Title: INSPIRE Metadata
1(No Transcript)
2Infrastructure for Spatial Information in the
European Community EC-INSPIRE Metadata
Requirements Implementation towards May
2010 Paul Smits European Commission Joint
Research Centre Institute for Environment and
Sustainability Spatial Data Infrastructures Unit
3The Mission of the Joint Research Centre is to
provide customer-driven scientific and technical
support for the conception, development,
implementation and monitoring of EU policies. As
a service of the European Commission, the JRC
functions as a reference centre of science and
technology for the Union. Close to the
policy-making process, it servesthe common
interest of the Member States,while being
independent of special interests,whether private
or national.
4Scientific support to EU policies
FTS Land Monitoring
Common Architecture
Co-chair GEOSS ADC
Technical Coordination
European DEM
GEOSS Clearinghouse
Implementing Rules
Support SoilForest DC
GEO Portal
EU Portal
Data Information management
International SDI
The intergovernmental Group on Earth Observations
(GEO), formally established at the 3rd Earth
Observation Summit in Feb 05, is leading a
worldwide effort to build a Global Earth
Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) over the
next 10 years
Heterogeneous Mission Accessibility (HMA)
The INSPIRE Directive 2007/2/EC, published in the
OJ on the 25.4.07, will enter into force on the
15.5.2007 A MoU was signed in 2006 by the DGs of
JRC, DG ENV and ESTAT establishing the
collaborative framework until 2013. The JRC is
responsible for the overall technical
coordination of INSPIRE.
In 2005 the Environmental Policy Review Group
endorsed the vision for a Shared Environmental
Information System (SEIS) aiming to improve
access to information needed for environmental
policies and to reduce the administrative burden
associated with reporting and monitoring.
JRC is co-responsible together with ESA for Data
Procurement of FTS Land and for the production of
European Satellite Mosaic. We provide technical
advice for GMES Data Specifications and we are
member of the review board of ESA HMA
5Objective of this presentation
- Explain what INSPIRE is
- Provide information about the current status of
the Implementing Rule for Metadata - with a focus on interoperability and ontology
- INSPIRE Directive
- INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata
- Content
- Form
- Guidelines and editor
- Next steps
7INSPIRE Directive
- INSPIRE lays down general rules to establish an
infrastructure for spatial information in Europe - for the purposes of Community environmental
policies and - policies or activities which may have an impact
on the environment. - INSPIRE to be based on the infrastructures for
spatial information established and operated by
the Member States - INSPIRE is a distributed infrastructure.
- INSPIRE does not require collection of new
spatial data - INSPIRE does not affect existing Intellectual
Property Rights - Entry into force 15 May 2007
8Scope INSPIRE Directive
- Spatial data held by or on behalf of a public
authority operating down to the lowest level of
government when laws or regulations require their
collection or dissemination - INSPIRE covers 34 Spatial Data Themes laid down
in 3 Annexes - required to successfully build environmental
information systems
9INSPIRE Spatial Data Scope
- Annex I
- Coordinate reference systems
- Geographical grid systems
- Geographical names
- Administrative units
- Addresses
- Cadastral parcels
- Transport networks
- Hydrography
- Protected sites
- Annex II
- Elevation
- Land cover
- Ortho-imagery
- Geology
Harmonised spatial data specifications more
stringent for Annex I and II than for Annex III
10INSPIRE Thematic Scope
- Annex III
- Statistical units
- Buildings
- Soil
- Land use
- Human health and safety
- Utility and governmental services
- Environmental monitoring facilities
- Production and industrial facilities
- Agricultural and aquaculture facilities
- Population distribution demography
- Area management/restriction/regulation zones
reporting units - Natural risk zones
- Atmospheric conditions
- Meteorological geographical features
- Oceanographic geographical features
- Sea regions
- Bio-geographical regions
- Habitats and biotopes
- Species distribution
- Energy Resources
- Mineral resources
11INSPIRE Components
- Metadata
- Interoperability of spatial data sets and
services - Network services (discovery, view, download,
invoke) - Made available trough the European geo-portal
- Data and Service sharing (policy)
- Coordination and measures for Monitoring
INSPIRE is a Framework Directive Detailed
technical provisions for the issues above will
be laid down in Implementing Rules Once adopted,
Implementing Rules become European legislative
acts and national law in 27 Member States and in
some EFTA countries
12From Commission proposal to Community Directive
- Preparatory phase (2004-2006)
- Co-decision procedure
- Start of preparation of Implementing Rules
- Transposition phase (2007-2009)
- Directive entered into force 15 May 2007
- INSPIRE Committee starts its activities 26 June
2007 - Continuation of preparation of Implementing Rules
- Transposition into national legislation
- Adoption of Implementing Rules by Comitology
- Implementation phase (2009-2013)
- Implementation and monitoring of measures
- Continuation of preparation of Implementing Rules
- Adoption of Implementing Rules by Comitology
13Excerpt from Roadmap
date proposed by Commission
- INSPIRE Directive
- INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata
- Content
- Form
- Guidelines and editor
- Next steps
15INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata - Content
- Directive 2007/2/EC Articles 5 and 6 Member
States shall ensure that metadata are created for
the spatial data sets and services corresponding
to the themes listed in Annexes I, II, (within 2
years of adoption of IRs) and III (within 5 years
of adoption of IRs), and that those metadata are
kept up to date. Metadata shall include
information on the following - the conformity of spatial data sets with the
implementing rules provided for in Article 7(1) - conditions applying to access to, and use of,
spatial data sets and services and, where
applicable, corresponding fees - the quality and validity of spatial data sets
- the public authorities responsible for the
establishment, management, maintenance and
distribution of spatial data sets and services - limitations on public access and the reasons for
such limitations, in accordance with Article 13.
