Australian Apprenticeships - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Australian Apprenticeships


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Australian Apprenticeships

Australian Apprenticeships
What are Australian Apprenticeships?
  • Australian Apprenticeships were introduced in
    1998 to establish a single integrated system of
    employment and training incorporating the
    previously separate apprenticeship and
    traineeship systems.
  • Australian Apprenticeships cover all occupations
    where a contract of training applies, and can be
    applied to varying training periods (usually from
    1 to 4 years) and various vocational
    qualification levels (from Certificate I to

Australian Apprenticeships- Features
  • Australian Apprenticeships offer a pathway that
    people can use to commence a career and get an
    industry based qualification without using the
    traditional routes of undertaking university or
    TAFE courses before being employed. This pathway
    can also start at school with Australian
    School-based Apprenticeships.
  • The apprentice or trainee is employed whilst
    undertaking their training under a training
    agreement. This agreement outlines the
    qualifications the apprentice or trainee is
    expected to obtain and the obligations of both
    the employer and apprentice or trainee.

  • Recent research has found that the employment
    retention outcomes from Australian
    Apprenticeships are very good.
  • Over 90 of Australian Apprentices are employed
    three months after completion of their
  • This compares very favourably with the employment
    outcomes of TAFE and university graduates, which
    are nevertheless also very good.

  • Australian Apprenticeships in Australia are more
    popular than ever, with numbers having grown
    steadily in the last decade to reach a record
    406,900 in September 2003. Since then Australian
    Apprenticeships Numbers have decreased slightly
    to 403,600 in March 2006.
  • Recent figures indicate that 45 of all teenagers
    in full time employment were employed as a
    Australian Apprentice.
  • The rapid expansion of the system beyond the
    traditional trades means that Australian
    Apprenticeships now better reflect the structure
    of the Australian labour market.

Australian Apprenticeship Growth
  • The opening up of the system to people of all
    ages has not meant a reduction of opportunities
    for young people. In fact, Australias
    apprenticeship system is adjusting to global
    changes in the nature of work and the rapid
    ageing of the population better than the
    apprenticeship systems in other countries.
  • 3.9 of Australias working age population are
    employed in Australian Apprenticeships - ranking
    Australia 4th in the world behind Switzerland,
    Germany and Austria in terms of coverage of the
    workforce by the apprenticeships system

Training Packages and Australian Apprenticeships
  • Training Packages are based on competencies
    required in the workplace. The competencies have
    been developed by industry to meet specific skill
    requirements of that industry.
  • Employers may choose different combinations of
    competencies within the rules of each Training
    Package that determine the Australian
    Apprenticeship qualification. In some cases
    different combinations of competencies can lead
    to the same qualification.

  • Australian Apprenticeships and Training Package
    Qualification Pathways
  • Training Package

Australian Apprent- iceships
Australian School -based Apprentice-ships
Certificate I
Certificate II
Certificate III
Certificate IV
Advanced Diploma
Training Packages Now Available
  • Aeroskills Animal Care Management
  • Amenity Horticulture Assessment Workplace
  • Asset Maintenance Asset Security
  • Australian Meat Industry Automotive Industry
  • Aviation Automotive Retail Service and Repair
  • Beauty Business Services
  • Coal General Construction
  • Caravan Industry Conservation Land Management
  • Civil Construction Chemicals, Hydrocarbons Oil
  • Community Pharmacy Community Services
  • Competitive Manufacturing Community Recreation
  • Correctional Services Drilling Industry
  • Electricity Supply Generation Electricity
    Supply- Transmission Distribution
  • Electrotechnology Entertainment Industry
  • Extractive Industry

Training Packages Now Available
  • Financial Services Film, TV, Radio Multimedia
  • Fitness Industry Floristry
  • Food Processing Industry Forest Forest
    Products Industry
  • Funeral Services Furnishing
  • Gas Industry General Construction
  • Hairdressing Health Industry
  • Hospitality Industry Information Technology
  • Laboratory Operations Lifts Industry
  • Local Government Maritime
  • Manufactured Mineral Products Metalliferous
  • Metal Engineering Industry Music
  • Museum, Library Information Services

Training Packages Now Available
  • Sport industry Public Sector
  • Off-Site Construction Plastics, Rubber
  • Printing Graphic Arts Property Development
  • Public Safety Pulp Paper Manufacturing
  • Racing Industry Plumbing and Services
  • Rural Production Retail
  • Seafood Industry Sugar Milling
  • Telecommunications Textiles, Clothing
  • Tourism Transport Distribution
  • Visual Arts, Craft and Design Wholesale
  • Water Industry Outdoor Recreation Industry
  • Australian Red Cross World Vision Humanitarian
  • Boral Qantas
  • Kodak Australia Queensland Rail Civil

