Title: Folie 1
1Calibration of the hadron calorimeter of the
KASCADE-Grande experiment with a high-energy
particle beam
Stefan Plewnia Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe for
the KASCADE-Grande Collaboration
2- Hadronic component of EAS consists of mesons,
neutrons, protons, and fragments of nuclei -
Observables for ground-based measurements are
- energy of the detected hadron - track of
the hadron - number of hadrons in an EAS gt
hadronic observables are correlated to the
primary nucleus
3The KASCADE-Experiment
- KASCADE Calorimeter
- - 320 m2 detection area
- - 11 ?i depth
- - 9 layers of ionization chambers
- - 11000 chambers with 44000
- electronic channels
- - Energy threshold EHgt20 GeV
- - Spatial resolution of 25x25 cm2
4The ionization chambers
- Filled with TMP (Tetramethylpentane) or TMS
(Tetramethylsilane) as active medium - Stable
signal yield over a long period of time -
Operation at room temperature - Better
precision in energy measurement than detectors
with gas
5CERN Test Setup
- Test at the SPS-H4 beamline (June and July 2003)
- - Protons, pions, electrons, and muons from 15 to
350 GeV
6The Calorimeter
- - Electronic calibration with defined pulses
- conversion of ADC counts into fC
- - Measurement of muons with 50 GeV
- Energy loss in chambers can be calculated
(Bethe-Bloch formula) - or derived from MC-Simulations
- - The measured charge depends on - dE/dx
- -
primary recombination
- losses due to impurities
Collected charge
Charge yield of electrons escaping primary
From simulation/calculation (Bethe-Bloch)
Charge collection function
950 GeV muons at three high voltages
- Charge collection function is fitted to data
- - One parameter lifetime t
t is used as calibration constant for all other
10Muons at different high voltages
After calibration All layers show reasonable
energy deposits for muons
-gt Calibration constants can be used for further
11Longitudinal distributions for pions/protons
Maximum of energy deposit ln(E)
12Longitudinal distributions for electrons
Calorimeter is optimized for hadrons -gt sampling
is inadequate for electrons
13Comparison of data with MC simulation
- Monte Carlo Simulation
- Based on GEANT 3.21
- Signal damping for strongly ionizing particles
implemented according to prev. measurements - Chamber geometry is taken into account
- Simulations with hadrons, electrons, and muons
at various energies - - Statistics is about 10 of data
14Simulation and data for pions
?Simulation and measurement agree !
15Energy sum for hadrons and electrons
SE sum of energy deposit in all layers
16Energy resolution for hadrons
sE/E 27 at 150 GeV
- Calorimeter worked fine, preliminary results are
encouraging - Data and simulation agree satisfyingly
- Further analysis is in progress
- Difference between MC and data will be
investigated - Results will improve the knowledge about the
chambers and the reconstruction of KASCADE data