Title: Bienvenidos a la clase de
1Braden River High School 2008-2009
Bienvenidos a la clase de español II!
Contact Information Email yatesa_at_manateeschools.n
et. I check my email often!!! Best way to get a
hold of me. Phone number (941) 751-8230,
Extension 2308.
Class Expectations 1. Respect yourself and one
another This means that you will respect one
anothers right for learning in a safe, welcoming
and respectful environment. You will respect
others differences. You will respect others,
including the teachers, belongings, so as not to
drop, damage or lose them. You will treat others
as you wish to be treated. 2. Be responsible You
will keep track of all of your homework, quizzes,
projects and tests with your student day planner,
which will aid you to do Expectation 4. 3. Stay
on task Every moment spent in the Spanish
classroom will be focused on Spanish and the
current topic at hand. This means, but is not
limited to, that you cannot do any homework for
any other class in this classroom. There will be
no need to get out textbooks, etc. from other
classes. Furthermore, due to the electronics
policy and because they cause distractions,
electronics will also not be allowed. 4. Be
prepared at all times From the time you enter
the classroom until you leave, you must be
prepared. Any homework assignment, project,
activity, worksheet, etc. has a great likelihood
that it will be due for a grade. This means that
as soon as you enter the room, you turn your
homework into the homework tray and you do the
Bellwork (La Tarea de la Campana) in your
notebook. Furthermore, as everything in a
Foreign Language class is important and has a
purpose, you must prepare everything to the best
of your abilityafter all, even the smallest
assignment may be a great study aid for a quiz,
test, midterm or final later on. 5. Follow
Class Consequences 1. Verbal warning and
documentation by teacher. 2. Student will contact
the parent via phone during class, and the
teacher will then email the parent about the
contact. 3. Referral to Student Services. 4.
Student will continue to get more referrals, with
parental contact by teacher. Once a student goes
from step 1 to 2, etcc., the steps do not start
Class Rewards 1. Teacher praise. 2. Positive
emails and/or calls home. 3. Certificates. 4.
Euros. 5. Fiestas or instructional cultural
- Classroom Procedures
- 1. You will need to follow all procedures and
guidelines as specified for you in your student
handbook for Braden River, 2007-2008. - 2. Responsibility You are not a victimyou are
responsible for your own grade! You are also in
charge for all make-up work from excused
absences. General rule 1 1 day of make-up time
for each day of excused absence. You are
responsible for checking the Yates Homework
Calendar online for missed assignments, projects,
tests, quizzes, etc. Notes taken that day will
be also saved on the website by the next day.
NOTE! Quizzes and tests are given frequently!
You must request homework two days ahead of a
scheduled absence (field trip, away game,
doctors appt., vacation, etc.). General rule
2 Homework is due the moment class startsit
will not be accepted at the end of class all
class time is precious and should be spent
learning new concepts. No late homework will be
accepted no exceptions. - 3. Character and Honesty are valued and expected
at Braden River High School. Cheating in any
form will not be tolerated. You are expected to
read and know the Honesty Policy in the Student
Handbook. Copying from websites is cheating. - 4. Assessment Please refer to the following
outline for how Spanish II students will be
assessed. The percentage points below are
rounded. Each student begins each semester with
5 points, upon returning this sheet signed by
Wednesday, August 20, 2008 (odds) or by Thursday,
August 21, 2008 (evens). - How each item is weighted
- Homework/Projects20 Oral Participation/Assessmen
ts20 Tests/Quizzes60 - Semester Grades
Grading Scale - Quarter 140 Quarter 240 Tests/Quizzes60
A90-100, B80-89, C70-79, D60-69,
F59 below - Class participation is of the utmost importance
while learing another language! The following
are prohibited in class chewing gum, food, any
drinks other than water. Dress code will be
enforced in class. Once the bell is finished
ringing you are to be in the classroom, in your
seat, or you are tardy. Know the rules of the
Student Handbook! - Please turn over to back side.
2Srta. Yates ScheduleAt school from
725AM-255PM.From 850-950, Monday, Tuesday,
Thursday and Friday, available at phone number.
Please leave a voice mail if I am not at my
phone. Available to both students and parents
before 725-740AM or 220-250PM daily, per
appointment. Also, for your information, I teach
Spanish II during 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 7th. I
teach Spanish I during 6th hour.
Quick suggestions for
studying a foreign language1. Seek your teacher
out, outside of class. Just make an
appointment, please!2. Participate in class.3.
Do all your homework and treat everything as
study guides.4. Study at least 15-30 minutes
every night, not just the night before a quiz or
a test.5. Seek out your teacher to go over old
tests together.6. Create a flashcard for each
vocabulary word you learn and study them daily
until your test. They will help later on
whenyou take your midterms and finals. Onthe
front should be either the picture of the object
and/or the English term the back, the term in
the foreign language.
6. Create a flashcard for each vocabulary word
you learn and study them daily until your test.
They will help later on whenyou take your
midterms and finals. Onthe front should be
either the picture of the object and/or the
English term the back, the term in the foreign
language. 7. How to perfect your spelling and/or
accent marks for either vocabulary or verbs
Fold a piece of paper into four columns (or six).
Down the first column, write one verb, its
meaning, then conjugate itone line per
subjectthen fold under and repeat process for
the rest of the columns. 8. Go over any
comprehension question in the textbook and make
sure you understand the answer and ask Srta.
Yates if you do not.
What to bring to class every day 1. Textbook 2.
Pen and white-out 3. Pencil with eraser. You can
only use pencils on quizzes and tests. 4. 1
manila folder, hole-punched for portfolio. 5. 1
Binder, color _______. 5. 5 file dividers for
Binder. Labels will be a. Most Important
Papers, b. Verbs, c. Vocabulary,
d. Portfolio, e. Notes. Homework will be
placed in front left pocket. 6. Notebook to go in
back of binder. 7. 1 old, but clean, sock. I
recommend one that you dont have a mate for. 8.
1 dry/erase marker, any color. These items
will be left in classroom and only need to be
brought during the first week of school.
How do I find out what points I earned for an
assignment? Every teacher has an account on
Pinnacle. As soon as we have graded a homework
assignment, project, quiz, test, etc., and
inputted into the system, it will appear online
on Pinnacle (24 hours a day). You can get the
web address, the access code and password if you
bring a photo ID to the front office before,
during or after school. To save paper and
because grades are available online, Miss Yates
will not be printing out individual or class
grades (with the exception of grades at the end
of each quarter, semester and final
exam). Important Information for
Parents/Guardians to fill out Father/Guardian
Name ___________________________________________ T
wo good ways to reach you a) ____________________
b) ________________________________
____ When is a good time to contact you?
_________________________________ Mother/Guardian
Name ___________________________________________
Two good ways to reach you a) ___________________
b) _______________________________
_____ When is a good time to contact you?
_________________________________ Important
Information for Students to fill out What are
you excited about learning about in Spanish this
year? ____________________________________________
___________________ ______________________________
_________________________________ Is there
anything else I should know about you, to better
teach and help you in class? _____________________
__________________________________________ _______
Agreement for Spanish II
After you have read both front and back of this
syllabus, then filled out the information above
on this side, please sign below. Signing here
represents that the student and the parent both
understand the policies and procedures for Miss
Yates class and for the Braden River High School
08/09 Student Handbook. This signature also
represents that you will access the Yates
Homework Calendar and the Pinnacle system, both
online. Student Signature ____________________
_________ Parent(s) Signature