Title: Les Arcs, March 16-23 2002
1The XXXVIIth Rencontres de Moriond QCD AND HIGH
Les Arcs, March 16-23 2002
Results from CDF, SLD and the LEP experiments
New ALEPH results for these Winter
Conferences Combinations from BOSC working group
(many thanks to O. Schneider) Conclusions
CERN-EP/2002-016 Submitted to EPJ
Time-dependent asymmetry between mixed and
unmixed decays
Oscillating term damped by the exponential decay
and proper time resolution effects
st (m/p) sL ? (sp/p) t
3The basic strategy
- Choose a selection criterion
- determines directly the final state tag method
- and signal fraction
- Tag initial and final state
- total mistag h hi ( 1-hf ) hf ( 1-hi )
- Measure proper time
- resolution st (m/p) sL ? (sp/p) t
- Maximum likelihood fit to Dms
- (or to the oscillation amplitude with fixed
4Selection methods
- Fully inclusive Delphi, SLD
- FS tag from dipole or NN
- Very high statistics ( N ? 105 _at_ LEP, N ? 104 _at_
SLD ) - Natural signal purity ( fs 10)
- Semi-inclusive Aleph, Delphi, Opal, CDF, SLD
- Inclusive l, f-l, K
- Still high statistics ( N ? 104? 105 _at_ LEP, N ?
103 _at_ SLD ) - Signal purity natural or slightly enhanced.
- Semi-exclusive Aleph, Delphi, Opal, SLD
- Ds-h, Ds-l
- Lower statistics ( N ? 102? 103 _at_ LEP, N ? 102 _at_
SLD ) - Signal purity up to 60, controlled from data.
- Fully exclusive Aleph, Delphi
- Little statistics ( N ? 50 events )
- Purity ? 50, excellent proper time resolution!
Signal purity
5The oscillation fit
For every event
sL, sp, fj, Pj estimated event-by-event Each
event is treated as a single experiment!
6The amplitude method
Set a limit by combining analyses unable to
resolve oscillations A 0 for Dms w A 1 for
Dms w
sA -1 (w) ? N½ fs (1-2h) F (sp,sL) F (sp,sL) ?
exp(-st w )
For w ? Dms, the shape A (w) depends on the
details of the analysis, and can be calculated
analytically in simple cases
Moser and Roussarie NIM A 384 (1997) 491
Abbaneo and Boix JHEP 08 (1999) 004
7The three ALEPH analyses
Released as preliminary in 2000 - now improved
and submitted for publication
Inclusive lepton final states
Fully reconstructed candidates
Ds - lepton final states
Old Ds hadron analysis dropped
8Fully reconstructed candidates
80 candidates (32 in the main peak) 11 with
purity gt 80 23 with purity gt 50
9Over 300 candidates
10 Decay length for the inclusive l analysis
11Event-by-event treatment for the incl l analysis
Divide events in classes according to topological
properties vertex classes m(D), cosq(l,D),
ntr(D), c2(D), c2(B)
For each class
12Event-by-event treatment for the incl l analysis
Decay length uncertainty from the vertex fit
Decay length bias correction and pull
correction Momentum uncertainty and bias
13Building a reliable analysis
- Control reliability of parameterizations MC
14The estimate of the systematic uncertainties
For each source considered, both a change of
the amplitude and of its statistical error are
Calculate the total error taking into account
both effects by means of toy experiments
15The three analysis results
Inclusive lepton
?msgt7.2 ps-1 ?msgt7.4 ps-1 (was 6.6 ps-1)
Obs. limit ?msgt2.4 ps-1 Exp. limit ?msgt0.3 ps-1
?msgt11.4 ps-1 (was 9.5 ps-1) ?msgt14.0 ps-1 (was
9.8 ps-1)
1.645?A_at_15ps-1 2.5
1.645?A_at_15ps-1 1.2
1.645?A_at_15ps-1 2.1
16Fully inclusive final states
17SLD versus LEP
SLD privileged environment for Bs oscillation hunt
LEP SLD 4M qq events lt400K qq
events per experiment sL ? 250 mm (core) sL ?
60-70 mm (core) Initial State Tag Initial State
Tag heff ? 25 heff ? 10-15 (beam
polarization) Best analyses Best analyses
Ds lepton Inclusive lepton Inclusive lepton
Fully inclusive
18The world combination
Combined limit Dms gt 14.9 ps-1 _at_ 95
CL Expected limit Dms 19.3 ps-1
19Comparison by experiment
Weights in the combination
Bs oscillation searches have substantially
improved over the last two years in the absence
of new data! (e.g. the uncertainty at w ? 20 ps-1
was reduced by a factor ? 2) Some improvements
can still be expected, but not as significant
We know that Dms gt 14.9 ps-1 _at_ 95 CL and we
have a (mild) indication of a signal at w between
16 and 20 ps-1 The burden and the pleasure of
continuing the hunt goes now to CDF and D0