Title: PowerPoint to accompany
1Human Anatomy and Physiology
Chapter 9 Muscular System
2Chapter 9Muscular System
Three Types of Muscle Tissues -All designed to
- Cardiac Muscle
- wall of heart
- not under conscious control
- striated
- Skeletal Muscle
- usually attached to bones
- under conscious control
- striated
- Smooth Muscle
- walls of most viscera, blood vessels, skin
- not under conscious control
- not striated
3Structure of a Skeletal Muscle
- Skeletal Muscle
- organ of the muscular system
- skeletal muscle tissue
- nervous tissue
- blood
- connective tissues
- fascia- tissue surrounds each muscle
- tendon- attach muscle to bone
- aponeuroses- attach muscle to muscle
4Structure of a Skeletal Muscle
- muscle is surrounded by epimysium
- muscle is divided into fasicles by perimysium
- Fasicle is divided into muscle fibers (cells) by
5Skeletal Muscle Fiber
- sarcolemma surrounds muscle fiber (muscle cell)
and contains many nuclei, mitochondria, and
myofibrils - sarcoplasmic reticulum contains calcium ions
- muscle fiber is made of many myofibrils
- are made of actin (thin) and myosin (thick)
- are divided into sections called sarcomeres
- Thin Filaments
- composed of actin (protein)
- associated with troponin and tropomyosin
- Thick Filaments
- composed of myosin (protein)
- cross-bridges
- Sarcomeres are the active unit of the cell
- I band
- A band
- H zone
- Z line
- M line
8Neuromuscular Junction
- site where axon (end of nerve) and muscle fiber
communicate - motor neuron
- motor end plate
- synaptic cleft
- synaptic vesicles
- neurotransmitters
9Motor Unit
- group of muscle fibers attached to a single
motor neuron - all muscle fibers controlled by motor neuron
- muscle fibers act as group
10Stimulus for Contraction
- acetylcholine (ACh) neurotransmitter
- nerve impulse causes release of acetylcholine
from synaptic vesicles - binds to acetylcholine receptors on motor end
plate - generates a muscle impulse
- muscle impulse eventually reaches sarcoplasmic
11Excitation Contraction Coupling
- muscle impulses cause sarcoplasmic reticulum to
release calcium ions into cytosol - calcium binds to troponin-tropomyosin complex to
change its shape - position of t-t complex is altered
- binding sites on actin exposed
- myosin binds to actin
12Cross-bridge Cycling
- myosin cross-bridge pulls actin
- ADP and phosphate released from myosin
- new ATP binds to myosin
- linkage between actin and myosin cross-bridge
- ATP splits
12. stimulus stopped, calcium pumped out, t-t
complex recovers binding sites or process keeps
cycling (back to step 5 further down the actin
- myosin cross-bridge goes back to original position
13Sliding Filament Theory
- When sarcomeres shorten, thick and thin
filaments slide past one another - H zones and I bands get narrower
- Z lines move closer together
- motor neuron impulse stops
- acetylcholinesterase released breaks down
acetylcholine - calcium moves back into sarcoplasmic reticulum
- t-t complex covers binding site
- myosin and actin binding prevented
15Energy Sources for Contraction
1) Cellular respiration ATP Production 2)
Creatine Phosphate
- creatine phosphate stores energy that quickly
converts ADP to ATP
16Oxygen Supply and Cellular Respiration
- Aerobic Phase
- use oxygen
- citric acid cycle
- electron transport chain
- produces most ATP (36)
- myoglobin stores extra oxygen
- Anaerobic Phase
- no oxygen
- glycolysis
- produces little ATP (2)
17Anaerobic threshold
Anaerobic threshold- point at which there is not
enough O2 and cell transitions to anaerobic
- oxygen not available
- glycolysis continues
- pyruvic acid is converted to lactic acid
- liver converts lactic acid to glucose
18Muscle Fatigue
- inability to contract
- commonly caused from
- lack of oxygen/lungs at capacity or
- decreased blood flow
- anaerobic respiration
- decrease in available ATP
- accumulation of lactic acid
- ion imbalances
- cramp sustained, involuntary contraction
19Heat Production
- by-product of cellular respiration
- muscle cells are major source of body heat
- blood transports heat throughout body
20Muscular Responses
- Threshold Stimulus
- minimal strength required to cause contraction
- Recording a Muscle Contraction
- twitch- single contraction
- latent period
- period of contraction
- period of relaxation
- refractory period
- all-or-none response
- process by which individual twitches combine
- produces sustained contractions
- can lead to tetanic contractions sustained
contraction that lacks relaxation
22Recruitment of Motor Units
- recruitment - increase in the number of motor
units activated (causes stronger contraction)
- whole muscle composed of many motor units
- as intensity of stimulation increases,
recruitment of motor units continues until all
motor units are activated
23Sustained Contractions
- smaller motor units recruited first
- larger motor units recruited later
- produces smooth movements
- muscle tone continuous state of partial
24Types of Contractions
- isotonic muscle contracts and changes length
- isometric muscle contracts but does not change
- concentric shortening contraction
- eccentric lengthening contraction
25Fast and Slow Twitch Muscle Fibers
- Fast-twitch fatigue-resistant fibers (type IIb)
- intermediate fibers
- oxidative
- intermediate amount of myoglobin
- pink to red in color
- Slow-twitch fibers (type I)
- always oxidative
- resistant to fatigue
- red fibers
- most myoglobin
- good blood supply
- posture muscles
- Fast-twitch glycolytic fibers (type II)
- white fibers (less myoglobin)
- poorer blood supply
- susceptible to fatigue
26Smooth Muscle Fibers
- Compared to skeletal muscle fibers
- shorter
- single nucleus
- elongated with tapering ends
- no striations
- myofilaments randomly organized
- lack transverse tubules
- sarcoplasmic reticula not well developed
27Types of Smooth Muscle
- Multiunit Smooth Muscle
- fibers function separately
- irises of eye
- walls of blood vessels
- Visceral Smooth Muscle
- single-unit smooth muscle
- sheets of muscle fibers
- exhibit rhythmicity/ peristalsis
- walls of most hollow organs
28Smooth Muscle Contraction
- Resembles skeletal muscle contraction
- interaction between actin and myosin
- both use calcium and ATP
- both depend on impulses
- Different from skeletal muscle contraction
- smooth muscle lacks troponin
- two neurotransmitters affect smooth muscle
- acetlycholine and norepinephrine
- hormones affect smooth muscle
- stretching can trigger smooth muscle contraction
- smooth muscle slower to contract and relax
- smooth muscle more resistant to fatigue
29Cardiac Muscle
- only in the heart
- muscle fibers joined together by intercalated
discs - fibers branch
- network of fibers contracts as a unit
- self-exciting and rhythmic
- longer refractory period than skeletal muscle
30Skeletal Muscle Actions
- origin immovable end
- insertion movable end
- prime mover (agonist) primarily responsible
for movement - synergists assist prime mover
- antagonist resist prime movers action and
cause movement in the opposite direction
31Life-Span Changes
- myoglobin, ATP, and creatine phosphate decline
- by age 80, half of muscle mass has atrophied
- adipose cells and connective tissues replace
muscle tissue - exercise helps to maintain muscle mass and