Rome - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rome ... Rome – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rome

  • Like the Persian Empire, Rome took shape on the
    margins of the civilized world.
  • Rome began as a small and poor city-state on the
    western side of Italy in the eighth century BCE,
    so weak, according to legend, that Romans were
    reduced to kidnapping neighboring women in order
    to reproduce.

  • Romes central location contributed to its
    success in unifying Italy and then all the lands
    ringing the Mediterranean.
  • Italy was a crossroads in the Mediterranean and
    Rome was a crossroads within Italy.
  • Rome is located at the midpoint of the Italian
    peninsula, about 15 miles from the western coast,
    where a north-south road intersected an east-west
    river route.

  • The Tiber River on the one side and a ring of
    seven hills on the other gave Rome natural

  • Even though 75 of Italy is hilly, there is still
    ample arable land in the coastal plains and river
    valleys to sustain a larger population than

  • Agriculture was the essential economic activity
    in the early Roman state (and land was the basis
    of wealth), and no matter how urbanized Rome
    later became, Roman roots remained firmly fixed
    in the soil.
  • From their pioneer forebears of a hostile land,
    Romans inherited respect for strength and
    discipline, for loyalty, industry, frugality, and

  • These ancient values were formally recognized by
    the Romans as the mos maiorum (ways of the
    fathers), and always dominated their outlook.
  • The Roman owed his loyalties to the gods, the
    state, and the family.
  • Where the Greeks had cherished their
    individuality, the Roman had always subordinated
    his personality to greater forces.

  • Social status and political privilege were
    related to landownership.
  • The vast majority of early Romans were
    self-sufficient independent farmers who owned
    small plots of land.
  • A small number of families acquired large pieces
    of land. The heads of these wealthy families
    formed the Senate (from the Latin for old men).

  • The basic unit of Roman society was the family,
    made up of several generations of family members
    plus domestic slaves.
  • The oldest living male, the paterfamilias
    (father of the family) exercised absolute
    authority over the members of his household.

  • The paterfamilias looked after the family's
    business affairs and property and could perform
    religious rites on the familys behalf.
  • If his children angered him, he had the legal
    right to disown them, sell them into slavery, or
    even kill them. 
  • Only the paterfamilias could own property
    whatever their age, until their father died, his
    sons only received an allowance to manage their
    own households.

  • Sons were important, because Romans put a lot of
    value on continuing the family name. If a father
    had no sons then he could adopt one often a
    nephew to make sure that the family line would
    not die out.
  • When a child was born into the family, the
    paterfamilias had the right to decide whether to
    keep a newborn baby. After birth, the midwife
    placed the baby on the ground only if the
    paterfamilias picked it up was the baby formally
    accepted into the family. 

  • If the decision went the other way, the baby was
    exposed deliberately abandoned outside.
  • This usually happened to deformed babies, or when
    the father did not think that the family could
    support another child. Babies were exposed in
    specific places and it was assumed that an
    abandoned baby would be picked up and then taken
    as a slave. 
  • Around 25 of babies in the first century C.E.
    did not survive their first year and up to half
    of all children died before the age of 10. 

  • It wouldnt be difficult for the Romans to move
    from the concept of an authoritarian
    paterfamilias to that of an authoritarian state
    and ultimately an all-powerful emperor (called
    paterpatriae father of the country).

  • Roman women usually married in their early
    teenage years, while men waited until they were
    in their mid-twenties. As a result, the
    materfamilias (mother of the family) was usually
    much younger than her husband. 
  • It was accepted that the materfamilias was in
    charge of managing the household. In the upper
    classes, she was also expected to assist her
    husbands career by behaving with modesty, grace
    and dignity. 

  • As was common in Roman society, while men had the
    formal power, women exerted influence behind the
  • Nearly everything we know about Roman women
    pertains to those in the upper classes.
  • Unable to own property or represent herself in
    legal proceedings, a woman had to depend on a
    male guardian to advocate for her interests.

  • In early Rome, a woman never ceased to be a child
    in the eyes of the law. She started out under
    the absolute authority of the paterfamilias.
  • When she married, she came under the jurisdiction
    of the paterfamilias of her husbands family.

  • Despite the limitations put on them, Roman women
    seem to have been less constrained than their
    counterparts in the Greek world.
  • Husband and wife mosaic from Pompeii.

  • While service to the state could lead to
    distinction, it was considered an extension of
    the obligation that Romans felt toward their
  • The most admired characteristic of the Roman male
    was gravitas (dignity).
  • Gravitas meant enduring strength rather than
    delicacy, power rather than agility, mass rather
    than beauty, utility rather than gracethese were
    the hallmarks of Rome.

  • Fact rather than imagination dominated its art
    and strength clothed in dignity was the Roman
  • Swathed in his toga, a well-born Roman never gave
    the impression of being in a hurryhe always
    seemed to be on parade, always conscious of his
  • In homage to the past, he constantly reminded
    himself of the eminent forebears whom it was his
    duty to emulate in every waking action.

  • The private lives of Roman gentleman were
    strictly regulated by a code that defined
    acceptable conduct.
  • While virtually all forms of business were closed
    to them, upper-class Romans found plenty of
    loopholes in this code by having degrading
    businesses run by slaves or hired agents
    lawyers, long prohibited from accepting fees for
    their services, never refused gifts from grateful

  • To a Roman gentleman, the menial work of an
    unskilled laborer, a fishmonger, butcher, cook,
    sausage-maker, perfumer, dancer, or actor was
  • The one exception was a manufacturer of bricks (a
    widely used Roman building material) because
    clay was a product of the earth, brick-making was
    considered a branch of respectable agriculture.

  • According to legend, there were seven kings
    between 753-509 BCE the first was Romulus the
    last was the tyrannical Tarquinius Superbus (or
    Tarquin the Proud) who ruled from 535-509 BCE.
  • When his son Sextus raped his cousins wife
    (Lucretiawho killed herself from shame), the
    public outcry brought down the monarchy.

