The Great War 1914-1918 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Great War 1914-1918


... in the Middle East The British send New Zealand and Australian troops to seize Gallipoli with disastrous results The ANZAC forces eventually seize Baghdad in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Great War 1914-1918

The Great War 1914-1918
  • Total War and the Homefront
  • Dealing With Dissent
  • The Russian Revolution and Civil War

A War on Many Fronts
  • Italy sides now with the Allies and attacks
  • Romania and Greece side with the Allies
  • The Ottoman Empire joins the Central Powers

A World At War
The Ottoman Empire and The Middle East Theater
  • The Ottoman Empire stops Ally supplies from using
    the Suez and Dardanelles in the Middle East
  • The British send New Zealand and Australian
    troops to seize Gallipoli with disastrous results
  • The ANZAC forces eventually seize Baghdad in 1917

War at Sea
  • Germans submarines employ unrestricted warfare
    on the British and Allied shipping
  • To combat submarines depth charges and destroyer
    convoys are used with success
  • Both Britain and Germany will not engage in large
    naval battles because of submarine torpedoes

Total War and The Home Front
  • Total War, the concept of government control over
    war production and dedication from a nations
    people to total victory
  • Government controlled labor, production of war
    material, mobilized citizens for the military,
    regulated wages and prices to achieve victory

Total War and The Home Front
  • Women severed in war production industries and
    did work held exclusively for men
  • The United States allowed women to begin
    enlisting as nurses in the Navy, Marine Corps and
    Coast Guard
  • In Russia women worked in war production and
    served as soldiers

Total War and The Home Front
  • Governments seized control of supplies needed for
    the war effort and changed industries to produce
    war materials
  • Food rationing was used because of low
    agriculture production and government seizures of
    food stuffs
  • The British issued ration books for meat, cheese
    and sugar

The Battle of The Somme 1916
  • June 24, 1916, British General Douglas Haig
    orders a massive bombardment on German trenches
  • The Germans are protected in their trench lines
  • July 1, 1916, 100,000 British troops attack the
  • Over 20,000 are killed in one day
  • The British and Germans will now dig in and wait

The Battle of The Somme 1916
Dealing With Dissent
  • All governments begin to crackdown on dissenting
    voices by censorship, removing civil liberties
    and enforcing martial law
  • Critics and pacifists were grouped together
  • The U.S. passed the Espionage Act 1917 and
    Sedition Acts 1918 to silence opposition
  • Union leader Eugene Debs was charged with
    sedition for speaking against the draft

The Red Scare
  • The Russian Revolution of 1917 scares Americans
    who believe it will spread to the U.S.
  • There was also a fear that anarchists and
    communists are within unions
  • April 1919, 40 mail bombs are intercepted by the
  • Americans fear that a revolution is being planned
    by labor unions, anarchists and immigrants

The Red Scare
  • U.S. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer appoints
    Herbert Hoover to lead the Office of General
  • Mitchell believes that a revolution is being
    planned and begins raids and deportations over
    6,000 foreigners are arrested and 556 are
  • The revolution feared by Palmer does not happen
    and this ends the Red Scare

The Red Scare
  • Immigrants escaping the poverty from Europe are
    banned entry into the United States
  • Quotas will be set to keep immigrants from
    Eastern and Southern Europe by Congress in 1929
  • The main target of distrust and suspicion are

Dealing With Dissent
  • Germany encouraged The Easter Rebellion in
    Ireland in 1916
  • It also returned revolutionary Vladimir Lenin to
    Russia to cause revolution
  • The British promised Jews a homeland in Palestine
    and the Arabs independence from the Turks

1917 A Year of Turing Points
  • Russia removes itself from the war and signs a
    separate peace with Germany
  • Germany now can concentrate its army on the
    Western Front but, lacks material to sustain a
    long offensive

The Western Front 1918
  • March-July 1918 Germany advances from its
    trenches and moves into French territory
  • German introduces stromtroopers, flamethrowers
    and rolling barrages
  • Germany will exhaust itself and the Allies will
    now advance into German territory

The Western Front 1918
1917 A Year of Turing Points
  • Germany seeks an ally in Mexico and promises
    support if it wages war against America
  • The Zimmerman Telegram promise aide to Mexico and
    the Southwest
  • April 1917 America declares war on Germany and 2
    million soldiers now side with the Allies

Americans at War
Germany Defeated
  • Germany launches the Ludendorff Offensive and
    meets with limited success
  • Unable to break the Allied trenches now
    reinforced with Americans
  • The Germans sue for peace because it is losing
    more men that it can recruit and train per year

Germany Defeated
  • The Council of Four will decide fate of Europe
  • Woodrow Wilson
  • David Lloyd George
  • Vittorio Orlando
  • Georges Clemenceau
  • Losing countries have no say in treaty
  • Wilson proposes Fourteen Points which includes
    free trade, self-determination, disarmament and a
    League of Nations

Germany Defeated
  • Clemenceau wants to punish the Germans and gets
    Germany to disarm, it also gets the Rhineland and
    buffer states in the Alsace-Lorraine
  • The Treaty of Versailles, 1918, officially ends
    the war and imposes reparations for the
    destruction of property and loss of life
  • Germany will want revenge later

Revolution in Russia 1917-1920
  • Tsar Nicholas II entered the WWI to avoid
    revolution at home but seeds had been planted
  • Bloody Sunday, January 1905, 500 laborers
    protesting their working and living conditions at
    St. Petersburg are gunned down by Tsars personal
  • To quell the people the Tsar creates the Duma, a
    parliament, but it is oppressive and angers the

Revolution in Russia 1917-1920
  • Overtaxed and overburden by the war Russians
    seize the Tsar family in March 1917
  • Peasants and Russian soldiers begin to take over
    government lands
  • Vladimir Lenin introduces the April Theses which
    promises the people with bread, land and peace
  • Lenin seizes power in November 1918

Revolution in Russia 1917-1920
  • Lenin is able to seize power because of support
    from the Red Army and the Bolsheviks
  • Bolsheviks believed in the necessity of violent
  • Lenin will however seize power without spilling
    blood but the Tsar family will be executed

Revolution in Russia 1917-1920
  • Russia will leave WWI when it signs the
    Brist-Livosk Treaty with Germany
  • Loyalists, the White Army seeking a return to
    Tsarist rule will fight the Red Army who is loyal
    to Lenin
  • The country of Russia will be devastated by this
  • Its industry, agriculture and population will be
    on the brink of death
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