16Directive 2007/2/EC Article 11
- The following combination of search criteria
shall be implemented - Keywords
- classification of spatial data and services
- the quality and validity of spatial data sets
- degree of conformity with the implementing rules
provided for in Article 7(1) - geographical location
- conditions applying to the access to and use of
spatial data sets and services - the public authorities responsible for the
establishment, management, maintenance and
distribution of spatial data sets and services.
17Metadata Drafting Team
18Strategic approach 1
Level 1 Discovery Level 2
Metadata on metadata
Natural risk zones
Agricultural and aquaculture facilities
Habitats and biotopes
Soil 1)
Data speci-fications
19Stakeholder comments
- 1250 received. Very successful exercise of
participation - Every comment was answer with motivation and
published - Key Grouping of comments
- Distinguish clearly between IRs, and guidelines,
- Granularity
- Conformity, quality, time, constraints
Strategic approach 2
- Separate IRs from Guidelines
- IRs to focus on stable elements (What to do)
- Guidelines to implement based on ISO standards
(How to do)
20INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata - Content
- Key features of the IRs
- Minimum that is required to implement the
requirements of the Directive and allow
interoperability through standards - Non-binding guidelines that allow conformance
with EN ISO 19115 (data) and EN 19119 (services)
interoperability with e-government through ISO
15836. - Guidelines can be updated when needed taking into
account technological and standards change e.g.
revision of OGC catalogue specifications and new
CEN work on Discovery of e-government resources.
21INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata - Content
- If the resource is a spatial data service, at
least one keyword from Part D.4 shall be provided
(EN ISO 19115 service taxonomy). - If a resource is a spatial data set or spatial
data set series, at least one keyword shall be
provided from the General Environmental
Multi-lingual Thesaurus (GEMET) describing the
relevant spatial data theme as defined in Annex
I, II or III to Directive 2007/2/EC.
22INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata - Form
- REGULATION..//EC implementing Directive
2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the
Council as regards metadata - Approved by the INSPIRE Committee on 14 May 2008
with unanimous decision (323 votes in total, (22
votes not represented)
- INSPIRE Directive
- INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata
- Content
- Form
- Guidelines and editor
- Next steps
24Guidelines and editor
- Detailed non-binding guidelines for implementing
INSPIRE metadata - Using EN ISO 19115 and EN ISO 19119
- Using Dublin Core metadata
25Guidelines and editor
- Relation between IR, guidelines and standards
- CEN/TC 287 can support IR development process by
adopting relevant standards and Technical Reports - Role for CEN/TC 287 identified in INSPIRE Work
Programme 2007-2009 - CEN/TC 287 has welcomed this role
- RESOLUTION 124 taken by CEN/TC 287 on
2007-06-06/07 to support work of INSPIRE - RESOLUTION 143 taken by CEN/TC 287 on
2008-04-24/25 to establish an Ad hoc group on
metadata for discovery - Technical liaison with OGC and ISO TC 211
26Guidelines and editor
- Article 15
- The Commission shall establish and operate an
Inspire geoportal at Community level. - 2. Member States shall provide access to the
services referred to in Article 11(1) through the
Inspire geo-portal referred to in paragraph 1.
Member States may also provide access to those
services through their own access points.
27Guidelines and editor
28Complies with ISO, validates against INSPIRE
geo-portal and GeoNetwork
XML is valid
- INSPIRE Directive
- INSPIRE Implementing Rule for Metadata
- Content
- Form
- Guidelines and editor
- Next steps and conclusions
30Next steps and conclusions
- Adoption process
- INSPIRE Regulatory Committee expressed its
opinion - European Parliament has until 19 June 2008 to
check if Commission exceeded its powers - Draft metadata regulation uploaded to public
Comitology Register (accessible via
http//www.ec-gis.org/inspire) - Translations expected to be ready by July
- Publication possibly in August
- Entry into force on the 20th day following its
publication in the Official Journal of the
European Union (August/September 2008)
31Next steps and conclusions
- Keep informed
- Review deliverables from the Drafting Teams and
the Thematic Working Groups - Propose experts
- Submit reference material
- Testing of draft specifications
- Highest involvement of key stakeholders through
the Spatial Data Interest Community (SDIC) and
Legally Mandated Organisations (LMO) concepts - Are you involved in a network representing
producers, transformers and users of spatial data
that falls within the scope of INSPIRE? - Register as a Spatial Data Interest Community!
- Has your organisation a legal mandate for one or
more aspects of INSPIRE? - Register as a Legally Mandated Organisation!
32Next steps and conclusion
- The IRs are the result of a major collaborative
effort with key experts in the field (the DT),
the SDICs and LMOs, and the Commission - They are technically coherent and can be
implemented in compliance with international
standards - Tools are already being developed to facilitate
the creation and maintenance of the metadata
required , which will make existing information
resources in Europe more visible and usable.
33Thank you for your attention !
..to know more come to the 2nd INSPIRE
Conference, Maribur, Slovenia, 23-25 June