Benefits of Australian Apprenticeships
  • Provides an ideal way to train / induct new
    people into an industry
  • Offers flexibility in allowing the training to be
    tailored to meet industry requirements
  • Introduces a new employee into the workplace who
    is keen to develop their skills, accepts their
    role as a Australian Apprentice and understands
    that on going training is beneficial to them and
    their employer
  • Helps improve an individuals career prospects
    and earning potential
  • Helps to improve the productivity of workers and
    their contribution to the workplace
  • Provides an industry based career path with
    nationally recognised qualifications from entry
    level through to Diploma and Advanced Diploma
  • Helps to prepare people to be flexible and
    adaptable to meet new work methods and changing

Who can be a Australian Apprentice?
  • Secondary school students - now have new
    opportunities to learn new vocational skills by
    participating in VET in Schools and Australian
    School-based Apprenticeships that deliver
    competencies and qualifications from Training
    Packages while they are still at school.
  • School leavers - can move from school to work
    into an Australian Apprenticeship that delivers
    not just a nationally recognised qualification
    but a comprehensive industry career pathway via
    Training Package Qualifications.
  • People seeking to change their career direction -
    or re enter the workforce can also use Australian
    Apprenticeships to gain industry qualifications
    that will provide them with access to industry
    career pathways.
  • People already in the workforce - can use
    Australian Apprenticeships and Training Packages
    to gain qualifications for competencies they have
    already attained in the workforce. These
    qualifications will in turn give them access to
    industry career pathways.

Australian Apprenticeships Employment Options
  • Australian Apprenticeships can be undertaken in a
    variety of ways. Apart from the most common
    being conducted on a full time basis, the
    following alternatives are also available in most
  • Part Time
  • must work a minimum of 15 hours per week,
    averaged over a four-week period and be rostered
    to work on a regular and continuous basis (note
    WA min. is 20 hours per week)
  • School-based
  • allows students to study for their Senior
    Certificates and also undertake a nationally
    recognised qualification as paid employees
  • students generally work 1 to 2 days per week and
    attend school on the remaining days. Or,
    alternatively, other arrangements such as working
    blocks during school holidays can be negotiated

Australian Apprenticeships
  • Most commonly asked questions by Employers

Whats in it for Me ?
  • Australian Apprenticeships mean you (the
    employer) can train your own people. They help
    you train your staff so that they are familiar
    with your company, your work environment, your
    standards, your equipment and your customers.
    Australian Apprenticeships also give you the
    chance to provide an opportunity for a new worker
    to learn valuable skills as you teach them what
    you know.
  • Taking on an Australian Apprentice involves
  • an opportunity to select new people who will
    become the future of your company
  • an ideal way to train and induct new people into
    your business
  • the opportunity to bring a new person into your
    business who will add the skills to help you
    adapt to new business trends
  • Access to government funding and financial
    incentives assistance for those eligible
  • improved customer service through having better
    trained staff
  • Ensuring your industry skills are preserved and
    passed on for the future

What assistance is available ?
  • SupportAustralian Apprenticeships Centres and
    Group Training Organisations can provide you with
    information, help and support at all stages of
    the Australian Apprenticeships cycle, from
    recruiting an Australian Apprentice to receiving
    funding and incentives from government, to
    managing and completing an Australian
    Apprenticeship with your business.
  • Funding and incentivesAustralian Apprenticeships
    attract both Commonwealth and State and
    Territory financial assistance for eligible
    employers to help reduce the cost of training.
  • WagesAn Australian Apprentice is usually paid a
    reduced training wage reflecting the time the
    employee spends in training.

What are my obligations as an employer ?
  • Employing an Australian Apprentice involves
    certain obligations beyond those you normally
    provide to employees such as a safe workplace.
  • These obligations include
  • providing the Australian Apprentice with a
    suitable induction into your business
  • providing the Australian Apprentice with
    training, supervision and relevant workplace
    instruction, and training time (including, where
    appropriate, time off to attend organised off the
    job training for their Australian Apprenticeship)
  • meeting any specific work conditions for
    Australian Apprentices as outlined in your Award
  • you must also sign a Training Contract.

