  • Agreed-upon procedures.(ISRS 4400)
  • Compilation of financial or other information.
    (ISRS 4410)

Engagements to Perform Agreed-Upon Procedures
Regarding Financial Information (ISRS 4400)
  • An agreed-upon procedures engagement is an
    engagement in which the party engaging the
    professional accountant or the intended user
    determines the procedures to be performed and the
    professional accountant provides a report of
    factual findings as a result of undertaking those

Matters to be agreed between auditor and
management include the
  • nature of the engagement including the fact that
    no assurance will be expressed on the procedures
  • identification of the financial information to
    which the agreed-upon procedures will be applied
  • nature, timing, and extent of the specific
    procedures to be applied.

Audit Procedures Agreed
  • The auditor performs certain procedures
    concerning individual items of financial data
    (for example, accounts payable, accounts
    receivable, purchases from related parties and
    sales and profits of a segment of an entity), a
    financial statement (for example, a balance
    sheet) or even a complete set of financial

Engagements to Compile Financial Information
(ISRS 4410)
  • The objective of a compilation engagement is for
    the accountant to use accounting expertise, as
    opposed to auditing expertise, to collect,
    classify and summarize financial information.
    This ordinarily entails reducing detailed data to
    a manageable and understandable form without a
    requirement to test the assertions underlying
    that information.

The accountant is not ordinarily required to
  • Make any inquiries of management to assess the
    reliability and completeness of the information
  • Assess internal controls
  • Verify any matters or
  • Verify any explanations.

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