Title: Diapositiva 1
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Elementary Operations
and Units
2(No Transcript)
3C A R D I N A L N U M B E R S
1 one 2 two 3 three 4 four 5 five 6 six 7 seven 8 eight 9 nine 10 ten
11 eleven 12 twelve 13 thirteen 14 fourteen 15 fifteen
16 sixteen 17 seventeen 18 eighteen 19 nineteen 20 twenty
4C A R D I N A L N U M B E R S
21 twenty-one 22 twenty-two 23 twenty-three 24 twenty-four 25 twenty-five
26 twenty-six 27 twenty-seven 28 twenty-eight 29 twenty-nine 30 thirty
31 thirty-one 32 thirty-two . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 thirty-nine 40 forty
41 forty-one 42 forty-two . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 forty-nine 50 fifty
5C A R D I N A L N U M B E R S
60 sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety 100 a hundred
200 two hundred 300 three hundred 400 four hundred . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 a thousand
2 000 two thousand 3 000 three thousand 4 000 four thousand . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 000 a million
1 000 000 000 a thousand million . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 000 000 000 a billion
6C A R D I N A L N U M B E R S
160 a hundred and sixty (or one hundred and sixty)
1003 a thousand and three
365 three hundred and sixty-five
4598 four thousand, five hundred and ninety-eight
7201 seven thousand, two hundred and one
29874 twenty-nine thousand, eight hundred and seventy-four
Obsérvese que tanto na fala como na escrita, nun número composto débese colocar o and diante da última palabra
7C A R D I N A L N U M B E R S
1111 one thousand, one hundred and eleven
12 a dozen
As palabras hundred, thousand, million, cando indican un número concreto, nunca se poñen en plural. Sen embargo, cando só se quere dar idea dun número grande, débense colocar en plural
thousands of birds miles de paxaros
hundreds of people centos de persoas
dozens of eggs ducias de ovos
8O R D I N A L N U M B E R S
1º first 1st 2º second 2nd 3º third 3rd 4º fourth 4th 5º fifth 5th 6º sixth 6th 7º seventh 7th 8º eighth 8th 9º ninth 9th 10º tenth 10th
11º eleventh 12º twelfth 13º thirteenth 14º fourteenth 15º fifteenth
16º sixteenth 17º seventeenth 18º eighteenth 19º nineteenth 20º twentieth
9O R D I N A L N U M B E R S
21º twenty-first 22º twenty-second 23º twenty-third 24º twenty-fourth 25º twenty-fifth
26º twenty-sixth 27º twenty-seventh 28º twenty-eighth 29º twenty-ninth 30º thirtieth
31º thirty-first 32º thirty-second . . . . . . . . . . . . 39º thirty-ninth 40º fortieth
41º forty-first 42º forty-second . . . . . . . . . . . . 49º forty-ninth 50º fiftieth
10O R D I N A L N U M B E R S
60º sixtieth 70º seventieth 80º eightieth 90º ninetieth 100º a hundredth
200º two hundredth 300º three hundredth 400º four hundredth . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000º a thousandth
2 000º two thousandth 3 000º three thousandth 4 000º four thousandth . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 000º a millionth
1 000 000 000º a thousand millionth . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 000 000 000 000º a billionth
11O R D I N A L N U M B E R S
160º a hundred and sixtieth (or one hundred and sixtieth) 160th
1003º a thousand and third 1003rd
365º three hundred and sixty-fifth 365th
4598º four thousand, five hundred and ninety-eighth 4598th
7201º seven thousand, two hundred and first 7201st
29874º twenty-nine thousand, eight hundred and seventy-fourth 29874th
Obsérvese que se segue a colocar o and diante da última palabra. Hai que engadir que é moi común colocar o artigo the diante dos números ordinais.
12D E C I M A L N U M B E R S
0.125 zero point one two five point-one-two-five
0.09 zero-point-oh-nine point-oh-nine
1.347 one-point-three-four-seven
45.98 forty-five-point-nine-eight
72.01 seventy-two-point-oh-one
298.74 two-hundred and ninety-eight-point-seven-four
Logo do punto decimal, as cifras lense unha a unha. Diante do punto decimal, coma os números enteiros. Despois do punto decimal, o cero lese oh.
