Title: Bohr Atom
1Bohr Atom
The Planetary Model of the Atom
2Bohrs Model
Energy Levels
3Bohr Model of Atom
Increasing energy of orbits
n 3
n 2
n 1
A photon is emitted with energy E hf
The Bohr model of the atom, like many ideas in
the history of science, was at first prompted by
and later partially disproved by experimentation.
4Modelo de Bohr del átomo
El aumento de la energía De las órbitas
n 3
n 2
n 1
Un fotón es emitido Con la energía E hf
El modelo de Bohr del átomo, al igual que en
muchas de las ideas la historia de la ciencia, en
la primera fue motivada por y más tarde
parcialmente desmentida por la experimentación.
5Cartoon courtesy of NearingZero.net
6Development of the Atom
7Development of the Atom
8Planetary Model
9An unsatisfactory model for the hydrogen atom
According to classical physics, light should be
emitted as the electron circles the nucleus. A
loss of energy would cause the electron to be
drawn closer to the nucleus and eventually spiral
into it.
Hill, Petrucci, General Chemistry An Integrated
Approach 2nd Edition, page 294
10Quantum Mechanical Model
Niels Bohr Albert Einstein
- Modern atomic theory describes the
electronic structure of the atom as the
probability of finding electrons within certain
regions of space (orbitals).
11Development of Atomic Models
12Modern View
- The atom is mostly empty space
- Two regions
- Nucleus
- protons and neutrons
- Electron cloud
- region where you might find an electron