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Diapositiva 1


EU Public Sector Directive: Advertising, Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks, Horizontal Policies- Seminar 5 Dr Aris Georgopoulos Assist. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Diapositiva 1

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies- Seminar 5 Dr Aris
Georgopoulos Assist. Professor in European and
Public Law- Advocate University of
Nottingham Global Governance Fellow, Robert
Schuman Centre of Advanced Studies, European
University Instirute - Florence
EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
  • Advertising Requirements
  • Qualification Requirements
  • Award criteria
  • Frameworks Agreements
  • Horizontal policies Environmental and Social

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Advertising Requirement
  • Contract Notice (Art 35 (2))
  • EU wide advertisement with the aim to notify
    potential interested economic operators across
    the EU
  • Standard form
  • General rule
  • in fixing time limits for the receipt of tenders
    and requests to participate entities shall take
    account, in particular, of the complexities of
    the contract and the time required for drawing up
    tenders (Art 38 (1))
  • In open procedures firms must generally be given
    at least 52 days to tender (Article 38(2)),
    calculated from the date of despatch of the
    contract notice (not the date of publication)

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Advertising Requirement
  • The 52 day period may also be reduced in certain
  • A Prior Indicative Notice (PIN) has been
    published within the previous year mentioning the
    specific contract and providing details of it
  • PIN an advance notice of the contract. if the
    bidders have such advance notice then they can
    prepare accordingly thus justifying the
    shortening of time limits
  • The time limit in this case can be reduced to 36
    days (for simple contracts the time limit can be
    reduced to 22 days)

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Advertising Requirement
  • The 52 day period may also be reduced in certain
  • when the contract notice is drawn up and
    transmitted electronically
  • Time limit shortened by 7 days (ex if no PIN 45
    days with PIN 29 days or a possible minimum 15
    days for simple contracts)
  • when the entity offers unrestricted and full
    direct access by electronic means to contract
    and supplementary documents (website address has
    to be mentioned in the contract notice)
  • Time limit is shortened by 5 days
  • !!! this reduction by 5 days can be in addition
    to the reduction by 7 days if the contract notice
    is transmitted electronically- in all cases)

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Advertising Requirement
  • Restricted procedure
  • Time limits for requests to participate 37 (can
    be reduced by 7 days if contract notice
    dispatched electronically)
  • In cases of urgency accelerated versions of the
    restricted procedure are available
  • the 37 day period becomes a period of not less
    than 15 days (or 10 when the notice is sent
    electronically) Article 38(8)(a)

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Advertising Requirement
  • Restricted procedure
  • How many firms can be invited to participate?
  • Sufficient number to ensure genuine competition
  • minimum 5 (Art. 44 (3))
  • !!! In negotiated procedure with prior notice and
    competitive dialogue the minimum number can be 3

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Qualification Requirements
  • Qualification the selection of economic
    operators will participate in the procurement
  • NB Do not confuse this with the process for
    selecting the winner of a contract (award)
  • The selection criteria refer to
  • a) Economic and Financial standing of economic
    operators (Article 47)
  • b) Technical and professional ability (Article 48)

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Qualification Requirements
  • Exclusion of economic operators can only be
    justified on the specific grounds stipulated in
    the Directive (Article 45 the list is
  • See also Joined Cases C-226/04-C-228/04, La
    Cascina v Ministero della Difesa 2006 E.C.R.
  • Rationale of the exhaustive list
  • To limit the discretion of the contracting
    authorities to exclude firms only on objective
    grounds that do not contravene the principle of
    equal treatment and non-discrimination

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Qualification Requirements
  • Question Can an authority refuse to consider a
    bid because the bidder failed to follow the
    authoritys equal opportunities guidelines?
  • No, because this ground of exclusion is not
    mentioned in the Directive

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Qualification Requirements
  • Proof of economic financial standing
  • Contracting authorities may require a number of
    documents (indicative list Art. 47)
  • Minimum requirements (for example minimum annual
    turnover) should be included in the contract
    notice or invitation to tender must relate to
    the subject matter of the contract must be
    proportionate (Article 44 (2))