13F R A C T I O N S
1/2 one half 1/3 one third 1/4 a quarter 1/5 one fifth 1/6 one sixth
2/3 two thirds 2/4 two fourths 2/5 two fifths 2/6 two sixths
3/4 three fourths 3/5 three fifths 3/6 three sixths
4/5 four fifths 4/6 four sixths
14F R A C T I O N S
3/64 three sixty-fourths
4/17 four seventeenths
1/8 one eighth
19/100 nineteen hundreths
1/12 one twelfth
11/40 eleven fourtieths
15F R A C T I O N S
2 2/3 two and two thirds
5 3/4 five and three quarters
3 horas e media three and a half hours 3 1/2 hours 3 hours and a half
6500 dólares six and a half thousand dolars 6 1/2 thousand dollars
1 litro e medio one and a half liters 1 1/2 liters a liter and a half
16A D D I T I O N
O signo de sumar, , lese plus. Así, dirase
34 7 three (3) plus four (4) equals (, is) seven (7)
365 41 thirty-six plus five equals (is) forty-one
4598 143 forty-five plus ninety-eight equals one hundred and forty-three
17S U B T R A C T I O N
O signo de restar, -, lese minus. Así, dirase
19-9 10 nineteen minus nine equals ten
36-5 31 thirty-six minus five equals (is) thirty-one
45-98 -43 forty-five minus ninety-eight is minus forty-three (or negative forty-three)
18M U L T I P L I C A T I O N
O signo de multiplicar, x ou , lese multiplied by ou times. Así, dirase
2 x 4 8 two multiplied by four equals eight
3 x 7 21 three times seven equals twenty-one
4598 4410 forty-five multiplied by ninety-eight is four thousand, four hundred and ten
19D I V I S I O N
O signo de dividir, ou / (slash), lese divided by. Así, dirase
24/3 8 twenty-four divided by three equals eight
4/17 0.235 four divided by seventeen is zero-point-two-three-five-dots or simply four seventeenths
3/24 1/8 three divided by twenty-four equals one eighth or zero-point-one-two-five
20E X P O N E N T S
Unha potencia (power), a elevado a b, lerase a to power of b, ou a to the b, ou a exponent b, onde a é a base e b é o exponent ou index. Así, dirase
23 two to power of 3 ou two to the third power ou two to the third ou two exponent three
x4 x to the fourth power ou x to the fourth ou x exponent four
21R O O T S o r R A D I C A L S
En raíz n-ésima de A, o símbolo radical chámase radical bar, o n chámase the index e o radicando chámase the rooted ou radicand. Dirase
A 2-index root is called square root (e.g. the square root of two)
A 3-index root is called cube root (e.g. the cube root of eight is two)
A 4-index root is called fourth root
A n-index root is called n-th root
22U N I T S -- S. I.
The Système International (SI) or Système International dUnités, adopted by international agreement in 1960, is based on the METRE (m), KILOGRAM (kg) and SECOND (s) as the fundamental units of length, mass, and time, respectively.
Derivated units such as the NEWTON (N), JOULE (J), WATT (W), and PASCAL (Pa) are defined in terms of these.
23U N I T S -- M E T R I C S Y S T E M
In the Metric System the units and the subunits are related by multiples of ten, and the METRE is the unit of length.
Multiples and fractions of the basic units are denoted by the following prefixes and symbols
1018 exa- (E) 10-1 deci- (d)
1015 peta- (P) 10-2 centi- (c)
1012 tera- (T) 10-3 milli- (m)
109 giga- (G) 10-6 micro- (m)
106 mega- (M) 10-9 nano- (n)
103 kilo- (k) 10-12 pico- (p)
102 hecto- (h) 10-15 femto- (f)
101 deca- (d) 10-18 atto- (a)
24U N I T S -- L E N G T H
12 inches (in.) 1 foot (ft.)
3 feet 1 yard (yd.)
1,760 yards 1 mile (m.)
1 inch 2.54 centimetres (cm)
1 yard 0.914 metre (m)
1 mile 1.609 kilometres (km)
When there is more than one inch/mile/centimetre, we normally use the plural form of these words one inch/ten inches, one mile/four miles, one centimetre/five centimetres.
When there is more than one foot we can use either foot or feet feet is the more usual when measuring heights. We can say six foot tall or six feet tall, two foot long or two feet long, thirty foot high or thirty feet high.
When used in compound adjectives the above terms never take the plural form a two-mile walk, a six-inch ruler.
25U N I T S -- A R E A
1 square centimetre 1 cm x 1 cm
1 square metre 1 m x 1m
1 are 100 square metres
1 hectare 10,000 square metres
1 square kilometre 1,000,000 square metres
1 square yard 9 square feet
1 square perch 30.25 square yards
1 acre 160 square perches
1 square mile 640 acres
26U N I T S -- V O L U M E
1 cubic centimetre 1 cm x 1 cm x 1 cm
1 cubic metre 1 m x 1m x 1m
1 (fluid) ounze 28.4 mililitres (mL)
1 pint (pt.) 20 ounzes (0.568 litre)
1 quart (qt.) 2 pints
1 gallon (gal.) 4 quarts (4.55 litres)
27U N I T S -- W E I G H T S
16 ounces (oz.) 1 pound (lb.)
14 pounds 1 stone (st.)
8 stones 1 hundredweight (cwt.)
20 cwt 1 ton
1 pound 0.454 kilogram (kg)
2.2 pounds 1 kilogram
Ounce, pound, and ton can take s in the plural when they are used as nouns stone and hundredweight do not take s six pound of sugar/six pounds of sugar, ten hundredweight of coal.
When used in compound adjectives these terms never take s a ten-ton lorry.
The metric system of weights based on the kilo or kilogram is gradually replacing the English system. Kilo or kilogram usually take s in the plural when used as a noun a two kilos of apples or two kilograms of apples.
28U N I T S -- A N G L E S
radian (rad) 57º 17 44.8
degree of arc (º) p/180 rad
minute of arc () 1º/60
arcsecond, second of arc () 1º/3600
grad, gradian, gon (gr) 0.9º
centesimal minute of arc () 1 gr/100
centesimal second of arc () 1 gr/10000
sign 30º
octant 45º
sextant 60º
quadrant 90º