Title: Folie 1
1Usability Design of Speech Platforms What are
the important aspects in creating a user-friendly
speech application?
Dirk von Zeddelmann, Institut für
Kommunikationsforschung und Phonetik, Universität
Bonn, Germany
Interaction between caller and system whats
Golden rules to develop a good Voice User
Write grammers that accept a big word
pool (including colloquial language)
Use differents voices (male and female), to
diverisify your Voice Portal.
Individual greeting, depending on time of Day
and callers profile (i.e. age).
Randomized Prompting Not everytime the same text
should be read out. Instead of that, you should
write alternative texts with the same meaning.
That will make the dialogue interaction between
caller and system more natural like.
Set speech breaks and Adjust the speed of speech
to Keywords.
Voice User Interface
Set up Hyperlinks like a help-command
exit-command mainmenu, etc.
Use context sensitve Event- Handling
Example for a context sensitive event handler
System ... Caller Weather please System
Welcome to the meteorological service .Here you
can get information about todays
weather, the weather of tomorrow or the
prognosis for next week. Simply say
today, tomorrow or next week .If you want
to go back, just say back or
mainmenu. What would you like? Caller
äähmm System sorry, I didnt quite get that.
(catch event- nomach 1) Caller
System Again please. (catch event-
noinput 1) Caller Is it hot? System Please
specify your request. (catch event- nomatch
2) Caller Will it rain? System Ok, I may help
you. You are at the meteorological service. Say
today to get the weather
information of this day. Say tomorrow to get
the view of tomorrow or say next
week for a prognosis of next week. (context
sensitive event) Caller weather of
today System The weather of today will be
- Write your prompts short but meaningful.
- Let the caller clearly know what he has to say
for moving on. - Dont confront the caller with too many
information at one time. - Dont forget that he doesnt know the structure
of your portal.