  • In 507 BCE, members of the Senate, led by Brutus
    the Liberator, deposed Tarquinius Superbus (he
    was sent into exile) and instituted a res
    publica, a public possession, or a republic.

  • The Roman Republic, which lasted from 507-31 BCE,
    was not a direct democracy.
  • Even though all male citizens were eligible to
    attend various assemblies, the votes of the
    wealthy land-owning aristocrats (known as
    patricians) counted for more than the votes of
    the poorer citizens (known as plebeians).
  • The word patrician comes from the Latin patres
    meaning fathers.

  • The plebeians were the vast majority of the
    populationworkers, merchants, and peasants.
  • Although both groups had the right to vote, only
    patricians had the right to become leaders in
  • So, all power was in the hands of the patricians.

  • Boys born into a patrician family would receive
    an extensive education, usually from a private
  • This education would focus on the subjects a
    sophisticated noble would be expected to know, as
    well as some required for his future career.
  • Poetry and literature, history and geography,
    some mythology and important languages like
    Greek would all be taught.

  • The Romans also considered lessons in public
    speaking and the law to be essential parts of a
    good education.
  • Most young patrician men would go on to careers
    in politics and government, for which these two
    subjects were crucial.

  • The patrician class enjoyed many privileges its
    members were excused from the military duties
    expected of other citizens, and only patricians
    could become emperor.
  • But being a patrician carried its own dangers
    patricians could find themselves becoming wrapped
    up in palace intrigue.
  • If they ended up on the losing side, they could
    easily lose their home, their lands and even
    their lives.

  • Apart from the plots and politics, however,
    members of both royal and patrician families
    faced little work or real responsibility and were
    blessed with a relatively charmed life
    certainly compared to the other inhabitants of
    Rome at the time.

  • The transition from a monarchy to a republic
    seems to have been accomplished with relative
  • Even though Romans had rebelled against their
    kings, they continued to accept the idea of
    supreme authority, which they called imperium.
  • But instead of giving the power to a king who
    held it for life, the Romans placed it in the
    hands of two consuls who held it for one year.

  • The imperium of the consuls was absolute, and
    they were advised by the patrician Senate.
  • Either consul could block the acts of the other,
    but neither could institute a change in the laws
    without the others consent.
  • A patrician in the 1st century BCE with busts of
    his ancestors.

  • The Senate played the dominant role in the
    politics of the Roman state, increasingly making
    policy and governing.
  • Senators served for life, nominated their sons
    for public offices, and the Senate became a self
    perpetuating entity.
  • Politically the history of the early Republic is
    the history of the struggle of the common people
    for a larger voice in their government and for
    social equality.

  • The inequalities in Roman society between
    patrician and plebian became so sharply defined,
    that they became separate communities.
  • Plebeians couldnt marry into the patrician class
    and couldnt hold any important offices.
  • Yet plebeians were citizens, served in the Army,
    paid taxes, and were every bit as Roman in
    outlook and tradition as the patricians.

  • The basic difference was religious status
    certain religious rituals could only be performed
    by patricians.
  • Since these rituals were prerequisites for
    holding important offices, plebeians were
    effectively barred from advancement in the
    government, and therefore in society.
  • This led to periodic unrest and conflict (known
    as the Conflict of the Orders) between 509-287

  • On a number of occasions, the plebeians refused
    to work or fight, and even physically withdrew
    from the city in order to pressure the elite to
    make political concessions.
  • One result was the first publication of Roman
    laws, on twelve stone tablets (450 BCE), which
    gave the plebeians some legal protections from
    the abuses of judicial officials.

  • Another reform was the creation of a new
    officethe tribunewho represented plebeians in
    the public assemblies.
  • The tribunes served for one year and had the
    power to block legislation from the Senate that
    was unfavorable to the lower classes by simply
    calling out Veto! (I forbid).

  • The person of a tribune was so respected, anyone
    of any class doing him violence was liable to
    punishment by death.
  • Following the establishment of the tribunate, a
    series of laws gave plebeians the right to
    intermarry with patricians, the right to hold the
    office of the consul, and finally in 287 BCE the
    right to pass laws in the plebeian assembly
    without the consent of the Senate.

  • Romans took great pride in this political system,
    believing it gave them more freedom than most of
    their more autocratic neighbors.

  • Slavery was a defining element of Roman society.
  • Every ancient society practiced slavery, but none
    to the scale of the Romans.

  • By the time of Christ, the Italian heartland of
    the Roman Empire had 2-3 million slaves, or about
    33-40 of the total population (in China and
    India it was maybe 1 of the population).
  • Not until the modern slave societies of the
    plantation complex was slavery practiced again on
    such a large scale.

  • Even families of modest means frequently had 2-3
    slaves to do the chores...wealthy families might
    own hundreds.
  • Owning slaves confirmed peoples positions as
    free, demonstrated their social status, and
    expressed their ability to exercise power.
  • The vast majority of Roman slaves were prisoners
    of the many wars that came with expansion or the
    creation of the empire.

  • After the Third Punic War (146 BCE) and the
    destruction of Carthage, the Romans enslaved en
    masse over 55,000 people.
  • Pirates also kidnapped thousands of people,
    selling them to Roman slave traders.
  • Roman merchants were able to purchase slaves from
    the long-distance trading networks extending to
    the Black Sea, eastern Africa, and northwestern

  • The children of slave mothers were also regarded
    as slaves and these home-born slaves had more
    prestige because they were thought to be less
    trouble (since they had never known freedom).

  • Abandoned children could legally become the slave
    of anyone who rescued them.
  • Roman slavery had nothing to do with race or
    ethnicity, so the slave markets had an enormous
    diversity of people.
  • Like slave owners everywhere, the Romans thought
    their slaves were barbarians lazy, unreliable,
    immoral, etc. and came to think of certain
    peoples as slaves by nature (Asiatic Greeks,
    Syrians, and Jews).

