Title: Test Your Sherlock Holmes IQ
1Test Your Sherlock Holmes IQ
2Who is Mrs. Hudson?
- Holmes aunt
- Watsons sister
- Holmes maid
- Holmes landlady
3Who is Mrs. Hudson?
- Holmes aunt
- Watsons sister
- Holmes maid
- Holmes landlady
- In the 2010 BBC version, the relationship is
updatedlisten for details!
4Sort of reasoning famous to Holmes.
- Conclusive
- Deduction
- Induction
- Transitive
5Sort of reasoning famous to Holmes.
- Conclusive
- Deduction
- Induction
- Transitive
6Dr. Watsons military service was in__.
- Prussia
- South Africa
- Afghanistan
- India
7Dr. Watsons military service was in__.
- Prussia
- South Africa
- Afghanistan
- India
8Across the episodes, Dr. Watson kept a record of
the cases in___.
- A novel
- Short story form
- A journal
- Newspaper articles
9Across the episodes, Dr. Watson kept a record of
the cases in___.
- A novel
- Short story form
- A journal so, in 2010, it will be a ___.
- Newspaper articles
10Holmes address is 221B ___.
- Brainard St.
- Breckinridge St.
- Baker St.
- Bolton St.
11Holmes address is 221B ___.
- Brainard St.
- Breckinridge St.
- Baker St. same
- Bolton St.
12Police officer often working/competing with
Holmes is ___.
- Lestrade
- Clousseau
- Gadget
- Morse
13Police officer often working/competing with
Holmes is ___.
- Lestrade
- Clousseau
- Gadget
- Morse
14Watsons war wound was in his __ .
- A. shoulder
- B. Leg
- C. hand
- All of the above (Doyle was inconsistent on this
15Watsons war wound was in his __ .
- A. shoulder
- B. leg
- C. hand
- All of the above (Doyle was inconsistent on this
point) psychological twist in 2010
16Along with Holmes genius, he is thought to be __
- Addicted to drugs
- Mentally instable
- A musical genius
- Homosexual
17Along with Holmes genius, he is thought to be __
- Addicted to illegal drugs
- Mentally instable
- A musical genius
- Homosexual
- None of the above
18Along with Holmes genius, he is thought to be __
- Addicted to drugs
- Mentally instable
- A musical genius
- Homosexual
- None of the above
19"It may be that you are not yourself__, but you
are a conductor of light. Some people without
possessing genius have a remarkable power of
stimulating it.(Holmes to Watson)
- smart
- a genius
- quick-witted
- luminous
20"It may be that you are not yourself__, but you
are a conductor of light. Some people without
possessing genius have a remarkable power of
stimulating it.
- smart
- a genius
- quick-witted
- luminous from The Hound of the Baskervilles
21Holmes mysteries were originally published in ___
- Frasers
- The Strand
- Athanaeum
- Blackwoods
22Holmes mysteries were originally published in ___
- Frasers
- The Strand
- Athanaeum
- Blackwoods
23Watsons considerable skill(s) as ___ become(s)
critical to Holmes.
- Marksman
- Source of inspiration
- Doctor
- All of the above
24Watsons considerable skill(s) as ___ become(s)
critical to Holmes.
- Marksman
- Source of inspiration
- Doctor
- All of the above
25Which TV program features a parallel relationship
between Holmes Watson?
- Sheldon Leonard The Big Bang Theory
- House Wilson, House
- Dwight Michael, The Office
- Danny Steve Garrett , Hawaii 5-0
26Which TV program features a parallel relationship
between Holmes Watson?
- Sheldon Leonard The Big Bang Theory
- House Wilson, House
- Dwight Michael, The Office
- Danno , Hawaii 5-0
27?Guidelines for viewing (write down)?Related
Grades Discussion to Come
- ?1. Links to the original A Study in Scarlet
(1886) - ?2. What elements of heroism seem valued in THIS
version? in original versions? - ?3. Why might modern filmmakers feel need to make
changes from 1886 version? - ?4. How might the Sherlock we meet here
compare/contrast to popular action heroes so
dominate in films today?