Title: Folie 1
1The role of the Business Register in the use of
Admin Data for short term statistics
- Joint UNECE/OECD/Eurostat Meeting of experts on
Business Register - Paris, 14-15 September 2011
- Session 2
- Reducing respondent burden
- the role of statistical business registers
- Robin Lorenz/Roland Sturm, Business Register
- Federal Statistical Office of Germany
2Short term statistics in Germany questioning
the traditional approach
- Till beginning of last decade
- Stove pipe statistics for different branches
- Primary surveys with some ten thousand
respondents each - Challenges of the 1990s extension of STS to
service sectors - No political support for additional surveys
- Response burden prominent topic on the public
agenda - New political mandate for official statistics
- Administrative Data Use Act in 2003
- Provided monthly access to AdminData from two
3Primary surveys
Group of respondents
Information demand
Survey/Reporting period
Survey frequency
4Admin Data
Group of respondents
Information potential
Survey/Reporting period
Survey frequency
5Testing Admin Data for STS in Germany
- Employment data
- Provided monthly by the Federal Employment Office
- Number of employees subject to social insurance
contribution and number of marginal employees
- File with 3 different reference days at the 15th
of each month (t60, t90 and t180) - VAT data
- Provided monthly by the 16 tax authorities of the
German states - VAT declaration at t40, delivery to FSO at the
20th of each month (i.e. t50) - Reporting period VAT gt 1.000 Quarter (10
of the turnover) - VAT gt 7.500 Month (90 of
the turnover)
6Use of Admin data for STS results of testing
Economic sector NACE section Time- liness Perio-dicity Usabi-lity Additional survey Begin of use
Transport, storage, communication and other business services H, J, parts of M and N t60 quarterly yes TO gt 15 Mill or PE gt 250 2007
Crafts ---- t60 quarterly yes Solely Admin Data 2008
Building installation and completion 432, 433 (part of F) t60 quarterly yes PE gt 20 2011
Trade of motor vehicles,wholesale trade 45 t60 monthly yes TO gt 10 Mill or PE gt 100 2012
Trade of motor vehicles,wholesale trade 46 t60 monthly yes TO gt 20 Mill or PE gt 100 2012
Acommodation and food service activities I t60 monthly no ---- ----
Retail trade 47 t30 monthly no ---- ----
7Reduction of response burden per year
8Reduction of response burden per year
9The role of the statistical Business Register
survey data of the statistical office
register information about survey participation
administrative data in the business register
core of business register
administrative data already used by the
statistical office
register unit
statistical business register
data available in the statistical office
10Admin Data Editing process for STS
Monthly Employ- ment Data
Monthly turnover tax files
Business Register (BR)
Employment Data Base
Turnover Data Base
Monthly STS Turnover Extract
Annual BRtime slice
Monthly STS Employment Extract
Enhanced STS Employment Extract
Enhanced STS Turnover Extract
Specific Admin Data sets for STS
Business Rela- ted services (quarterly)
Crafts (quarterly)
Building instal- lation/completion (quarterly)
Wholesale Trade (monthly)
Trade of motor vehicles (monthly)
11Utilising the Business Register I
- Managing of the editing process
- Linking of units from the two Admin sources
- prerequisite for mix models of survey and
AdminData use -
- Identification of units belonging to the crafts
sector - Prerequisite for AdminDatra use when the target
population can not be identified in the Admin
Data itself
12Utilising the Business Register II
- Reducing deficiencies in the Admin Data
- Assignment of Activity code
- Business Register uses best of different
available information - Information about VAT groups
- Business Register carries out VAT breakdown to
single enterprises by a multiple regression model
13Time lag Short term statistics and register data
Permanent updates of adresses, survey information
register data 2009 (NACE, crafts, turnover,
2010 provisional
14Thank you for your attention
Roland SturmFederal Statistical Office of
Germanyemail roland.sturm_at_destatis.de