Islam to Christianity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Islam to Christianity


The Challenge of Islam to Christianity – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Islam to Christianity

Islam to Christianity
  • The Challenge
  • of

Classical Islam power and authority Islam
itself means 'submission, complete
submission to the will of Allah Operates in
every aspect of life at every level of society
from individuals to states. Classical Islam
divides the world into two parts
Dar-al-Islam, the 'House of Islam',
Dar-al-Harb, the 'House of war'. It is the duty
of every Muslim to work towards turning all parts
of the world from Dar-al-Harb into Dar-al-Islam
Sharia Law - an all-encompassing legalistic
structure based on the Qu'ran and 'hadith
Muhammadwas illiterate. He picked up stories
from the Jewish caravans.
  • Born in 570 A.D. in Mecca
  • At age 40 went to meditate in a cave where he
    said he received messages from Allah thought to
    be through the Archangel Gabriel.

Muhammad preaching
  • Teaching
  • Monotheism not polytheism
  • (360 gods worshipped at Kaaba (black stone at
    Mecca , image of Artemis in Ephesus Acts 1935)
  • oneness of God- Allah
  • day of judgement
  • need to live pure lives.

The pagans of Mecca did not accept Muhammads
teaching so in 622 A.D. he fled to Medina.
  • Muhammad became a religious political leader
    in Medina
  • In 624 A.D. he won the Battle of Badr, extended
    his rule over all Arabia.
  • He united all the Arabs for the first time.

Muhammad and the Jews
  • At first Muhammad had good relations with jews
    and Christians as the other mono theistic
  • First converts were his own family
  • Most inhabitants of Mecca rejected his teaching
  • When the jews ( Christians)
  • rejected his authority he became hostile towards
    them bloody wars followed
  • Muhammad modified his teaching and began to
    preach more militant islam (jihad)
  • Taught that jews christians had corrupted the
    faith from Abraham

Muhammads new teaching
  • Obligatory Daily times of prayer, facing Mecca
  • Friday was appointed as a day for corporate
  • annual month of fasting was taken over from
    the pagans of mecca.
  • Spread of Islam
  • - In 632 A.D. Muhammad died aged 62
  • - Succeeded by Caliphs Golden Age
  • - Islam spread across the Middle East and
    North Africa.
  • - Most of Christian Byzantine Empire
  • - 11th-13th Centuries - Crusades battles over
    the Holy Land.
  • Jews and Christians treated as dhimmis inferior
    subjects who had to pay jizya tax.
  • 1980s Radicalisation of Islam since fall of
    Shah in Iran.
  • AIM To set up a global Caliphate (world

Islam and Christianity
  • Christian Beliefs
  • Islamic Beliefs
  • One God ALLAH
  • Prophet MUHAMMAD (messenger)
  • salvation by WORKS
  • paradise (place of pleasure food, sex ) hell
    (place of torment)
  • Holy book Quran (Koran) infallible word of God
    in Arabic. One form.
  • Hadith(teachings of Muhammad)
  •  Sharia Law
  • Submission to Allah and his laws
  • One God Trinity
  •  Salvation by FAITH
  • heaven( with God) hell (place of torment)
  • Bible Spirit breathed
  • 66 books, 40 authors 1,400 years
  •  Ten Commandments
  • Obedience, but freedom from the Law

Major Differences in belief between Islam and
  • Gods name ALLAH general
  • Salvation by works- credit to cancel debit
  • God has no son
  • Isa is just a prophet
  • Garden of Eden was in heaven
  • Paradise place of carnality wine 70 virgins
  • Gods name YAHWEH specific
  • Salvation by faith in Jesus sacrificial work on
    the cross and grace, cannot be earned.
  • Jesus is Gods Son fully divine and human
  • Garden of Eden was on earth
  • Heaven place of Gods glory, no more sin and pain

