Title: Welcome to this budget session
1Welcome to this budget session !
How do school budgets work ?
2What are the key points about school budgets
- Our budget year runs from 1st December to 30th
November - All public schools in NSW receive government
funds on a formula basis - All public schools are accountable for the way
that they use these funds, and regular audits are
carried out.
3The situation at Waitara. . . .
- In the late part of 2001, the school received
notice of its allocation of funds for 2002 - These funds are called global funds because they
are just one large bucket of funds which can be
spent as the school sees fit. - But, the funds need to be used, mostly, to fund
the recurrent expenses the school has - Utilities Electricity, water, waste removal etc
- Short term relief - Cost of replacements when
staff are away - Minor equipment and teaching resources, including
photocopy paper, etc etc.
4The bottom line how much do we get ?
Total Annual Allocation xxxxxxxx
Add your school figures here if you
want..or..delete this and the next few pages from
the presntation. I actually outlined all figures
to make it as realistic as possible
5Total Budget Expense xxxxxxxxx
6Total Annual Allocation xxxxxxxx
Total Budget Expense xxxxxxxx
Ummm..there could be a problem here. . ..
Global funds would be sufficient for us to
provide a standard no frills education..
So, the way that we plan, and determine
priorities becomes critical
7Heres how we do it . . . .
- In Term 4 each year, staff with a responsibility
for managing a budget area submit a budget
proposal which outlines - What the program is
- What the outcomes will be
- What resources are needed
- What the cost of these resources is
The budget proposals are collected and considered
by the Budget Committee
8- Some budget areas are almost non-negotiable. Eg
Short Term relief, Utilities etc - Some budget areas are absolutely necessary but
some pruning may need to be done to reflect the
school management planning priorities which flow
from evaluations done as part of the Annual
Reporting process - Other budget proposals may be ranked in priority
order depending on how well they are seen to
contribute to the school priorities - At this planning stage, it would be excellent to
have parent input in suggesting any programs, or
contributing, via the elected reps on Council, to
the ordering of priorities. - Programs tagged for funding from PC sources
could be clearly identified this way within our
OASIS accounting system
9So..a goal for the PC might be
To have a target figure for fundraising gtgtgt
To participate in making budget proposals gtgtgt
To make a commitment to fund agreed programs
for the ensuing year, from funds raised gtgtgt
To set a new target figure for fundraising gtgtgt
10Heres the current situation
- A commitment was made in last years planning
process for this year to fund around xxxxxx for
programs within this years budget - We are VERY grateful for this commitment and look
forward to working with the PC to align all of
our planning processes