  • Slaves were considered property they had no
    rights and were subject to their owners' whims.

  • However, they had legal standing as witnesses in
    courtroom proceedings, and they could eventually
    gain freedom and citizenship.
  • Masters often freed loyal slaves in gratitude for
    their faithful service, but slaves could also
    save money to purchase their freedom.

  • There was no serious criticism of slavery, even
    when Christianity became more important.
  • Christian teaching held that slaves should be
    submissive to their masters with all fear, not
    only to the good and gentle, but also to the

  • St. Paul used the metaphor of slavery to describe
    the relationship of believers to God, saying they
    were slaves of Christ.

  • Even Saint Augustine described slavery as Gods
    punishment for sin.
  • He regarded it as another necessary evil
    resulting from humanity's fall from divine grace.

  • So slavery was deeply embedded in the religious
    thinking and social outlook of the Romans.
  • Slavery was especially entrenched in the Roman
  • No occupation was off-limits to slaves except
    military service, and there was no distinction
    between jobs that used slaves or free
    peoplefrequently they labored side by side.

  • In rural areas, slaves were most of the labor
    force that worked estates (whose products were
    exported like the later plantations of the
    Americas). Often they worked chained together.

  • In the cities, slaves often worked in their
    owners households, but also as skilled artisans,
    teachers, doctors, entertainers, and actors. (A
    slave trained in medicine was worth 50
    agricultural slaves).
  • Especially prized were educated Greek slaves, who
    became the tutors for the children of Romes
    elite class.

  • Others maintained the temples and shrines and
    kept Romes water system running.
  • Certain classes of slaves lived lives of absolute
    misery, especially those who worked in
    construction or those who were forced into the
    empires many mines and stone quarries where they
    labored under brutal conditions.
  • Often fed a bare subsistence diet, they worked
    until they were too old or too sick, then they
    were abandoned.

  • A pound of Chinese silk was typically worth 12
  • Some slaves, in the service of the Emperor, were
    trained in special schools to become gladiators.

  • Saturnalia was a traditional celebration like
    Christmas in which slaves and masters switched
    places. In this celebration, the master became
    the slave and performed all the tasks of the
    slave, and the slaves did the opposite.

  • Roman slaves, like slaves everywhere responded to
    enslavement in many ways.
  • Most simply did what they had to survive but
    there were cases of prisoners of war committing
    mass suicide rather than become slaves.
  • Slaves sometimes resorted to weapons of the
    weak, pretending illness, working poorly,
    putting curses on their masters.

  • Sometimes slaves escaped into the large crowds or
    to remote rural areas, prompting a growing
    business of catching runaways.
  • Occasional murders of slave owners made masters
    conscious of the dangers they faced and prompted
    the Roman saying Every slave we own is an enemy
    we harbor.

  • Several times in Roman history there were slave
    led rebellions, the most famous happening in 73
    BCE. It was led by the slave gladiator

  • Spartacus initially led seventy slave-gladiators
    to freedomtheir success attracted a growing
    number of slaves.
  • At the height of the rebellion, it is estimated
    there were 120,000 slaves in revolt.
  • They set Italy ablaze for nearly three years,
    sometimes crucifying captured slave owners or
    making them fight to the death gladiator style.

  • Eventually the movement collapsed when the slaves
    encountered the superior Roman legions.
  • Some 6,000 rebel slaves were nailed to crosses
    along the Apian Way from Rome to Capua, where the
    revolt had begun.

  • Nothing on the scale of the Spartacus rebellion
    occurred again in the Western world until the
    Haitian Revolution of the 1790s.
  • But Haitian rebels wanted to create a new
    society, free of slavery altogether.
  • None of Romes slave rebellions, including
    Spartacus, had any such plan or goal. They
    simply wanted to escape from slavery.
  • As a result, aside from the perpetual fear of
    slave owners, the slave system in Rome was

  • Slave owners were supposed to provide their
    slaves with the necessities of life (food,
    shelter, protection, etc).
  • This often meant slaves had a more secure life
    than impoverished free people who had to fend for
    themselves, BUT the price of that security was
    absolute subjection to the will of the master.

  • Beatings, sexual abuse, and sale to another owner
    were constant possibilities.
  • Having no legal rights, slaves couldnt legally
    marry, and if they accumulated money or
    possessions, it legally belonged to their
    masters, who could seize it at any time.

  • If a slave murdered his/her master, Roman law
    demanded the lives of all the victims slaves.
  • When one Roman official was killed by a slave in
    61 CE, all 400 of his slaves were condemned to
  • In Rome, like Greece, slavery was widespread.
    But in Rome, unlike Greece, freedom was
    accompanied with citizenship.

  • Slave labor was so widely used by both the Greeks
    and Romans that neither culture found much need
    for technological advances as labor-saving
  • As a result, the Mediterranean world fell behind
    the technological level of China and India in the
    areas of agriculture and manufacturing.

  • Even though Roman citizens were equal before the
    law, there were sharp social stratifications
    among them.
  • A Romans education, marriage, military service,
    careereven the decorations on his
    clothesreflected his social status.
  • By the First Century CE, three distinct divisions
    of society had developed among free Romans.

  • The upper class was made up of the hereditary
    office holders, the nobilesthe old patricians.
  • Next were the equestriansor more properly,
    knightswho were mainly businessmen. They were
    involved in major commercial ventures, like
    finance or insurance.
  • The plebeiansalong with the freedmen (liberated
    slaves who didnt have the full rights of
    citizenship) made up the largest part of the
    population. Shop keepers and artisans were here.

  • Marriage was usually arranged by parents with a
    keen eye for status and material advantages.
    Close friends often served as matchmakers.
  • Once a match had been made, the betrothal was
    formalized in a ritual. The dowry was
    stipulated, and the bride-to-be, usually 14 or
    15, received gifts and a pledge of marriage from
    her fiance.
  • Symbolic of the pledge was a metal ring worn on
    the third finger of her hand, from which a nerve
    was believed to lead directly to the heart.

