Title: Imperialism in Asia
1Imperialism in Asia
2Kieta says
- The Japanese willow bent with the winds of
western imperialism and survived the Chinese oak
stood fast against the winds from the west and
3Isms of China
- Buddhism, pg. 614-615
- Confucianism, , pg 624-625, Chart 626
- Taoism, Lao-tzu philosophy which emphasizes roles
in society and honor.
4Chinas Response to Pressure from the West
5The Opium Wars 1839-1842(Map exercise)
- CAUSE Britain refused to stop their very
profitable trade in opium with China. - EFFECT Treaty of Nanking (Nanjing)
- Chinese are humiliated and defeated
- British get the port of Hong Kong
- Opium trade continues
- Extraterritorial rights for foreign citizens
- Growing Chinese resentment against the foreign
6Extraterritorial Rights
- Foreigners are exempt from legal jurisdiction of
a country - British were free from following the laws of
China within their spheres of influence.
7Taiping Rebellion 1850-1864
- Hunger starvation among the Chinese because of
Chinas inability to feed its growing population - Increasing opium addiction
- Growing poverty
- Christian missionaries message of a Heavenly
Kingdom of Peace inspires Hong Xiuquan to lead
a 14 year rebellion against the corrupt Qing
8Taiping Rebellion (cont.)
- Combined Br., Fr, Qing forces crush the peasant
rebellion and the Qing dynasty is restored to
power - Fertile farmland is destroyed by the hungry
armies - At least 20 million (some estimate 40 million)
9Self-strengthening Movement 1860s
- Conservative Chinese cling to traditional ways
and resist change starting at the top, but
Dowager Empress Cixi sees the need to reform and
modernizes education, diplomatic services and the
10Self-strengthening Movement
- Produced warships ammunitions
- Boosted Chinese morale
- Created large military arsenals run by foreigners
that led to a trade imbalance and a lack of
quality control because foreigners did not like
working with Chinese resources.
11Open Door Policy 1899
- China has a weak military, as well as economic
and political problems. - China is being divided up into more Western
spheres of influence. - U.S. fears that China would be divided into
formal colonies and American traders would be
shut out.
12Open Door Policy 1899
- This policy would protect American trading rights
in China. - Keep China free from colonization
- But China was still at the mercy of economic
imperialism by foreign powers.
131900 Boxer Rebellion
- The young Emperors 100 Days of Reform fails
when the Dowager Empress Cixi arrests him
executes his leaders. - The Chinese peoples long standing frustration
with poor conditions the govt failure to
reform increases. - The Chinese are angered by the special
privileges given to foreigners - They resent Chinese Christians.
14Boxer Rebellion (cont.)
- In spring , Society of Harmonious Fists aka
Boxers surround the European section. - In August they are defeated by 20,000
multinational forces. - A new sense of Chinese nationalism emerges.
- Qings court begins steps to reform-promises a
full constitutional govt by 1917.
15Why was China able to isolate itself from Western
influence until the 19th century?
- Discuss possible answers with a partner.
16Japan Modernizes
- If you cant beat em, join em.
17Isms of Japan
- Shintoism-oldest ism, but established as the
state religion during the Meiji Restoration in
1868. - Mahayana Buddhism (The Wide Way),pg. 614
- Confucianism, with its impact on moral conduct
social order.
18Shintoisms Basic Beliefs
- The Creation Myth-the 3 kami (spirits)
- Worship of the kami 1) the clan ancestors,
2)the power of nature or humanity, 3)souls of
dead leaders - Not a system of ethics or morals, places emphasis
on ritual ceremony to express the joyful
acceptance of nature.
19Shintoism (cont.)
- The Four Affirmations
- Tradition Family is emphasized because
traditions is passed from generation to
generation. - Love of Nature-because every object in nature is
sacred since it embodies a spirit and a
connection with the Gods. - Physical cleanliness is an act of purification.
- Matsuri-festivals held in honor of the spirits.
201853 American Perry arrives
- American motive was to shock and frighten the
Japanese into accepting trade with the United
Statesbut Perry did come bearing gifts and with
respect. - Perry willing to come back in a year for their
211854 The Treaty of Kanagawa
- The U.S. gained the right to set up an embassy
and to trade at two Japanese ports. - By 1860 Japan had given many foreigners
permission to trade at treaty ports and granted
extraterritorial rights.
221867 Meiji dynasty establishes a new govt
- Emperor Mutsuhito ends the Tokugawa shogunate
military dictatorship and establishes a new
govt. - Adapts aspects of foreign culture that they
admire, such as American education system and
Germanys centralized govt military discipline - Followed the Western path to industrialization
developed modern industry(shipbuilding, weapons,
banking) by utilizing the prestige of the Samurai
families (Mitsubishi)
231885 Japan China pledge not to send armies to
- Both countries were interest in Korea as a
trading partner and as a military outpost to
protect their own security
241894 Sino-Japanese War
- Rebellion broke out against Koreas king who then
asked Chinese govt. for military help. - Chinese troops march into Korea.
- Japan protested Chinese violation of their mutual
agreement of non-agression and then sends
Japanese troops to fight the Chinese.
25Sino Japanese War (cont.)
- The war led to the following consequences
- The destruction of the Chinese navy.
- The beginning of Japanese empire expansion.
- A change in the worlds balance of power
- Emergence of Russia Japan as major powers and
enemies- in East Asia
261904 Russo-Japanese War
- Russia refuses to stay out of Korea because
Russia stills a warm water port for trade. - Japan launches a surprise attack on the Russian
navy anchored off the coast of Manchuria. Look at
the map on pg. 374
27Russo-Japanese War (cont.)
- Consequences
- Russian navy is defeated by Japan and destroyed.
- Japan occupies Korea and Manchuria then change
its name to Manchukuo. - Russia is forced to withdraw from Manchuria
Korea (oops, still no warm water port)
281910 Japan annexes Korea
- Japanese rule of Korea is harsh, one of the most
brutal in history. - They establish a repressive govt that denies
rights to Koreans but modernizes the country. - Inspires a Korean nationalist movement.
29And now
- The Japanese willow bent with the winds of
western imperialism and survived the Chinese oak
stood fast against the winds from the west and
30Why was Japan like a willow tree?
- Discuss with your partner.
- Then answer part B
- Why was the Meiji era in Japan viewed as a
period of enlightenment rule?