Financial Incentives to employ Australian
  • The Commonwealth Government provides a range of
    employer incentives to encourage employers to
    offer the kinds of employment related training
    opportunities, that will encourage people,
    particularly young people, to acquire, complete
    and expand their working skills to commence an
    industry based career.
  • For eligible employers, incentives currently
    start from 1,250 for a Certificate II
    traineeship. Eligible employers (or Australian
    Apprentices) may also receive one or more
    additional incentives for
  • Certificate III IV and selected Diploma and
    Advanced Diploma Australian Apprenticeships -
    commencement (1,500) completion (2,500)
  • Rural and Regional Skills Shortages
  • Drought declared areas
  • Mature Aged worker (45 years or more special
    commencement and completion)
  • Australian School Based Apprentices
  • Australian Apprentices with a disability
  • Innovation industries (including Aeroskills,
    Telecommunications, Laboratory Operations,
    Information Technology and Electrotechnology)
  • Tools For Your Trade (from 1 July 2005)
  • Commonwealth Trade learning Scholarships and
    Living Away from Home Allowances
  • Mid career (adult over 30 years of age)
    apprentices (from 1 July 2007)
  • Australian Apprenticeship Centres can provide up
    to date information on employer and Australian
    Apprentice eligibility for these and other

New Incentives from 2007
  • Skills for the Future initiatives to support
    Australian Apprenticeships
  • Support for Mid-career Apprentices
  • From 1 July 2007, workers aged 30 years and over,
    who wish to upgrade their skills mid-career will
    attract new financial incentives to support their
    move from their current work to and
    apprenticeship at the Certificate III or IV
    level. The amount payable to eligible apprentices
    or employers will be 150 per week in the first
    year and 100 per week in the second year.
  • Incentives for Higher Technical Skills
  • From 1 January 2007 eligible employers will
    receive incentive payments of 1500 for each
    employee commencing a Diploma or Advanced Diploma
    program and 2500 when they complete. Fields for
    consideration will include electrical, gas,
    mining, oil drilling, automotive and aeronautical
    engineering. These incentives could be paid for
    employment-based training or where this is not
    available, for institution based training

New Incentives from 2007
  • Skills for the Future initiatives to support
    Australian Apprenticeships
  • Business Skills Vouchers for Apprentices
  • From 1 January 2007 vouchers valued at up to 500
    will be available to apprentices to contribute
    towards the costs of accredited small business
    training. Apprentices who are undertaking an
    apprenticeship in the traditional trades will be
    eligible to apply for the voucher any time from
    the end of their second year until two years
    after completion

What is a Training Contract ?
  • A training contract is a legally binding contract
    signed by both the employer and their Australian
    Apprentice (if aged under 18 a parent/guardian
    must also sign), who agree to work and train
    together for a length of time.
  • When you sign this document, both you and your
    Australian Apprentice agree to do certain things.
    You agree to provide the Australian Apprentice
    with employment and training (including arranging
    training with a registered training organisation)
    and your Australian Apprentice agrees to
    undertake training as a part of their normal
  • You will find full details of these obligations
    in the Conditions and Obligations section of the
    Training Contract. Ensure that you read and
    fully understand the information before signing -
    remember it is a legally binding contract!

How does training commence ?
  • Before the end of the probation period, you must
    map out a training plan to make sure the
    apprentice or trainee learns their new skills.
  • Working as part of a team, you, your Australian
    Apprentice and your chosen Registered Training
    Organisation will need to design the plan. This
    outlines the type of training to be undertaken
    and when and where this will be done.
  • The training plan is to be completed and signed
    by all parties, with a copy of the document kept
    by all to ensure progress is maintained.

Is there a Training Package for my industry ?
  • Training Packages are now available in most
    industries and they provide a training framework
    that will give your Australian Apprentices the
    foundation skills and competencies required for
    them to embark on a career in your industry.
  • Your local Australian Apprenticeship Centre can
    provide you with advice on the range of training
    package options available to meet your business
  • Remember .
  • training packages are not just about training
  • they are about educating our workforce for the

Whos Who ?
  • Australian Apprenticeship Centres (AACs)
  • Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)
  • Group Training Organisations (GTOs)
  • The Job Network
  • The State Training Authority (STA) - State
  • Dept of Education, Science and Training (DEST) -
    Federal Government

Australian Apprenticeship Centres (AACs)
  • Australian Apprenticeship Centres were
    established in 1998 as part of the new employment
    services market. They are contracted by the
    Commonwealth Government to provide a free service
  • give advice on the selection of an appropriate
    Training Package
  • give information and advice on selecting an
    appropriate Registered Training Organisation
  • give advice on employer and Australian Apprentice
    rights, responsibilities and obligations
  • help to complete and register the training
  • give advice on the Commonwealth and State
    Government incentives available and assist in
    lodging claims if eligible.
  • Assist with the recruitment of Australian
  • For more information contact the
  • Australian Apprenticeships Information Line 13
    38 73