  • There were three forms of a marriage service, two
    of which made the wife legal chattel of her
    spousebut that didnt keep a wife from
    exercising profound influence (even control) over
    her husband.
  • The most formal form of marriage was called a
    confarreatio (used only by patricians) was a
    formal contract and a womans person and property
    were surrendered to her husband.

  • For women who wanted more freedom, a less rigid
    form of marriage (called coemptio) the groom
    symbolically bought the bride from herself.
  • In the usus (similar to a modern common-law
    arrangement) the couple lived as husband and wife
    without any religious ceremony. After a year
    they were considered legally married. If the
    woman owned property she could retain the rights
    to it if she didnt sleep with her husband and in
    her their home for 3 nights every year.

  • Weddingsespecially the confarreatiowere very
    ceremonial. The date was selected with great
    care many days of the year, including all of
    March and May and half of June were considered
  • On her wedding day, the bride wore a special
    tunic fastened about the waist by a woolen girdle
    tied in a Hercules knot, which only the groom
    could untie. Over this she wore a saffron cloak
    and a veil of flaming orange. Her elaborately
    arranged hair was topped by a crown of flowers.

  • The wedding was conducted by two priests. The
    couple sat side by side on stools covered with a
    single sheepskin, and shared a sacred wheat cake
    while holding hands (as a sign of union) as the
    marriage contract was read.
  • After the ceremony, the bridal party proceeded to
    the home of the groom, accompanied by flutists
    and boys who threw nuts to children (nuts
    symbolized fertility).

  • At their new home, the bride was carried over the
    threshold (but not by the groom)if she stumbled
    it was considered a bad omen!
  • The groom presented his bride with a lighted
    torch and a filled vessel, the symbols of fire
    and water, essential for maintaining the Roman
  • The bride lit the hearth fire, then tossed the
    torch to the bridal company, which scrambled for
    it as a lucky memento, a custom which survives

  • In addition to the ties of family and class, all
    Romans except slaves were bound in another
    relationship that has no modern counterpart.
  • This was the patron-client association, which
    required large numbers of Romans above the
    plebeian class to assume an obligation for the
    well-being of certain of their inferiors.
  • Clients sought the help and protection of
    patrons, men of wealth and influence.

  • A senator might have dozens or even hundreds of
    clients to whom he provided legal advice and
    representation, physical protection, or loans of
    money or food in tough times.
  • In return, the client was expected to follow his
    patron into battle, support him in the political
    arena, work on his land, and most importantly,
    openly show loyalty and respect whenever the two

  • Every morning between 7-9 AM, the streets of Rome
    were filled with throngs of clients awaiting
    their patrons so they could accompany them to the
    Forum for the days business.

  • The client never addressed his patron by name (a
    major faux paux) and called him dominusmaster.
  • A slip in etiquette might cost the client dearly
    in terms of what hed receive from the patron.
  • This relationship always provided a vain man with
    a retinue to follow him through the streets.

  • Despite Romes glorious architecture, only the
    richest citizens enjoyed the good life most
    lived in dangerous, cramped and smelly housing.
  • Sitting next to the grandeur of imperial Rome,
    however, would have been the tiny, rickety homes
    of normal people, whose lives were far less

  • Most citizens living in Rome and other cities
    were housed in "insulae."
  • These were small, street-front shops and
    workshops, whose owners lived above and behind
    the working area.
  • Several insulae would surround an open courtyard
    and would, together, form one city block.

  • The insulaecrowded and cramped living.

  • The insulae were usually badly built and few had
    any running water, sanitation or heating.
  • Constructed from wood and brick, they were
    dangerously vulnerable to fire or collapse.

  • Wealthier Romans including those who lived in
    the countryside lived in a domus.
  • They lived in beautiful houses often on the
    hills outside Rome, away from the noise and the

  • Usually theirs was a single-storey house built
    around an unroofed courtyard, or atrium.
  • The atrium acted as the reception and living
    area, while the house around it contained the
    kitchen, lavatory, bedrooms and triclinium
    (formal dining room).
  • The rooms and furnishings reflected the wealth of
    the family and, for some, would be incredibly

  • The wealthiest Romans might have a private bath
    or library, while others kept two homes one
    in/near the city, the other in the clean air and
    quiet surroundings of the countryside.

  • Wealthy Romans might have several dining rooms so
    they could entertain more guests or they might
    eat outside in warm weather.
  • Tables were often U shapedthe servants or
    slaves would serve the food from the empty fourth
    side of the table.
  • Diners would then eat the food with their fingers
    or, if necessary, with a small knife.

  • Diners would lie on their sides leaning on
    their left elbows facing the table.

  • Wealthy families would usually have three
    courses. The appetizers, or gustatio, would
    include eggs, shellfish, or vegetables.
  • The entrees, called prima mensa, would usually be
    cooked vegetables and meat.
  • The dessert, or mensa secunda, would be sweet
    dishes, such as fruit or pastry.

  • Plebian meals were centered around corn or wheat
    (grain), oil, and wine.
  • Cereals were the staple food, originally in the
    form of husked wheat being made into porridge,
    but later wheat was made into bread. 
  • Bread was the single most often eaten food in
    Ancient Rome, and was sometimes sweetened with
    honey or cheese and eaten along with sausage,
    domestic fowl, game, eggs, cheese, fish, or

  • Romans loved wine, but they drank it watered
    down, spiced, and heated. 
  • Undiluted wine was considered to be barbaric, and
    wine concentrate diluted with water was also
  • Pasca was probably popular among the lower
    classes.  It was a drink made from watering
    down acetum, low quality wine similar to
    vinegar.  Beer and mead were most commonly drunk
    in the northern provinces.  Milk, typically from
    sheep or goats, was considered to be barbaric and
    was therefore reserved for making cheese or

  • Fish and oysters were especially popular meat,
    particularly pork, was in high demand as well. 
  • Elsewhere in Rome, delicacies, such as snails or
    dormice, were specially bred. 
  • A variety of cakes, pastries, and tarts were
    baked commercially and at home, often sweetened
    with honey. 

