TCK - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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What is described here actually works in practice, but the implementation is not ... a a set of ( set of algo configurations) corresponding to a specified few TCKs ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: tck | algo


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: TCK

TCK Configuration
  • Or
  • How to configure the HLT (i.e. a Gaudi job)
    deterministically repeatable, and provide
    accountability introspection (from C)
    while allowing reconfigurations during running
    without introducing more deadtime than required

Talk is based on an actual working,
proof-of-principle implementation What is
described here actually works in practice, but
the implementation is not necessarily suitable
for serious use, and needs to be cleaned up
(e.g.. It might not work on Windows as-is, uses
an ad-hoc file format to describe configurations,
) but at least it does work, and provides a
starting point for a proper design
The General Idea
  • There is a need for a trigger which can change
    Configuration on the fly
  • E.g.. Due to decreasing instantaneous luminosity
  • Configurations might change during a run as a
    full start-stop cycle takes far too long.
  • Need to know for a given event which
    configuration was used (reliably!)
  • Otherwise determining trigger efficiencies
    becomes a lottery, and analysis virtually
  • So there are different Trigger Configurations
  • To distinguish between them, we label each of
    these with a Key, the Trigger Configuration
  • Given a TCK (and a TCK only!) one should be able
    to determine which configuration was used
  • i.e. which algorithms ( tools?) were used, in
    which order, and how they were configured (i.e.
    which cuts did they apply?)
  • be able to do this from C code
  • In order to insure accountability for each event,
    the TCK will be part of the event data (to be
    precise part of the ODIN bank)
  • Given a TCK, the trigger (both L0 and HLT) will
    have to make sure they use the matching
    configuration when processing the event
  • Before processing an event, the trigger has to
    check whether the current configuration still
    matches the TCK in the event which it is about to
  • If yes, continue
  • If not, first reconfigure accordingly, then

Configurations back to basics
  • A Gaudi Program is configured by specifying
  • Either by their default properties, or by
    joboptions, or through python (e.g..
    Configurables, but not restricted to them), or by
    explicit C calls, or
  • The Sequencing of Algorithms
  • Which algorithms run, and the order in which they
    run, is specified by the TopAlg property of the
  • And, in case one of those Algorithms is a
    Sequencer, by the Members property of the
    Sequencer (recursively)
  • Or, better, by their subalgorithms (provided they
    are created by calling AlgorithmcreateSubalgorit
    hm insteadof talking directly to the AppMgr not
    the case for currently released GaudiSequencer)
  • Note ignore the Data-On-Demand service here on
    purpose the trigger should avoid using it
  • The Configuration of Algorithms
  • Specified by their Properties
  • Note ignoring tools services for now

Idea (inspired by the Gaudi HistorySvc)
  • Given an (instance of an) Algorithm, provide an
    object which captures its configuration
  • name, type, version, properties
  • The HistorySvc uses the a AlgorithmHistory
  • It contains not just configuration but also
    references other instances to track changes of
  • not needed here, and it mixes two
    functionalities capturing not just state, but
    tracing it as well would have been better to
    split the two.
  • Use a similar but simpler class (i.e. could
    improve integration here) which specifies a
    single configuration only
  • Algorithm Type, Name, Version, and list of
    Properties, represented by strings.
  • Note properties are quite nice one can easily
    convert all of them to and from a text

Example AlgorithmConfiguration
  • Can create it given an Algorithm
  • const Algorithm myAlgo
  • AlgorithmConfig cfg(myAlgo)
  • Can stream it to and from an stdostream

