Title: Comparison of Latches and Flip-Flops
1Comparison of Latches and Flip-Flops
Type When inputs are sampled When output is
valid unclocked always propagation delay from
input changelatch level-sensitive clock
high propagation delay from input
changelatch (Tsu/Th around falling or clock edge
(whichever is later) edge of clock) master-slave
clock high propagation delay from falling
edgeflip-flop (Tsu/Th around falling of
clock edge of clock) negative clock hi-to-lo
transition propagation delay from falling
edgeedge-triggered (Tsu/Th around falling of
clockflip-flop edge of clock)
2Typical Timing Specifications
- Positive edge-triggered D flip-flop
- Setup and hold times
- Minimum clock width
- Propagation delays (low to high, high to low, max
and typical)
all measurements are made from the clocking event
that is, the rising edge of the clock
3Cascading Edge-triggered Flip-Flops
- Shift register
- New value goes into first stage
- While previous value of first stage goes into
second stage - Consider setup/hold/propagation delays (prop must
be gt hold)
4Cascading Edge-triggered Flip-Flops
- Shift register
- New value goes into first stage
- While previous value of first stage goes into
second stage - Consider setup/hold/propagation delays (prop must
be gt hold)
5Cascading Edge-triggered Flip-Flops (contd)
- Why this works
- Propagation delays exceed hold times
- Clock width constraint exceeds setup time
- This guarantees following stage will latch
current value before it changes to new value
In Q0 Q1 CLK
Tsu 4ns
Tsu 4ns
timing constraints guarantee proper operation
of cascaded components
Tp 3ns
Tp 3ns
assumes infinitely fast distribution of the clock
Th 2ns
Th 2ns
6Clock Skew
- The problem
- Correct behavior assumes next state of all
storage elementsdetermined by all storage
elements at the same time - Difficult in high-performance systems because
time for clock to arrive at flip-flop is
comparable to delays through logic (and will soon
become greater than logic delay) - Effect of skew on cascaded flip-flops
In Q0 Q1 CLK0 CLK1
CLK1 is a delayed version of CLK0
original state IN 0, Q0 1, Q1 1 due to
skew, next state becomes Q0 0, Q1 0, and not
Q0 0, Q1 1
7Summary of Latches and Flip-Flops
- Development of D-FF
- Level-sensitive used in custom integrated
circuits - can be made with 4 switches
- Edge-triggered used in programmable logic devices
- Good choice for data storage register
- Historically J-K FF was popular but now never
used - Similar to R-S but with 1-1 being used to toggle
output (complement state) - Good in days of TTL/SSI (more complex input
function D JQ' K'Q - Not a good choice for PLAs as it requires two
inputs - Can always be implemented using D-FF
- Preset and clear inputs are highly desirable on
flip-flops - Used at start-up or to reset system to a known
8Flip-Flop Features
- Reset (set state to 0) R
- Synchronous Dnew R' Dold (when next clock
edge arrives) - Asynchronous doesn't wait for clock, quick but
dangerous - Preset or set (set state to 10 S (or sometimes
P) - Synchronous Dnew Dold S (when next clock
edge arrives) - Asynchronous doesn't wait for clock, quick but
dangerous - Both reset and preset
- Dnew R' Dold S (set-dominant)
- Dnew R' Dold R'S (reset-dominant)
- Selective input capability (input enable/load)
LD or EN - Multiplexer at input Dnew LD' Q LD Dold
- Load may/may not override reset/set (usually R/S
have priority) - Complementary outputs Q and Q'
- Collections of flip-flops with similar controls
and logic - Stored values somehow related (e.g., form binary
value) - Share clock, reset, and set lines
- Similar logic at each stage
- Examples
- Shift registers
- Counters
10Shift Register
- Holds samples of input
- Store last 4 input values in sequence
- 4-bit shift register
11Shift Register Verilog
module shift_reg (out4, out3, out2, out1, in,
clk) output out4, out3, out2, out1 input
in, clk reg out4, out3, out2, out1 always
_at_(posedge clk) begin out4 lt out3 out3
lt out2 out2 lt out1 out1 lt in
end endmodule
12Shift Register Verilog
module shift_reg (out, in, clk) output 41
out input in, clk reg 41
out always _at_(posedge clk) begin out lt
out31, in end endmodule
13Universal Shift Register
- Holds 4 values
- Serial or parallel inputs
- Serial or parallel outputs
- Permits shift left or right
- Shift in new values from left or right