  • Vegetables, such as cabbage, parsnips, lettuce,
    asparagus, onion, garlic, radishes, lentils,
    beans, and beets were imported. 
  • Fruits and nuts were also available to the
    consumer, as was a variety of strongly flavored
    sauces, spices, and herbs, which became very
    popular in Roman cuisine. 

  • Romans generally ate one large meal daily. 
  • Breakfast, if taken, was a light meal at best,
    often nothing more than a piece of bread. 
  • This was followed by the main meal of dinner at
    midday, and a small supper in the evening. 
  • Later, dinner was eaten as a large meal in the
    evening, replacing supper and adding a light
    lunch, or prandium.

  • For the poor, meals consisted of porridge or
    bread with meat and vegetables, if available. 
  • For the poor, tableware probably consisted of
    coarse pottery, but for those willing to spend
    the money, tableware could be purchased in fine
    pottery, glass, bronze, silver, gold, and pewter.
  • Bronze, silver, and bone spoons existed for eggs
    and liquids.  These spoons had pointed handles
    that could be used to extract shellfish and
    snails from their shells.

  • Roman Beliefs

  • Much of the culture of the Romans was adopted
    from the Greeks.
  • The Greek alphabet, which was adopted from the
    Phoenicians, was passed onto the Romans, who
    modified the letters and transmitted their
    alphabet throughout the various parts of their

  • Many aspects of Greek rational thought, including
    the works of Aristotle and the philosophical
    school of Stoicism, became part of Roman life.
  • Stoicism taught that men should use their powers
    of reason to lead virtuous lives and to assist

  • Early Romans believed in invisible, shapeless
    forces known as numia.
  • The Romans tried to maintain a pax deorum (peace
    of the gods), a covenant between the gods and
    the Roman state.
  • Priests (from the aristocracy) performed rituals
    and sacrifices to win the gods favor and in
    return, the gods were expected to bring success
    to the undertakings of the Roman state.

  • When the Romans came in contact with the Greeks
    living in southern Italy, they adopted the Greek
    gods and their myths.

  • Zeus Jupiter
  • Hera Juno
  • Poseidon Neptune
  • Athena Minerva
  • Dionysus Bacchus
  • Ares Mars
  • Artemis Diana
  • Hades Pluto
  • Hephaestus Vulcan
  • Hermes Mercury

  • By contrast to the earlier Greeks, the Romans
    were not preoccupied with speculative morality.
    The Romans would examine a problem, determine
    what needed to be done, did it, and moved onto
    the next task. They were very pragmatic.
  • Romans tended to be very conservative and
    justified resistance to change by believing that
    the old ways had been the best ways.

  • A Roman gentleman saw himself as a paragon of
    sober propriety, and he looked down upon the more
    artistic and less inhibited Greeks as frivolous
    and feckless.
  • A Roman gentleman strove for dignity and always
    tried to create the impression of a reserved
    spectator he would not play a musical
    instrument, get sweaty in a gymnasium, or write

  • Like the American pioneers, an early Roman farmer
    was prepared to leave his plow and family to
    fight his enemies.
  • Officially accepted Roman history insisted that
    the Romans were invincible. According to Roman
    history (of themselves), winning was as natural
    as water running downhill.
  • The occasional loss was explained as some divine
    chastisement for some transgression or as a
    lesson to be more alert and disciplined.

  • The Romans often told the legend of Cincinnatus,
    who according to the Roman historian Livy merits
    the attention of those who despise all human
    qualities in comparison with riches, and think
    there is no room for great honors or for worth
    but amidst a profusion of wealth.
  • During an invasion in 458 BCE, a delegation of
    Roman officials went to tell Cincinnatus that he
    had been given dictatorial powers in order to
    repel the invaders.

  • Cincinnatus, working his modest farm, accepted
    command of the Roman forces for six months.
  • In just 16 days he had defeated the invaders,
    surrendered his dictatorship, and went back to
    his plow.

  • The expansion of the Roman Republic (not the
    Empire) reached its peak in the 2nd century BCE.
  • Some believe expansion was fueled by greed and
    the aggressiveness of a people with a fondness of
  • Others think it was the two consul system (they
    had one year in officeand they couldnt be
    reappointedto gain glory).

  • All male (plebeian) citizens who owned a
    specified amount of land were subject to military
  • The Roman soldier resembled the Greek hoplite,
    but Roman tactics were more flexible, with small
    units that could operate independently.

  • The Roman military machine

  • The Roman writer Vegetius famously said He who
    desires peace should prepare for war.
  • The Romans became experts in siege warfare.
  • A Roman assault tower.

  • Romans seemed to be bred for warfare and to some
    contemporaries, it seemed as if their weapons
    were permanently attached to them.
  • A Roman ballista could throw flaming objects
    2,000 ft.

  • Starting in the 490s BCE, Roman control of its
    Latin neighbors in central Italy began, and
    within a few hundred years, Rome controlled
    almost all of Italy.
  • As the Romans moved into the southern foot of
    Italy, they came into conflict with the Greek
    colonies that had long been established there.
  • Answering the appeal of their Greek cousins for
    aid, the mighty king of Epirus, Pyrrhus, arrived
    with thousands of soldiers (280-275 BCE).

  • Even though the Greeks soundly defeated the
    Romans in battle twice, the Greeks lost so many
    men king Pyrrhus famously said Another such
    victory and I am lost, giving rise to the
    expression Pyrrhic victory for battles that are
    too costly.