Name HadSingleTFRZVelo Type HltTrkFilter
Version unknown Properties
'OutputLevel'2 'Enable'True 'ErrorMax'1
'ErrorCount'0 'AuditAlgorithms'False
'AuditInitialize'False 'AuditReinitialize'Fa
lse 'AuditExecute'False 'AuditFinalize'False
'AuditBeginRun'False 'AuditEndRun'False
'MonitorService'MonitorSvc 'ErrorsPrint'True
'PropertiesPrint'False 'StatPrint'True
'TypePrint'True 'Context' 'RootInTES'
'RootOnTES' 'GlobalTimeOffset'0
'StatTableHeader' Counter sum
mean/eff rms/e.. 'RegularRowFormat'
-15.15s17t10d 11.7g
. 'EfficiencyRowFormat'-15.15s17t10d
11.5g . 'UseEfficiencyRowFormat'True
'HistoProduce'True 'HistoPrint'False
'HistoCheckForNaN'True 'HistoSplitDir'False
'HistoOffSet'0 'HistoTopDir' 'HistoDir'Had
SingleTFRZVelo 'FullDetail'False
'MonitorHistograms'True 'FormatFor1DHistoTabl
e' 2-30.30s 37d 811.5g
10-11.5g1211.5g 1411.5g
'ShortFormatFor1DHistoTable' 1-15.15s 2
'HeaderFor1DHistoTable' Title Mean RMS
Skewness Kurtosis 'PassPeriod'0
'HistogramUpdatePeriod'1 'ConditionsName'
'HistoDescriptor' 'rIP,400,-1.,3.' ,
'rIPBest,400,-1.,3.' , 'Calo2DChi2,100.,0.,20.' ,
'Calo2DChi2Best,100.,0.,20.' 'DataSummaryLocat
ion'Hlt/Summary 'SelectionName'HadSingleTFRZVe
lo 'IsTrigger'False 'PatInputTracksName'
'PatInputTracks2Name' 'PatInputVerticesName'
'InputTracksName'RZVelo 'InputTracks2Name'L
0TriggerHadron 'InputVerticesName'
'PrimaryVerticesName'PV2D 'OutputTracksName'
HadSingleTFRZVelo 'OutputVerticesName'
'MinCandidates'1 'Filters' 'rIP lt 50' , '
Calo2DChi2 lt 4' 'Lines' 'rIP
bindAbsMin(TrVRIP,_HltVertices)' ,
"HltRZVeloTCaloMatch gaudi.toolsvc().create('Hlt
RZVeloTCaloMatch' , interface gbl.ITrackMatch
)" , 'Calo2DChi2 bindAbsMin(TTrMATCH(HltRZVeloTC
aloMatch),_HltTracks)' No subalgorithms.
Overall Flow
  • A complete configuration is just a set of
  • Ignoring tools services for now
  • more on creating/managing this set later
  • To tell Gaudi about them is almost trivial
  • Wrote a service (without public interface, nobody
    talks to it)
  • On Initialize
  • Register it with the IncidentSvc for the
    beginEvent incident
  • Cache a a set of ( set of algo configurations)
    corresponding to a specified few TCKs (to avoid
    I/O later on caused by reading configuration
  • Update the JobOptionSvc with the set of
    properties for a specified TCK
  • At this point, nothing more is needed until a
    reconfigureis required
  • note at this point, no calls to
    Algorithminiitalize have been made yet
    services are initialized first..
  • Next, algorithms get initialized, pull their
    properties from the JOS things proceed as
  • When receiving a beginEvent incident
  • Check if TCK used to configure is still valid
    (right now, just increase TCK by one every 100
  • Note I am assuming I will be able to access the
    ODIN bank for the upcoming event at this stage,
    from a service.
  • If yes, just return
  • If no, update JobOptionSvc with the the set of
    properties corresponding to the new TCK