Registered Training Organisations (RTOs)
  • Government has registered some training
    organisations to provide training for Australian
    Apprentices. An RTO will help you train your
    Australian Apprentice in a way and at a time to
    suit the needs of your workplace. This includes
  • working with you and your Australian Apprentice
    to make sure you both understand the requirements
    of the Training Package you have selected
  • conducting and validating competency assessments
  • provide advice to Australian Apprentices on fees
    and charges
  • design a training plan, including what training
    needs to occur and options on how and when it can
    take place
  • provide your Australian Apprentice with a
    training record and any materials essential for
    their training
  • train your Australian Apprentice and assist in
    ensuring that training is completed on time
  • visit the workplace to check the progress of
    training and organise additional learning support
    if required

Group Training Organisations(GTOs)
  • Group Training Organisations employ Australian
    Apprentices and hire them out to different
    businesses on a short or long-term basis. This is
    ideal for business to employ for peak workloads
    and seasonal variations.
  • Group Training Organisations offer businesses
  • carefully selected Australian Apprentices,
    without the worries of long-term employment
  • they screen and recruit potential Australian
  • handle administration matters such as wages,
    superannuation and payroll tax
  • explain the obligations of the employer and the
    Australian Apprentice

The Job Network
  • The Job Network is contracted by the Federal
    Government and is made up of private, community
    and government organisations offering services to
    help employers recruit staff and unemployed
    people to find jobs.
  • Their services include
  • Job Matching - gathering employers vacancies and
    matching job seekers to the requirements
    specified by employers
  • Job Search Assistance - providing training in job
    search techniques to prepare the unemployed for
    the labour market
  • Intensive Assistance - individually tailored help
    to get long term unemployed people, and those at
    risk of long term unemployment, into jobs

Training Authority- Department State Government
  • The State Training Authority has the
    responsibility for regulation of Australian
    Apprenticeships. They also approve Registered
    Training Organisations and monitor the quality of
    training they deliver. They also provide advice
  • Employment and legislative obligations applying
    in their jurisdictions, and issues related to the
    Training Agreement
  • lists of approved government funded Registered
    Training Organisations contracted to deliver your
  • the rights and obligations of the employer and
    the Australian Apprentice
  • and approve early completions of a Australian
  • accessing travel and accommodation subsidies for
    your Australian Apprentice
  • wages and allowances for Australian Apprentices
  • approval of variations to Training Agreements
    including suspensions and cancellations
  • Provision of assistance from Field Officers in
    resolving problems between employers and
    Australian Apprentices

Dept of Education, Science and Training (DEST)
  • DEST can provide advice and assistance via
  • State Contract Manager
  • the DEST website
  • the Australian Apprenticeships website
  • the Australian Apprenticeships Information Line
    13 38 73
  • the Australian Apprenticeships Complaints Line -
    1300 367 847
  • National Code of Good Practice for Australian
  • Monitoring of Conflict of Interest
  • Conduct of the National Industry Strategies
  • Support of the AAC Information Service

Useful Web Sites

The National VET System at a Glance
Federal Minister Decide VET Policy and Funds
State/Territory Ministers
  • State and Territory Training Authorities
  • Administer the State Training System
  • Approve and Fund Registered Training
  • Monitor and Approve Training Agreements
  • Monitor Quality of the system
  • Receive industry advice from State ITABs
  • Monitor workplace arrangements
  • Liaison with AACs on registration and training
    arrangements for Australian Apprenticeships
  • Department Education Science and Training (DEST)
  • Contracts Australian Apprenticeships Centres
  • Funds Commonwealth Employer Incentives
  • Funds Information Services
  • DEST
  • Administers Programs and Training Funds
  • Take industry advice from and fund ISCs to
    develop Training Packages
  • Australian Recognition Committee approves
    Training Packages
  • Registered Training Organisations
  • Deliver training, assess competencies and issue
    nationally recognised qualifications to
    Australian Apprentices.
  • State registered Training Organisations include
    public and private training providers and
    individual companies
  • Australian Apprenticeships Centres
  • Provide advice and assistance to employers,
    Australian Apprentices with training
    arrangements, training agreements and government
    financial assistance under the Australian
    Apprenticeships system
  • National Industry Skills Councils
  • Develop Training Packages and training support
  • Advise DEST on industry demand and training
  • State/Territory Industry Advisers (includes state
    ITABs where they exist)
  • Advise State/Territory Government on industry
    training demand training priorities
  • Employers and Australian Apprentices
  • Employers employ Australian Apprentices, provide
    them with on-the-job training appropriate
    off-the-job structured training delivered by
    their Registered Training Organisations

NOTE The arrows indicate relationships between
the VET players not lines of reporting
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