clear sets the register contentsand output to
0s1 and s0 determine the shift function
s0 s1 function 0 0 hold state 0 1 shift
right 1 0 shift left 1 1 load new input
14Design of Universal Shift Register
- Consider one of the four flip-flops
- New value at next clock cycle
Nth cell
to N-1th cell
to N1th cell
clear s0 s1 new value 1 0 0 0 0 output 0 0
1 output value of FF to left (shift
right) 0 1 0 output value of FF to right (shift
left) 0 1 1 input
s0 and s1control mux
15Universal Shift Register Verilog
module univ_shift (out, lo, ro, in, li, ri, s,
clr, clk) output 30 out output lo, ro
input 30 in input 10 s input li,
ri, clr, clk reg 30 out assign lo
out3 assign ro out0 always _at_(posedge clk
or clr) begin if (clr) out lt 0 else
case (s) 3 out lt in 2 out lt
out20, ri 1 out lt li, out31
0 out lt out endcase end endmodule
16Shift Register Application
- Parallel-to-serial conversion for serial
parallel outputs
parallel inputs
serial transmission
17Pattern Recognizer
- Combinational function of input samples
- In this case, recognizing the pattern 1001 on the
single input signal
- Sequences through a fixed set of patterns
- In this case, 1000, 0100, 0010, 0001
- If one of the patterns is its initial state (by
loading or set/reset) - Mobius (or Johnson) counter
- In this case, 1000, 1100, 1110, 1111, 0111, 0011,
0001, 0000
19Binary Counter
- Logic between registers (not just multiplexer)
- XOR decides when bit should be toggled
- Always for low-order bit, only when first bit is
true for second bit, and so on
20Binary Counter Verilog
module shift_reg (out4, out3, out2, out1, clk)
output out4, out3, out2, out1 input in, clk
reg out4, out3, out2, out1 always _at_(posedge
clk) begin out4 lt (out1 out2 out3)
out4 out3 lt (out1 out2) out3 out2
lt out1 out2 out1 lt out1 1b1
end endmodule
21Binary Counter Verilog
module shift_reg (out4, out3, out2, out1, clk)
output 41 out input in, clk reg
41 out always _at_(posedge clk) out lt out
1 endmodule
22Four-bit Binary Synchronous Up-Counter
- Standard component with many applications
- Positive edge-triggered FFs w/ sync load and
clear inputs - Parallel load data from D, C, B, A
- Enable inputs must be asserted to enable
counting - RCO ripple-carry out used for cascading counters
- high when counter is in its highest state 1111
- implemented using an AND gate
(2) RCO goes high
(3) High order 4-bits are incremented
(1) Low order 4-bits 1111
23Offset Counters
- Starting offset counters use of synchronous
load - e.g., 0110, 0111, 1000, 1001, 1010, 1011, 1100,
1101, 1111, 0110, . . . - Ending offset counter comparator for ending
value - e.g., 0000, 0001, 0010, ..., 1100, 1101, 0000
- Combinations of the above (start and stop value)
24Sequential Logic Summary
- Fundamental building block of circuits with state
- Latch and flip-flop
- R-S latch, R-S master/slave, D master/slave,
edge-triggered D FF - Timing methodologies
- Use of clocks
- Cascaded FFs work because prop delays exceed hold
times - Beware of clock skew
- Basic registers
- Shift registers
- Pattern detectors
- Counters
25Sequential Logic Implementation
- Models for representing sequential circuits
- Finite-state machines (Moore and Mealy)
- Representation of memory (states)
- Changes in state (transitions)
- Design procedure
- State diagrams
- State transition table
- Next state functions
26Abstraction of State Elements
- Divide circuit into combinational logic and state
- Localize feedback loops and make it easy to break
cycles - Implementation of storage elements leads to
various forms of sequential logic
27Forms of Sequential Logic
- Asynchronous sequential logic state changes
occur whenever state inputs change (elements may
be simple wires or delay elements) - Synchronous sequential logic state changes
occur in lock step across all storage elements
(using a periodic waveform - the clock)
28Finite State Machine Representations
- States determined by possible values in
sequential storage elements - Transitions change of state
- Clock controls when state can change by
controlling storage elements - Sequential Logic
- Sequences through a series of states
- Based on sequence of values on input signals
- Clock period defines elements of sequence
29Example Finite State Machine Diagram
30Can Any Sequential System be Represented with a
State Diagram?
