Title: Loudoun Then
1Loudoun Then Now
Annie Hough and her brother, Silas, on Main
Street in Waterford, c. 1862. Source
Fall Festival at Brambleton Town Center, 2012.
Source www.brambletonview.blogspot.com
- Exploring Maps, Statistics, and Documents
- LCPS Teaching American History (TAH), 2013
2Essential Questions
- How has Loudoun County changed from its founding
until today? - How can maps, statistics, documents and other
primary sources help us to identify and better
understand those changes? - What major factors have contributed to Loudouns
transformation from a rural agricultural area to
a diverse, suburban area? - How have the changes in Loudoun County reflected
broader changes in Northern Virginia and in the
nation as a whole?
3Mapping Loudoun 1853
The Yardley Taylor map is available online and
can be purchased from the Loudoun County
Government Mapping Office for 15. There are two
excellent online versions that offer zoomable
versions of the map http//www.loudounhistory.org
/map-yardley-taylor-1854.htm and http//logis.lou
doun.gov/archive/ which includes historic map and
aerial images of Loudoun County from 1853 to
The top right corner of Yardley Taylors 1853 map
of Loudoun County. Source www.loudounhistory.org
The map is one of the most detailed maps of
Loudoun County from the 19th century. The
History of Loudoun County website provides an
article by historian Eugene Scheel, himself a
mapmaker, on the development and history of the
map. http//www.loudounhistory.org/history/yardl
ey-taylor-1853-map.htm The image to the right is
a map inset depicting the center of Leesburg,
including the old court house.
4Mapping Loudoun 1860s
- http//www.loc.gov/resource/g3883l.cwh00044/
(Loudoun County map, c. 1860s). Follow the link
to a zoomable version on the Library of
Congress website.
5Mapping Loudoun Today
The Loudoun County Government Mapping Office
offers a wealth of county maps that have a
variety of themes. The 2011 planning map to the
left shows the countys master development plan.
Other map types include election districts,
census areas, and a series of environmental maps.
All of these can be found on the Loudoun
Mapping Websites page http//logis.loudoun.gov/
Perhaps the most interesting feature of the site
is Aerial Archive which allows a user to
investigate historic and recent maps of the
county and compare and contrast them to each
6Loudouns Historic Preservation
- The Loudoun County Government website also
features an interactive map that identifies and
provides images and interviews related to
Loudouns historic preservation districts
http//www.loudoun.gov/index.aspx?NID1864 - Three of Loudouns best-known historic districts
Waterford, Oatlands, and Aldie are pictured
Historic Aldie Mill operated from 1809 to 1971.
Source http//www.nvrpa.org/park/aldie_mill_histo
Historic Waterford. Source http//www.nps.gov/nr
The Carter Mansion at Oatlands. Source
7Loudouns Population, 1790-1920
Year White Negro Total Pop. Increase Decrease
1790 14,749 4,213 18,962 --- ---
1800 15,200 5,323 20,523 8.2 ---
1810 15,577 5,761 21,338 3.9 ---
1820 16,144 6,558 22,702 6.3 ---
1830 15,497 5,442 21,939 --- 3.4
1840 13,840 6,591 20,431 --- 6.9
1850 15,081 6,998 22,079 8.0 ---
1860 15,021 6,753 21,774 --- 1.4
1870 15,238 5,691 20,929 --- 4.0
1880 16,391 7,243 23,634 12.9 ---
1890 16,696 6,578 23,274 --- 1.5
1900 16,080 5,868 21,948 --- 6.0
1910 15,946 5,221 21,167 --- 3.6
1920 15,767 4,810 20,577 --- 2.8
Source U.S. Census Statistics printed in An
Economic and Social Survey of Loudoun by Deck and
Heaton in Charles P. Poland Jr.s From Frontier
to Suburbia, 1976.
8Loudouns Growth, 1930-2010
Year Loudoun County Population Change in Loudoun Countys Population Virginia Population Change in Virginias Population U.S. Population Change in U.S. Pop.
1930 19,852 -3.5 2,421,851 4.9 123,202,660 16.2
1940 20,291 2.2 2,677,773 10.6 132,165,129 7.3
1950 21,147 4.2 3.318,680 23.9 151,325,798 14.5
1960 24,549 16.1 3,966,949 19.5 179,323,175 18.5
1970 37,150 51.3 4,648,494 17.2 203,211,926 13.3
1980 57,427 54.6 5,346,818 15.0 226,545,805 11.5
1990 86,129 50.0 6,187,358 15.7 248,709,873 9.8
2000 169,599 96.9 7.078,515 14.4 281,421,906 13.2
2010 301,127 77.6 8,001,024 13.0 308,745,538 9.7
2020 (est.) 409,907 36.1 --- --- --- ---
Sources U.S. Census Bureau, Decennial Census
1930 to 2000 Loudoun County Government,
9Loudouns Growth
Transportation Development Built along the
Loudoun-Fairfax border, Dulles International
Airport opened in 1962. Source
http//www.metwashairports.com/dulles/661.htm Bram
bleton (pictured below) is one of many planned
communities built in Loudoun since the 1960s,
when Sterling Park was developed.
10Map of the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan
Statistical Area (MSA)
11Loudouns Diverse Population, 2010
Category Loudoun County of Total Loudoun Population United States of Total U.S. Population
White 194,845 62.4 223,553,265 72.4
Black 21,934 7.0 38,929,319 12.6
Hispanic/Latino 38,576 12.4 50,477,594 16.3
Asian 45,795 14.7 14,674,252 4.8
Native American 143 0.1 2,932,248 0.9
Source U.S. Census Bureau How does Loudoun
Countys population compare with that of the
United States overall? How is the county more or
less diverse?
12Loudouns Wealthy Population
How does Loudoun Countys per capita and median
household income compare to that of the
Washington, D.C. metropolitan statistical area
(MSA), the state of Virginia, and the United
States as a whole? What are some of the most
important sources of Loudoun Countys wealth?
13From Slavery
Excerpts from Ann Tylers will, 1769 In the
name of God Amen I Ann Tyler of Cameron Parish
and County of Loudoun Widow being weake in body
but of sound perfect memory do make and ordain
this my last will and testament in manner and
form following, I give and devise to my
Daughter Susanna Tyler to the heirs of her body
Lawfully begotten One Negro woman named Lettice
her increase excep the first child she shall bear
hereafter which shall live to be eighteen months
of age which I shall otherweys dispose of, and
one featherbed which I have acquired in my
Poster advertising a slave sale in Waterford,
March 1830. The image can be found on a page
devoted to a chronicle of African American
history in Loudoun http//www.loudounhistory.org/
14 to Civil Rights for All
Excerpt from Leesburg Today letter to the editor,
May 2009, written by Gertrude Evans Thank you
Town of Leesburg for the opportunity for all to
benefit from this much needed recreational
opportunity opening of Symington Aquatic
Center, an opportunity which was denied to all
of the Leesburg citizens back in the sixties,
when the Firemans Pool was closed, because of my
skin color and the skin color of my friends.
Pictured above Photo of 1960 Douglass High
School and Loudoun County High School yearbooks
displayed side by side. The Washington Post
website includes an article and video about 1960
graduates recalling segregated schooling in
Loudoun County http//www.washingtonpost.com/wp-d
Pictured Left Symington Aquatic Center at Ida
Lee Park in Leesburg opened in 2009, the first
such integrated pool facility in Leesburg.