A few words on sysReinitialize
  • Most time-consuming part to implement, mainly
    because people have made shortcuts in their code
    assuming this does not happen
  • just have to make sure those algorithms
    actually running in the HLT do the right thing
  • A lot of (most?) algortihms dont implement
    reinitialize (properly)
  • If you only directly use properties, (i.e. do not
    derive something from them), youre OK
  • GaudiSequencer and HltSequencer dont propagate
    sysReinitialize to their subAlgoritms
  • Trivial fix create subalgorithms by calling
    AlgorithmcreateSubAlgorithm instead of talking
    explicitly to AppMgr (probably the right thing to
    do regardless)
  • Yes, HltSequencer should be discontinued asap
  • For now cheat, and only fix the few HLT
    algorithms that I really need right now, and only
    support some changes (i.e. different cuts) and
    explicitly disallow others (i.e. changes in flow)
    as that would require more invasive code changes
  • register callbacks for some properties that check
    the above rules in one type of HLT algorithm, and
    (artificially) limit differences between TCKs to
    the supported ones
  • Supporting sysReinitialize properly in all
    algorithms (tools) which the HLT uses seems
    needed by the requirements regardless of any
  • Its work, not insurmountable, just takes time to
    get it right.
  • Can be verified by first configuring a
    dummyTCK at initialize, then immediately switch
    to the correct one before starting the first
    event, and comparing the results to configuring
    the right TCK already at initialize

Current ad-hoc on-disk representation of
  • Disclaimer not even intended as a final solution
  • Needed something that was easy to implement the
    idea, and to explore the possibilities
  • Already have some ideas for improvements in
  • Will use whatever is acceptable to the online
    system, provided it matches the requirements of
    analysis use as well

Current ad-hoc on-disk representation of
  • Remember, a TCK (a complete configuration) is
    just a collection of individual algorithm (and
    tool, svc) configurations
  • Create one file for each algorithm (tool, svc)
  • A TCK is then just a directory (aka collection of
  • Basically, a directory, labeled with the value of
    the TCK, with as contents a set of Algorithm
  • But since different TCKs might share subsets of
    common configurations, implement this a lookup
  • Each TCK is a lookup table from Algorithm Name
    to the file containing its configuration
  • Can be implemented as a directory full of links

Current ad-hoc on-disk representation of
  • So we have one file per unique algorithm
  • Expect many (most?) algorithms not to change when
    updating to a new TCK, avoid duplication of
  • Separate generating unique (algorithm)
    configurations from composing complete TCK
  • There is a different level of paranoiabetween
    these steps just adding a new configuration for
    some algorithm is not quite as drastic as adding
    a reference to an algorithm configuration from
    some TCK
  • Having pre-cooked algorithm configurations
    available allows easier re-use of them when
    composing a TCK from building blocks
  • As a result, would like to refer to these
    individual files from a TCK thus need a way of
    creating a reference (think POOL ref, but with
    slightly different requirements)

How to recognize/refer/find an AlgorithmConfigurat
  • Do as POOL does, but slightly different
  • Must be able to do this at any time, any where,
    but given the same configuration, should give the
    same unique reference
  • Compute a cryptographic digest given the
    human-readable output.
  • Basically, run md5sum (or sha1sum, or ) on
    the stream of characters
  • Choice depends on your level of paranoia, and the
    amount of space youre willing to spend on a
  • The reference to the configuration previously
    shown, using md5, happens to be
  • 11d24cb1250f2ca664a15cff3f09c164
  • If at another time the same configuration for the
    same algorithm is made (not unlikely), this can
    be automatically recognized
  • Name type are part of the content, and thus of
    the MD5 checksum
  • Also recognizes the case of a single algorithm
    instance appearing more than once in a job
  • Can easily answer question like which TCKs use,
    for my favorite algorithm, these settings,
    without inspect the contents of the files
  • ls l tck// grep 11d24cb1250f2ca664a15cff3f09

