Title: SIBER
- Sustained Indian Ocean Biogeochemical and
Ecological Research
- IndoUS Science and Technology Forum
- Organizers
- NASA and NSF
- Slides from
- Raleigh Hood (University of Maryland)
- Oscar Schofield (Rutgers University)
3Workshop in Goa in October 3-6, 2006
Workshop Goals
- Review the state of our knowledge of the
biogeochemical and ecological dynamics of the IO - Identify prominent gaps
- Formulate a plan for future international
research - Implement parallel program to CLIVAR/GOOS and CO2
surveys - focused on biogeochem. and ecology
- Promote interdisciplinary collaboration and
research in - the Indian Ocean
- Leverage planned CLIVAR/GOOS Indian Ocean
mooring array - Develop a new, parallel program in the IO
focused on - biogeochemical and ecological research
- The Indian Ocean is interesting and different
- It is one of the last great frontiers for ocean
biogeochemical - and ecological research
- Good News we are just starting and have a
chance to get on with the physical measurements /
Bad News great paucity of measurements
5 Time Series Locations for OceanSITES
OceanSITES Science Team has used
multi-disciplinary site selection
Yellow dots represent Argo float
White questions 12 (biogeochem, ecology,
biodiversity), Yellow question 3 (ridge and
subduction sites) Pink question 4 (seismic
studies of earth structure), Green question 5
(air-sea flux) Question 6 All
Phase A WHITE, Phase B YELLOW, Phase C RED
7Insufficient data to fully characterize CO2
air-sea pCO2 gradient (µatm)
- IO is a source of CO2 to the
- atmosphere but also responsible
- for 20 of global CO2 uptake
- (Takahashi et al., 2002)
- Large seasonal changes in ?pCO2
- -In southern IO linked to temp.
- -In northern IO linked to
- upwelling and summer monsoons
- Need to better characterize
- spatial and seasonal patterns and
- particularly air-sea flux on
- regional scales
- Need to better understand
- linkages to wind, temperature,
- upwelling and biogeochemical
- cycles
From Takahashi et al. 2002, courtesy of B.
8Systematic warming - unknown biogeochemical
The Indian Ocean has warmed over the 20th century
more than any other ocean basin
From Levitus et al. 2000
From Meyers et al. 2005 IOP Report
- How are biogeochemical processes and the carbon
cycle being impacted - by this warming?
- Increased SST is known to reduce CO2 uptake.
- How will this impact the role of the Indian
Ocean in the global C cycle? - Is the IO a preview of global oceanic warming
biogeochemical response?
9The Indian Ocean is very different from the
Atlantic and the Pacific
From Schott and McCreary, 2001
From Wiggert et al. 2006
- Bounded to the north
- (no T-cline ventilation)
- Low-lat. Opening to east (ITF)
- Annual Monsoon cycle
- - Seasonal reversal of winds
- (extending to 10o South)
- - Strong seasonal precipitation
- (especially in east and BOB)
- Strongly seasonal circulation (e.g.)
- - South Equatorial Counter Current
- - Somali Current
- - India Coastal Currents
- - Wyrtki Jets (intermonsoon periods)
- Warmest temps and deepest thermocline in the
east - Strongly seasonal upwelling and biogeochemical
response - No equatorial upwelling or biogeochemical
10The Arabian Sea versus the Bay of Bengal - two
dramatically different basins
Arabian Sea
Bay of Bengal
- Intense upwelling and mesoscale variability
- High productivity, highly seasonal
- Net evaporation with high salinity sources
- Strongly seasonal Fe and dust deposition
- Deep open ocean OMZ and oxygen depletion
- Substantial open ocean denitrification
- Significant open ocean N2-fixation
- Strong source of carbon to the atmosphere
- Weaker upwelling
- Modest productivity, less seasonality
- Very significant freshwater/nutrient sources
- Deep open ocean OMZ, but not depletion
- Broad shelves
- High rates of shelf denitrification
- Significant open ocean N2-fixation
- Weak sink (or source) of C to the atmosphere
11New findings and uncertainties on Fe limitation
What is the extent and role of Fe limitation in
the IO?
- Traditional view is that Arabian Sea is Fe
replete - New evidence suggests possibility of seasonal Fe
limitation in the Arabian Sea associated with
upwelling waters with low FeN (Wiggert et al.,
2006 Naqvi et al. 2006) - IO sector of the Southern Ocean is strongly Fe
limited (Gervais et al., 2002) - Models suggest large areas of persistent Fe
limitation in tropical and subtropical waters
Red N-limitation
Blue Fe-limitation
From Wiggert et al. (2006)
12New findings and uncertainties on Fe limitation
How does dust and Fe deposition influence the
carbon cycle?
from www.igbp.kva.se/cgi-bin/php/sciencehistory.sh
- A linkage between eastward propagating
atmospheric dust and offshore carbon sink regions
between 30o and 50o S has been suggested (Piketh
et al., 2000) - What about further north, e.g., in the Arabian
13SIBER Steering Committee
- India
- Wajih Naqvi (co-chair)
- National Institute of Oceanography
- Satish Shetye
- National Institute of Oceanography
- V. S. N. Murty
- National Institute of Oceanography
- Prasanna Kumar
- National Institute of Oceanography
- Dileep Kumar
- National Institute of Oceanography
- United States
- Raleigh Hood (chair)
- University of Maryland
- Lou Codispoti
- University of Maryland
- Jay McCreary
- University of Hawaii
- Jerry Wiggert
- Old Dominion University
- Ajit Subramaniam
- Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
14SIBER Invited Participants (targets)
- 20 United States
- 20 India
- 20 International
- 100 maximum
SIBER Products
- An international SSC
- A plan for future international research
- A symposium volume
15SIBER Website http//ian.umces.edu
16SIBER and Indoflux Complimentary and Synergistic
Global Partnerships
Is the Indian coast net heterotrophic or
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21Moorings Ocean Equivalents of Flux Towers
BTM 1994- Present Also, HALE-ALOHA HOT
site Ongoing
Dickey et al., 2001
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23Aerosol Sampler with IMET on BTM Ed Sholkovitz,
Bob Weller, Dave Hosom, et al., WHOI
Fe Al Mn P Ca
African Dust Event
24MITESS Fe Time Series from BTM Ed Boyle, MIT
MITESS Fe Time Series
Osmoanalyzer Hans Jannasch, MBARI
OPL Optics
TS-SID Craig Taylor, WHOI
26Multi- Platform Approach
27Bay of Bengal Algorithms to derive proxies to
feed models Are nepheloid layers dominated by the
minerogenics? By organics?
A) Salinity
B) bb(650) (m-1)
D) bb(650) / c(650)
C) c(650) (m-1)
Hudson River plume
28Some random thoughts
- Study the effect of eutrophication and river
outflow on marine ecosystem - Study CO2 drawdown and outgassing in the ocean
- N2O release on coastal western shelf due to
denitrification - SST impact on rainfall
- Harmful algal blooms
- Potential for instrument development and training
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