Islam Christianity
  • 5 pillars Lifestyle
  • worship
  • 1. Recite creed
  • 2. pray 5 times/day, publicly on Fridays
  • 3. fasting dawn to dusk during month of Ramadan
  • 4. giving alms to poor 2.5
  • 5. pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in
  • Public
  • 1. complex doctrine
  • beatitudes
  • 2. pray without ceasing
  • 3. fasting as led by the
  • Holy Spirit
  • 4. giving, tithe to the church 10
  • Private

  • Islam
  • Christianity
  • missionary- hard control
  •  exclusive
  •  imperial, territorial
  • intolerant of other religions
  •  male militant
  • Jihad (Holy War)
  •  moral but has hidden sins
  • sects Sunni
  • Shiite
  • Sufi
  • Expecting the Mahdi(Anti-Christ) re-incarnation
    of Mohammed, ushering in the Apocalypse
  • missionary soft
  • one way of salvation TRUTH
  •  colonial expansion in past
  • non-resistance, peace loving
  •  female (especially since ordination of women and
    feminist movement)
  • Just War
  •  seen as morally decadent/permissive
  •  sects and denominations
  • Expecting the Messiah, Jesus, resurrected, to
    come in judgement and to set up His kingdom on

Some Problems with Islam
  • There are major inconsistencies
  • within the Quran in relation to chronology and
    characters compared to the Bible.
  • Praying towards Mecca
  • The Qibla in the oldest mosques e.g.
    in Iran, Syria
  • and Egypt faced Petra (now in Jordan)
    not Mecca!
  • There are only 3 prayers in the Quran.
  • Praying 5 times a day does nor
    appear until the 9th century.
  • Mecca was not as described in the Quran or on a
    major trade route.

The Reliablity of Islam?
  • When were Muhammads life and sayings recorded?
  • When were Jesus life and sayings recorded?
  • 48-64 AD Pauls letters
  • 50-66 AD Gospels of Matthew, Mark Luke
  • 52-62 AD Acts of the Apostles (written by Luke)
  • 92 AD Gospel of John
  • All of the New Testament written within the
    first century, within 60 years of Christs death!
  • 765 AD Ibn Ishaq
  • 833 AD Ibn Hisham
  • 870 AD Al Bukhari (Hadith)
  • 923 AD Al Tabari (Tafsir, Tarikh)
  • All of Muhammads life and sayings more than
    200 years after his death.

Today Islamic Arab countries surround Israel
  • Why is a tiny country like Israel (only the size
    of Wales) seen to be such a threat to the Arab
  • Why do the Muslims want to destroy Israel?
  • To try to stop Jesus returning to Jerusalem.

Key Events in the Spread of Islam
  • 1980s Imposition of Sharia law in Iran by
    Ayatollah Khomeni and rapid spread
  • 1990 Ahmed Deedat challenged British
    Christians to debate the WORD of GOD the
    Bible against the Quran in London and
  • 2001 Bombing of the World Trade Centre in and
    terrorism against Western democracy

Challenge of Islam to Christians
  • Goal of world domination
  • Growing 4x faster than Christianity
  • Spreading all over the world networks
  • institutions
  • youthful, vigorous and aggressive
  • Worldwide
  • 1 in 5 are muslim 1.5 billion
  • 1 in 3 people are Christian-(most are
  • The birth rate amongst Muslims is far higher.
  • Europe
  • 12 CITIES TARGETTED - London as centre
  • Problem
  • Incompatibility of Christianity Islam
  • The Church is largely asleep!

Problems Islam presents for Britain
  • Christianity Islam are
    Diametrically opposed
  • Infiltration of the education system
  • own schools , political parties, exhibitions
  • Royal family pro-Muslim/multi-faith
  • Prince Charles Defender of faiths
  • political correctness Human rights agenda
    Free speech
  • RefPawson D.(2003) The Challenge of Islam to the
    Church Hodder and Stoughton. London.
  • Shoebat W. (2010)Gods war on terror.Top
    Executive media.US.
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