Idea (not yet tried)
  • In order to make managing TCKs even easier would
    like to turn them into hashtrees
  • i.e. explicitly put the MD5sum of the dependants
    of a given configuration in its configuration
  • Basic idea is that if I want to know if the
    configuration of a sequencer changed, one needs
    to check (recursively!) whether the
    configurations of its dependents has changed --
    so why not put an explicit reference to the MD5
    summaries of the configurations of the (direct)
    descendants into the configuration.
  • No impact on the interface to the Gaudi side it
    just gets a set of (algorithm) configurations,
    doesnt care how this set was obtained
  • Management now easier only need to know the MD5
    sum of the top algorithm(s), and can now
    uniformly navigate and collect the configuration
    of all dependents.
  • No need to interpret the Members property as
    being special
  • Answering questions such as which TCKs used the
    same hadron alley configuration is now even
    easier just get the (single!) MD5 sum of the
    top of hadron alley, and verify which TCKs
    (eventually) refer to this.
  • Implicitly checks for all dependents
  • Can improve divide and conquer ask each
    alley for a (small) set of configurations, and
    the answer will be a (small) set of MD5 values
    (and the corresponding configuration files!). Now
    just need to compose them appropriately.
  • Changes at a lower level can get automatically
    propagated upwards
  • A TCK now just refers to (a vector of) MD5 values
    of the TopAlg(s) instead of being a directory
  • Variation on this theme ditto, but keep the
    tree structure separate from the actual
    configuration data i.e. dont put MD5 of
    dependents in configuration file directly, just
    keep a parallel tree structure which refers (by
    reference, i.e. MD5sum) to the configurations

Creating managing sets of configurations
  • In order to generate the individual
    configurations, TCK, and their mapping, wrote an
  • When its execute is called for the first time,
    it queries the AppMgr for a specified algorithm
    (e.g.. Hlt) and dumps its configurations, and
    then, if it has a property called Members,
    recursively dumps their configurations.
  • Skips dump if configuration already present in
    file system (algorithms can be in more than one
  • It also creates the directory corresponding to a
    specified TCK, and makes links from the dumps in
    the AlgorithmConfig directory to the TCK
  • Now that Ive fixed GaudiSequencer (and its HLT
    twin HltSequencer) to use createSubAlgorithm can
    drop the special treatment of the Members
    property, and just call subAlgorithms to obtain
    a vector of dependencies
  • Cloning (and modifying) an existing TCK is (in
    this implementation) a matter of copying an
    existing TCK directory to a new one
  • Can copy certain configuration to new ones (note
    never modify anything in the AlgorithmConfig
    directory!), modify them, compute their new
    MD5sum and put them in the AlgorithmConfig
    directory, and link them into the new TCK
  • Note can always check the integrity of the
    AlgorithmConfig directory by manually computing
    the MD5sums of the files those should match
    their filename
  • Once settled on the real implementation, can make
    some utilities to automate this type of operation

Known Issues / Discussion
  • Right now, all properties are part of a
  • Easy to do, but maybe not what is wanted
  • Not all properties actually affect the behavior
    of algorithms
  • Adding, (re)moving properties (even if they dont
    matter, even in a baseclass) will result in a new
  • Completely ignored configuration of Tools and
    Services for now
  • But again it seems just a matter of recording
    their properties, updating them, and calling
  • Configurations are now created by interrogating
    the AppMgr during execution but I suspect that
    one can do the same given the Configurables for a
  • But it requires a migration to Configurables
  • Cannot go through JobOptionSvc as it does not
    know the default values
  • Which is a problem when switching from a
    non-default setting back to the default, as need
    to specify the new setting to the JOS, so
    defaults need to be part of the configuraiton
  • Size doesnt seem to be a problem
  • A typical configuration file as plain text is
    about 1 to 2 KB
  • Assume 10 different configurations each day, 100
    days per year -gt 1000 configurations / year
  • Assume 100 algorithms per configuration
  • If every algorithm would change (really, really
    pessimistic!), this would be 100 -- 200MB / year
  • Setup could be used outside of HLT
  • Grid,
  • In general, Id prefer a non-HLT specific
    solution that can be / is re-used by others .-)
  • No thought yet on a production / online setup
    would first like to know if the concept is
    acceptable, and find out what constraints need to
    be satisfied.
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