Title: 25-28 March
1 New Technologies inEducation
- F1 in Schools
- An international project
- concerned with
- Informational Technology
- in education
- Founder of the Project
Andrew Denford - Reporter Brian Spalding
2What is F1 in Schools?
- F1 means Formula-1 car racing
- in Schools means that the participants in the
project are teams of school pupils aged between
11 and 18 years.
They use computer programs for the design,
production and testing of miniature racing cars.
3What do the teams do?
- These miniature cars are manufactured from
balsa (a soft kind of wood).
- They are propelled by rockets in the form of
soda-water syphons - Producing jets of carbon-dioxide gas.
4Important dates
- The first national conference took place in
the year 2000, in Great Britain. -
- In 2002, already four countries were involved in
the F1 in Schools project so it had become
Number of participating schools
5Participating countries
The number of participating countries exceeds 20.
6 What do the teams do?
- Each team consists of betweeen 3 and 6 pupils.
- Each team prepares a business plan, with a
financial basis and they proceed to secure
sponsorship funds.. -
- With the help of the appropriate computer
programs, they design the miniature racing cars
with which they will compete.
7What do the teams do?
- The aerodynamic characteristics of their designs
are determined by means of a Virtual Wind
Tunnel. - This is a computer program embodying the
scientific discipline known as Computational
Fluid Dynamics (CFD).
8The VirtualWind Tunnel
The computer program which they use is called
- It can be used on personal computers.
- A special graphical interface has been created so
as to facilitate the use of the program by
9Here are some more picturesillustrating the use
of the program
10The latest interface forthe Virtual Wind Tunnel
The latest interface makes use of Prelude,
which provides Gateways to PHOENICS which focus
on particular applications.
It is simple enough to be used by the youngest
11What do the teams do?
- The predictions of the Virtual Wind Tunnel are
checked against measurements in a real Wind
- Using machine-control computer programs, the
teams create the instructions which will cause
lathes or milling machines to create their
12The Competition
- Then the models are raced, two at a time, in a
twenty-meter-long track. -
There exist national and international
competitions and there is now even a Cup for the
Championship of the World.
13Criteria and the prizes
- The judges consider not only the speed of the
machines, but also - the quality of design,
- the marketing skills demonstrated by the teams,
and - their presentation of the project.
In 2005, these five young Australians won
scholarships to study engineering at a London
University worth a total of 1.5 million dollars.
14The founder of the project, Andrew Denford,
maintains that
with the assistance of modern computer
technology, pupils learn the elements of
- aerodynamics,
- mechanics,
- brand-management,
- marketind,
- teamwork,
- physics,
- design,
- graphics,
- sponsoring,
- leadership,
and all within a framework of friendly and
enjoyable rivalry.
Evidently, the rapid and extensive spread of the
project shows that Andrew Denford F1 in
Schools constitute the right formula!
15Final remarks
- The web-site of the project is
- www.f1inschools.co.uk
- The computer program embodying the Virtual Wind
Tunnel can be inspected, and tried out, in the
Internet Café on the second floor of Pavilion 2,
between 1100 and 1600 hrs of each day of the
- All interested persons are cordially invited.
16Among these flags, the space for Russias is free
All these countries have joined within the last
five years
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