  • The Romans succeeded in defeating Pyrrhus the
    third time and he sailed home, leaving Rome
    master of the whole Italian peninsula.
  • This victory over Pyrrhus gave Rome the status of
    a first-class powerwhich brought it into
    conflict with Carthage (an ally of Rome against
    Pyrrhus), the mistress of the Western
  • Rome considered every other power a threat and
    would spend the next several centuries trying to
    neutralize them.

  • Between 264 and 146 BCE, Rome fought three
    protracted and bloody wars against Carthage (the
    Punic Wars) eventually winning and becoming the
    undisputed naval and land power in the western
    Mediterranean. This brought Romes first
    overseas territories Sicily, Sardinia, and
  • The term Punic comes from the Latin word Punicus
    (or Poenicus), meaning "Carthaginian",
    referencing their Phoenician ancestry.

  • In 264 B.C., Rome decided to intervene in a
    dispute on the western coast of the island of
    Sicily (then a Carthaginian province) involving
    an attack by soldiers from the city of Syracuse
    against the city of Messina.
  • While Carthage supported Syracuse, Rome supported
    Messina, and the struggle soon exploded into a
    direct conflict between the two powers, with
    control of Sicily at stake.

  • Over the course of nearly 20 years, Rome rebuilt
    its entire fleet in order to confront Carthages
    powerful navy.
  • Though its invasion of North Africa that same
    year ended in defeat, Rome refused to give up,
    and in 241 B.C. the Roman fleet was able to win a
    decisive victory against the Carthaginians at
    sea, breaking their legendary naval superiority.
    At the end of the First Punic War, Sicily became
    Romes first overseas province.

  • Fighting in the Punic Wars.

  • In the Second Punic War (218-201 BCE) Rome took
    over control of both Corsica and Sardinia as
    well, but Carthage was able to establish a new
    base of influence in Spain beginning in 237 BCE,
    under the leadership of the powerful general
    Hamilcar Barca.
  • Hamilcar Barca, who died in 229 B.C., made his
    younger son Hannibal swear a blood oath against
    Rome when he was just a young boy.

  • In 221 BCE, Hannibal took command of Carthaginian
    forces in Spain.
  • Hannibal and his troopsincluding as many as
    90,000 infantry, 12,000 cavalry and a number of
    elephantsmarch from Spain across the Alps and
    into Italy, where they scored a string of
    victories over Roman troops at Ticinus, Trebia
    and Trasimene. 

  • Hannibals daring invasion of Rome reached its
    height at Cannae in 216 BCE, where he used his
    superior cavalry to surround a Roman army twice
    the size of his own and inflict massive
  • In 203 BCE, Hannibals forces were forced to
    abandon the struggle in Italy in order to defend
    North Africa, and the following year Scipios
    army routed the Carthaginians at Zama (modern

  • Hannibals losses in the Second Punic War
    effectively put an end to Carthages empire in
    the western Mediterranean, leaving Rome in
    control of Spain and allowing Carthage to retain
    only its territory in North Africa.
  • Carthage was also forced to give up its fleet and
    pay a large indemnity to Rome in silver.

  • Rome was so brutal in victory (146 BCE), legend
    has it that the Romans burned Carthage to the
    ground, then salted the earth to keep anything
    from ever growing there.
  • All the inhabitants were either killed or sold
    into slavery.

  • After the Punic Wars, Rome focused on the eastern
    Mediterranean and conquered Greece, Egypt, and
  • The conquest of the Celtic peoples of Gaul by
    Romes most brilliant general, Gaius Julius
    Caesar, between 59-51 BCE led to Romes first
    territorial expansion in Europes heartland.

  • Romes success in creating a vast empire
    eventually destroyed its republican system of
  • Many peasant farmers, away from home for long
    periods serving in the military (they were the
    backbone of the Roman legions), had their farms
    repossessed by the wealthy who created large
    estates. These estates found it more profitable
    to graze animals or make wine instead of grow
    wheat (the staple food of Rome).

  • Rome became dependent on imported grain.
  • Cheap slave labor (prisoners of war) made it hard
    for peasants who lost their farms to find work in
    the countryside.
  • When they moved to Rome (or other cities), there
    wasnt work there either and they existed in dire
  • The growing urban masses, idle and prone to riot,
    created chaos for the republic.

  • During festivals, huge crowds would converge on
    Romes great amphitheater and many circuses to
    attend a day of games.
  • In the Coliseum, up to 50,000 people would watch
    gladiators fight wild beasts or other gladiators.
  • In the even larger Circus Maximus, 250,000
    gathered to cheer daredevil charioteers as they
    raced around a perilously tight track.

  • These spectacles were usually staged by the
    government, and their chief purpose was to divert
    the menacing Roman hordes of Roman unemployed,
    who at times numbered more than 150,000.
  • It was said that these Romans were interested in
    only two things free bread from the government,
    and circuses.
  • Though Roman intellectuals were shocked by the
    carnage, the poor found the spectacles an outlet
    for frustrations that might be directed against
    the state.

  • A consequence of fewer peasant farmers was fewer
    men for military service.
  • Some army leaders achieved political prominence
    by accepting poor, property-less men into the
  • These men were promised farms upon retirement
    from the military.
  • Men like Sulla, Pompey, Caesar, Crassus, Mark
    Antony, and Octavian commanded armies more loyal
    to them than to the state.

  • This led to several bloody civil wars between
    military factions.
  • Probably the most famous was Julius Caesars take
    over of Rome and proclaiming a Triumvirate (rule
    of three) in 60 BCE.

  • The Triumvirate was Caesar, Crassus (for his
    wealth) and Pompey, a rival general who had
    commanded actions against Mediterranean pirates
    and conquered Eastern provinces.
  • To make his pact with Pompey more binding, Caesar
    had his daughter Julia marry Pompey.
  • Even though there was friction between the three
    men, they were not openly hostile towards each

  • Caesars conquest of Gaul (Gallic Wars 58-51 BCE)
    and being the first Roman general to cross the
    Rhine River gave him enormous popularity and
  • But Caesars daughter Julia died in 54 BCE which
    removed the link between Caesar and Pompey the
    animosity between them became more pronounced.
  • Then Crassus died in battle in 53 BCE, and the
    balance of power was in serious trouble.

