Title: Folie 1
1- The etic approach to cultures and its influence
on marketing - Pan cultural approach
- Comparing one culture with another
- Search for variables and constructs common to
all societies (David Luna, 2001) - on micro level these variables are feeling,
thinking and acting of people - on macro level these variables are dimensions of
cultures that are similar to others
Kazembi Zatjirua Alexander Fischer Matthias
Metzger Marc Oback Holger Ruban
2- Etic on a micro level (culture independed
realities) - Hierarchy of Needs (Maslow, A.)
- Motivation of purchase
- low-level needs before high-level needs
- ERG Theory (Alderfer, C.)
- Existence, Relatedness, Growth
- Levels of needs to be pursued simultaneously
- Acquired-Needs Theory (McClelland, D.)
- Individuals specific needs
- Achievement, Affiliation, Power
Kazembi Zatjirua Alexander Fischer Matthias
Metzger Marc Oback Holger Ruban
3- Etic on a micro level (culture independed
realities) - Impact on marketing research
- Start of purchase decision on the basis of need
perception - Multi-stage process for purchase decision
- Process of different time
- Understanding of the active and sensible actions
- Individual research for each customers / group
Kazembi Zatjirua Alexander Fischer Matthias
Metzger Marc Oback Holger Ruban
4- Etic basis - Identifying of types and subgroups
of societies - Understanding the global market
- Reach ability, receptivity, stability,
- measurability, sustainability and profitability
- gt Market entry strategy
- gt Segmentation
- gt Product placement
- To find clusters (cluster theory)
- Place of industry
- Education
- Supply Chain
Kazembi Zatjirua Alexander Fischer Matthias
Metzger Marc Oback Holger Ruban
5Global market segmentation
- Micro-level Bases
- Lifestyles
- Attitudes, Tastes and
- Predispositions
- Response to
- marketing
- Cultural Traits
- Macro-level Bases
- Economic
- Technological
- Geographic
- Cultural
- Demographic
- Political
- Industrial structure
Strategic brand positioning
Kazembi Zatjirua Alexander Fischer Matthias
Metzger Marc Oback Holger Ruban
6- Etic on a macro level
- Hofstedes four dimensions of culture variation
(1980, 1991) - individualism vs. collectivism
- power distance
- masculinity vs. femininity
- uncertainty avoidance
- Schwartzs framework (1990)
- relations between individual and groups
- assuring responsible behaviour
- the role in humankind in the natural and social
world - New concepts
- Nigel Holden (2004) gt no B2B marketing,
negotiations for e.g. Japan and Germany gt
Kazembi Zatjirua Alexander Fischer Matthias
Metzger Marc Oback Holger Ruban
7Kazembi Zatjirua Alexander Fischer Matthias
Metzger Marc Oback Holger Ruban
8- Conclusions and recommendations
- Global segmentation should
- include macro and Micro-level
- Bases
Kazembi Zatjirua Alexander Fischer Matthias
Metzger Marc Oback Holger Ruban