- Shift Register
- Input value shownon transition arcs
- Output values shownwithin state node
31Counters are Simple Finite State Machines
- Counters
- Proceed thru well-defined state sequence in
response to enable - Many types of counters binary, BCD, Gray-code
- 3-bit up-counter 000, 001, 010, 011, 100, 101,
110, 111, 000, ... - 3-bit down-counter 111, 110, 101, 100, 011,
010, 001, 000, 111, ...
32Verilog Upcounter
module binary_cntr (q, clk) inputs clk
outputs 20 q reg 20 q reg
20 p always _at_(q)
//Calculate next state case (q) 3b000
p 3b001 3b001 p 3b010
3b111 p 3b000 endcase always
_at_(posedge clk) //next becomes current state
q lt p endmodule
33How Do We Turn a State Diagram into Logic?
- Counter
- Three flip-flops to hold state
- Logic to compute next state
- Clock signal controls when flip-flop memory can
change - Wait long enough for combinational logic to
compute new value - Don't wait too long as that is low performance
34FSM Design Procedure
- Start with counters
- Simple because output is just state
- Simple because no choice of next state based on
input - State diagram to state transition table
- Tabular form of state diagram
- Like a truth-table
- State encoding
- Decide on representation of states
- For counters it is simple just its value
- Implementation
- Flip-flop for each state bit
- Combinational logic based on encoding
35FSM Design Procedure State Diagram to Encoded
State Transition Table
- Tabular form of state diagram
- Like a truth-table (specify output for all input
combinations) - Encoding of states easy for counters just use
- D flip-flop for each state bit
- Combinational logic based on encoding
notation to show function represent input to D-FF
N1 C1' N2 C1C2' C1'C2 C1 xor C2 N3
C1C2C3' C1'C3 C2'C3 C1C2C3' (C1'
C2')C3 (C1C2) xor C3
37Implementation (cont'd)
- Programmable Logic Building Block for Sequential
Logic - Macro-cell FF logic
- D-FF
- Two-level logic capability like PAL (e.g., 8
product terms)
38Another Example
- Shift Register
- Input determines next state
N1 In N2 C1 N3 C2
39More Complex Counter Example
- Complex Counter
- Repeats five states in sequence
- Not a binary number representation
- Step 1 Derive the state transition diagram
- Count sequence 000, 010, 011, 101, 110
- Step 2 Derive the state transition table from
the state transition diagram
note the don't care conditions that arise from
the unused state codes
40More Complex Counter Example (contd)
- Step 3 K-maps for Next State Functions
C A B B' A'C' A BC'
41Self-Starting Counters (contd)
- Re-deriving state transition table from don't
care assignment
42Self-Starting Counters
- Start-up States
- At power-up, counter may be in an unused or
invalid state - Designer must guarantee it (eventually) enters a
valid state - Self-starting Solution
- Design counter so that invalid states eventually
transition to a valid state - May limit exploitation of don't cares
- Reset line
- Input which ALWAYS puts counter in a known state
43State Machine Model
- Values stored in registers represent the state of
the circuit - Combinational logic computes
- Next state
- Function of current state and inputs
- Outputs
- Function of current state and inputs (Mealy
machine) - Function of current state only (Moore machine)
44State Machine Model (contd)
- States S1, S2, ..., Sk
- Inputs I1, I2, ..., Im
- Outputs O1, O2, ..., On
- Transition function Fs(Si, Ij)
- Output function Fo(Si) or Fo(Si, Ij)
45Example Ant Brain (Ward, MIT)
- Sensors L and R antennae, 1 if in touching
wall - Actuators F - forward step, TL/TR - turn
left/right slightly - Goal find way out of maze
- Strategy keep the wall on the right
46Ant Brain
47Ant Behavior
A Following wall, touching Go forward,
turning left slightly. If R and not L, go to
A If R and L , go to E else go to B
B Following wall, not touching Go forward,