  • Power was now in the hands of two men who openly
    opposed each other.
  • Caesar, as the proconsul of Gaul, was adding to
    his popularity and political stature through
    military victories north of the Alps.
  • Pompey was consolidating his power in Rome.
  • In 49 BCE Pompey persuaded the Senate to order
    Caesar to disband his army.

  • Caesar ignored the Senates order and in open
    violation of the law, he and his army crossed the
    river Rubicon, the southern limit of his military
  • It was clear he meant to march on Rome and face

  • Pompey and his army and most of the Senate had
    fled to Greece where he planned to mount a
    campaign against Caesar.
  • Caesar struck first and routed Pompeys army in
    Greece. Again Pompey fled, this time to Egypt,
    with Caesar in pursuit.

  • But as Pompey stepped from his ship in Egypt he
    was stabbed to death by an agent of the boy-king
    Ptolemy. This gained Ptolemy nothing for when
    Caesar arrived, he was immediately beguiled by
    Ptolemys beautiful young sister, Cleopatra.

  • Soon installed as Caesars mistress, Cleopatra
    dominated Egypt after her brothers death in
    battle against the Romans.

  • By 46 BCE Caesar won the civil war and returned
    to Rome as its sole ruler.
  • To secure his position, he needed an heir. With
    no son of his own, he adopted his 17 year old
    great-nephew Octavian (63 BCE-14 CE).
  • Caesar used his power wellhe pardoned old
    enemies, he created a stronger, more efficient
    administrative system, he undertook extensive
    colonization projects, he provided work for the
    poor, and tightened laws against crime.

  • He planned a highway across Italy and gave Rome
    (and Western civilization) the Julian calendar.
  • He even had laws made against such ostentatious
    behavior as wearing pearls in public and building
  • But less than two years later Caesar was
    assassinated by senators (on the Ides of March,
    44 BCE).

  • Marc(us) Anton(ius)y was Caesars close friend
    and famously said, according to Shakespeare
    (Julius Caesar Act III, scene II) Friends,
    Romans, countrymen, lend me your ear as Antony
    was trying to promote the virtues of Caesar while
    leading the Roman mob against Brutus.

  • Caesars heirs were the 19 year old Octavian (his
    legal heir) and Marc Antony, his co-consul.
  • The Senate supported Octavian (because they
    thought they could manipulate him) but the men
    created an alliance, forming the Second
    Triumvirate along with one of Caesars top
    lieutenants, Lepidus.
  • Antony commanded the East, Octavian the West, and
    Lepidus Africa (and all three shared the Italian

  • The first order of business was to destroy the
    men that killed Caesar. Then they destroyed their
    personal enemies, real and imagined.
  • In 36 BCE Octavius ousted Lepidus, took over
    Africa, and laid claim to all of Italy.
  • Marc Antony was completely captivated by
    Cleopatra, rejected his legal wife (Octavius
    sister), and then married Cleopatra.
  • The two men were now completely alienated.

  • In 32 BCE Octavius produced a document that he
    claimed was Antonys will and read it to the
    Senateit bequeathed all of Romes Eastern
    territories to Cleopatra.
  • The angry Senate promptly gave Octavius
    permission to annul Antonys powers and declare
    war on Cleopatra.
  • The next year, at the Battle of Actium (Egypt),
    the Roman fleet defeated the Egyptians.

  • Antony and Cleopatra fled back to Egypt where, in
    despair, they committed suicide.

  • Actium ended the civil war that had plagued Rome
    for over a century but it also ended the
  • When he returned to Rome, Octavius went to the
    Senate, announced that the Republic had been
    restored, then in a show of humility, offered to
  • The Senate proclaimed him princeps (first
    citizen) and Augustus (revered one).

  • Because of his many names, it is common to call
    him Octavian (events 63-44 BCE) Octavius (events
    44-27 BCE) and Augustus after 27 BCE.
  • Romes dominions had grown too vast to be managed
    by anything but a strong central
    authorityAugustus was to provide that authority.

  • Augustus never called himself king or emperor.
  • So the period following the Republic became known
    as the Roman Principate.

  • Augustus was able to cleverly manipulate the
    Senate so that they had no real power.
  • In his 45 year rule, he overhauled the
    government, the military, and the economy,
    creating a system that lasted another 250 years
    without major changes.
  • When he died, no one even remembered the

  • One of Augustus many accomplishments was the
    creation of a new civil service administration
    that managed the huge empire with efficiency and
  • The civil servants were known as equites, a class
    of Italian merchants and landowners, not
    patricians (they were second in wealth to the
    patricians, so they were respected and powerful).
  • The army was reduced and became one of
    professional soldiers, not farmers. The navy was
    reorganized to effectively combat pirates.

  • These professional soldiers became an engineering
    force that built paved roads and public works all
    over the empire.

  • The Romans were pioneers in the use of arches,
    which allowed the even distribution of great
    weight without thick supporting walls.
  • They also pioneered the use of concretea mixture
    of limestone powder, sand, and waterthat could
    be poured into molds...this allowed the Romans to
    create their domed interior/exterior spaces.

  • They were also the first to create vaulted, domed

  • The reforms of Augustus ushered in the Pax Romana
    (Roman peace), the 200 year period (31 BCE-180
    CE) of peace and prosperity when the empire
    reached its largest extent and Roman strength was
    generally unchallenged.

  • After the Pax Romana ended (c 180 CE), Rome
    settled into a decline that eventually ended in
    its conquest in 476 CE.
  • Even though Augustus never regarded succession as
    hereditary, when he died he was so popular, four
    members of his family succeeded to the position
    of emperor even though these men had serious
    personal and political shortcomings (Tiberius,
    Caligula, Claudius, Nero).

