Title: Diapositiva 1
1Best practice n1
Posters leaflets in the branches in order to
raise awareness towards all candidates and the
candidates relatives. Also relevant with the
colleagues as part of a common culture
Handicap and Competencies. To us
competencies are essential.
Here Disability is not a Disability
2Best practice n2
Recruitment on competencies not on appearance
Advertising campaign on non discrimination
This girl cant do anything without
3Best practice n3
Plan Familia
- Aimed at employees from funding companies and
relatives with disabilities of the employees - The objective is to provide to the participant
candidates a degree of sufficient personal
autonomy to allow Labour integration
4Thank you for your attention ! Contact Bruce
ROCH Innovation Diversity Manager Adecco
Group Tel 33 681 100 453 bruce.roch_at_adecco.fr