turning right slightly if R, go to A if not
R, go to C
C Break in wall Go forward, turning right
slightly if R, go to A if not R, stay in C
E Wall in front or on left Turn left
If L or R, stay in E Otherwise, go to B
LOST Forward until we touch something
48Designing an Ant Brain
49Synthesizing the Ant Brain Circuit
- Encode States Using a Set of State Variables
- Arbitrary choice - may affect cost, speed
- Use Transition Truth Table
- Define next state function for each state
variable - Define output function for each output
- Implement next state and output functions using
combinational logic - 2-level logic (ROM/PLA/PAL)
- Multi-level logic
- Next state and output functions can be optimized
50Transition Truth Table
- Using symbolic statesand outputs
- 5 states at least 3 state variables required
(X, Y, Z) - State assignment (in this case, arbitrarily
LOST - 000 E - 001 A - 010 B - 011 C - 100
state L R next state outputs X,Y,Z X', Y',
Z' F TR TL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 0 0 ... ... ... ... ... 0 1 0 0 0 0 1
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 0
0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 ... ... ... ... ...
it now remainsto synthesizethese 6 functions
52Synthesis of Next State and Output Functions
state inputs next state outputs X,Y,Z L
R X,Y,Z F TR TL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
0 - 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 - 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0
1 1 - 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 1
0 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 - 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 1
1 - 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 - 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0
0 - 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 - 1 0 1 0 1 1 0
- e.g.
- TR X Y Z
- X X R Y Z R R TR
53Circuit Implementation
- Outputs are a function of the current state only
- Moore machine
54Verilog Sketch
module ant_brain (F, TR, TL, L, R) inputs
L, R outputs F, TR, TL reg X, Y,
Z assign F function(X, Y, Z, L, R)
assign TR function(X, Y, Z, L, R) assign TL
function(X, Y, Z, L, R) always _at_(posedge
clk) begin X lt function (X, Y, Z, L,
R) Y lt function (X, Y, Z, L, R) Z
lt function (X, Y, Z, L, R) end endmodule
55Dont Cares in FSM Synthesis
- What happens to the "unused" states (101, 110,
111)? - Exploited as don't cares to minimize the logic
- If states can't happen, then don't care what the
functions do - if states do happen, we may be in trouble
Ant is in deep trouble if it gets in this state
56State Minimization
- Fewer states may mean fewer state variables
- High-level synthesis may generate many redundant
states - Two state are equivalent if they are impossible
to distinguish from the outputs of the FSM, i.
e., for any input sequence the outputs are the
same - Two conditions for two states to be equivalent
- 1) Output must be the same in both states
- 2) Must transition to equivalent states for all
input combinations
57Ant Brain Revisited
58Ant Brain Revisited
Inequivalent since actions differ
Potentially Equivalent (actions equivalent)
59Equivalence Proof
Equivalent Behavior under R
A (TL, F)
B (TR, F)
C(TR, F)
Equivalent Behavior under R
60New Improved Brain
- Merge equivalent B and C states
- Behavior is exactly the same as the 5-state brain
- We now need only 2 state variables rather than 3
61New Brain Implementation
62Sequential Logic Implementation Summary
- Models for representing sequential circuits
- Abstraction of sequential elements
- Finite state machines and their state diagrams
- Inputs/outputs
- Mealy, Moore, and synchronous Mealy machines
- Finite state machine design procedure
- Deriving state diagram
- Deriving state transition table
- Determining next state and output functions
- Implementing combinational logic