  • Why was the first century so turbulent? The first
    answer is simple hereditary rule.
  • For most of this period, emperors were not chosen
    on the basis of their ability or honesty, but
    simply because they were born in the right
  • Emperors had no elections or term limits, no
    early retirement or pension plans. It was a job
    for life, so if an emperor was mad, bad or
    dangerous, the only solution was to cut that life
    short. Everybody knew it, so paranoia ruled.

  • Tiberius, Caligula, Claudius, and Nero

  • Before Augustus died (14 CE), he had chosen his
    stepson Tiberius to be his successor.
  • Tiberius hated Augustus because the emperor
    forced him to divorce his beloved wife, and marry
    his daughter Julia (they didnt like each other).
  • Tiberius only became the heir after Julias two
    sons died (so he knew he wasnt the preferred
    choice of Augustus).

  • Tiberius quickly ruined much of the prestige
    Augustus had accumulated.
  • Morose, suspicious, unpopular, and almost 55 at
    the time of his succession, he quickly gained a
    reputation as a depraved and brutal ruler who
    disposed of anyone he so much as suspected of

  • The Roman historian Suetonius wrote Not a day
    passed without an execution, not even days that
    were sacred and holy...some were executed with
    their childrenthe word of no informer was
  • Tiberius nephew was the fabled General
    Germanicus, who was sent by his uncle to quell
    mutinous armies in the north and bring peace to
    the Eastern provinces.

  • Germanicus did both extremely well and was called
    a hero. Tiberius was said to be extremely
    jealous of his nephews hard won popularity and
    had him poisoned (19 CE).

  • Warning that Germanicus family was plotting
    against the emperor, Tiberius most trusted
    advisor, Sejanus (known as the cheat) exiled
    the dead heros widow before killing her two
    elder sons.
  • Only the youngest, Caligula, was spared.
  • Tiberius knew of this atrocity and chose to do

  • Tiberius ruled for 23 years, spending the last 11
    far from Rome (and his enemies) on the island of
  • While on Capri, Sejanus controlled the government
    in Tiberius name while Tiberius scandalized
    Roman society with his astrology and drunken
  • Almost completely cut off from Rome, Sejanus was
    the only one allowed to visit Tiberius on Capri.

  • The people were so glad of his death, Suetonius
    wrote of Tiberius, that at the first news of it
    some ran about shouting Tiberius to the Tiber
    while others prayed to Mother Earthto allow the
    dead man no abode except among the damned.
  • Tiberius was succeeded by his grandnephew
    Caligula (sometimes known as Gaius 37-41 CE).

  • Caligula was not a family name, he was named
    after a soldiers footwear known as a caligae.
    When he went on military campaigns with his
    father (legendary General Germanicus), the boy
    wore miniature versions of a soldiers footwear.
  • Germanicus troops nicknamed the boy Caligula
    which means Little Boots or Booties.
  • Caligula hated the name and wanted to be called

  • At first, Caligula was hailed as a popular hero
    for he pardoned political offenders, banished
    informers, brought back people exiled by
    Tiberius, reduced taxes, sponsored lavish games,
    and burned the records of the treason trials of
  • But seven months into his reign, he fell gravely
    ill (some think epilepsy). He eventually
    recovered but was very different.

  • He soon carried the powers of the princeps beyond
    all bounds.
  • Dressed in silk robes and covered in jewels,
    Caligula pretended he was a god.
  • He forced senators to grovel and kiss his feet
    and seduced their wives at dinner parties.
  • He restored the hated treason trials of Tiberius,
    executing both rivals and close allies, including
    the head of the Praetorian Guard, his personal
    protection squad.

  • He had two large pleasure barges built on Lake
    Nemi complete with marble décor, mosaic floors,
    statues, and lead plumbing bearing the
    inscription Property of Gaius Caesar Augustus

  • He proposed that his horse Incitatus be elected
    consul he outfitted his horse for office by
    giving it a marble stall, a jewel studded collar,
    purple blankets, and servants that fed the animal
    oats mixed with gold flakes.

  • In 40 CE, he led an army north into Gaul, robbing
    its inhabitants before marching to the shore to
    invade Britain.
  • Just as the army was about to launch its attack,
    he ordered them to stop and gather seashells. He
    called these the spoils of the conquered ocean.
  • Wanting to be revered as a god, he ordered his
    statue to be placed in the Temple at Jerusalem.

  • When the treasury was bankrupted by his
    extravagance, he blackmailed patricians to
    bequeath their wealth to the state (on pain of
    death and confiscation of their property).
  • His cruelty bordered on madness and outraged all
    of Rome, including members of his palace troops,
    the Praetorian Guard.

  • In 41 CE (four months after returning from Gaul)
    a group of advisors and officers assassinated
    Caligula and hastily buried the body, leaving
    Rome without an emperor or a successor (he was
    only 30 and hadnt named one yet).
  • So there would be no reprisals, they killed his
    wife and daughter too.
  • While the Senate debated the problem, the
    Praetorian Guard decided to pick their own

  • Roaming through the palace, members of the guard
    found Claudius, the 50 year-old uncle of Caligula
    (and grandson of Augustus), cowering behind a
    curtain, and promptly made him emperor.

  • Partially paralyzed and ungainly, some thought
    him to be a fool (mentally challenged).

  • Left disfigured by a serious illness when he was
    very young, Claudius was also clumsy and coarse
    and was the butt of his familys jokes. When he
    dozed after dinner, guests pelted him with food
    and put slippers on his hands so that hed rub
    his eyes with his shoes when he woke up.
  • As a boy, his grandfather Augustus acknowledged
    he had brains but was ashamed to have Claudius
    sit with him in public.

  • During his 13 year reign (41-54 CE), Claudius was
    known for working hard, often starting his work
    day after midnight.
  • He expanded and reformed the civil service while
    making it more efficient and he granted new
    powers to the imperial governors abroad.
  • He made m
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