Title: The endoplasm is the fluid part within the cytoplasm'
1The endoplasm is the fluid part within the
An endoparasite is one that lives within the
internal organs of its host.
What does the stem endo mean?
What is an endoskeleton?
What happens when someone has endoscopic surgery?
2Hydrophobia is the fear of water.
Agoraphobia is the fear of being in open spaces.
What does the stem phobia mean?
Where would be the worst place to take someone
who has claustrophobia?
Would someone with acrophobia work as a tight
rope walker?
3An orthograde animal walks with his body straight
up and down.
If you go to an orthopedic surgeon, he may help
to make your bones straighter.
What does the stem ortho mean?
What does the orthodontist get paid for?
If your art teacher wants you to write using
orthography, how might your letters look?
4If you have a dispute with someone, it is usually
because you both think differently.
Your reputation is what other people think about
What does the stem put mean?
What does a computer do for us?
If someone is disreputable, what type of person
is he?