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Qualification Requirements
  • Proof of technical or professional standing
  • Contracting authorities can only require the
    evidence enumerated in the list of Art. 48
    (exhaustive list)
  • NB National contractor approval lists are not
    mentioned in the Directive as a means of proving
    Technical standing
  • See C-71/92, Commission v Spain 1993 ECR

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Qualification Requirements
  • Question
  • Is a general national rule that requires
    contracting authorities to exclude firms from a
    contract, because they had participated in the
    preparation of the specifications of that
    contract, compatible with EU PP rules?
  • (This is not explicitly stipulated as a ground of
    exclusion under the Directive)
  • No. Such a general exclusion is not proportionate
    to the aim of ensuring transparency and
  • NB. Instead it would be possible to exclude only
    those firms that could not show that their
    participation would not undermine competition
  • Joined Cases C21/03 and C-34/03, Fabricom v État
    Belge 2005 E.C.R. I-1559)

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Public Sector Qualification Requirements
  • Official lists of a MS must be accepted (in
    principle) by contracting authorities in the
    other MSs (Article 52 (4))
  • - Contracting authorities can only question these
    lists if they (CAs) set clearly higher standards.

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Award Criteria
  • Award Criteria (Article 53)
  • Lowest price or most economically advantageous
    tender remain the award criteria
  • Award criteria may include environmental
    characteristics (e.g. energy savings, disposal
    costs) provided these are linked to the subject
    matter of the contract
  • Case C-513/99, Concordia Bus Finland v Helsinki
    2002 E.C.R. I-7213
  • Award criteria not linked to the subject matter
    of the contract may not be used
  • C-448/01 EVN and Wienstrom v Austria 2003 E.C.R.
  • How about the so-called workforce criteria (for
    example extra points for employing persons with
  • Not clear Case C-225/98, Commission v French
    Republic 2000 ECR I-7445

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Award Criteria
  • Relative weightings must be given for each award
    criterion (Art. 53 (2))
  • Weightings may expressed by providing a range
    with an appropriate maximum spread.

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Award Criteria
  • Weightings must be disclosed in the notice or
  • Exception
  • When in the opinion of the contracting authority
    and for demonstrable reasons weighting is not
  • In this case criteria must be listed in
    descending order of importance

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Award Criteria
  • Question
  • Can MSs adopt general rules that require
    contracting authorities to use lowest price for
    all works contracts?
  • No!!!!
  • Case C-247/02, Sintesi ApA v Autorità per la
    Viglinaza sui Lavori Pubblici

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Framework Agreements
  • Article 1(5)
  • An agreement between one or more contracting
    authorities and one or more economic operators,
    the purpose of which is to establish the terms
    governing contracts to be awarded during a given
    period, in particular with regard to price and,
    where appropriate, the quantity envisaged
  • i.e. Agreement to agree
  • Framework agreements are used, in the case of
    repetitive purchases, to choose suppliers who,
    when the time comes, will be able to meet the
    purchaser's needs.

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Framework Agreements
N.B. A contract which creates rights and
obligations (e.g. where work and response times
are guaranteed) is not a framework as defined
in the Directive. Frameworks can cover
supplies, works and services and can be used in
conjunction with the open, restricted,
competitive dialogue and negotiated procedures
(namely all the procedures)
EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Framework Agreements
Maximum duration is four years unless,
exceptionally, a longer period can be justified
(!!! Specific contracts may extend beyond the
life of the framework) Where a single
appointment is not made then the minimum number
of framework suppliers is three or the number
passing the selection criteria if less
EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Framework Agreements
  • For each call-off contract
  • Award to a single supplier
  • Award to the supplier that offers best value on
    the basis of the framework award criteria
  • Mini competition

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Framework Agreements
  • Mini Competition
  • Not compulsory
  • Must not substantially change the original
    framework terms.
  • Award to the supplier offering the best bid on
    the basis of the published framework award

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Horizontal Policies
  • In principle they are allowed provided that they
    relate to the subject matter of the contract.
  • Environmental criteria even under the previous
    directives ?Concordia Buses New Directive Article
    53 (1) (a))
  • Social criteria? The directive is not explicit

EU Public Sector Directive Advertising,
Qualification, Award criteria, Frameworks,
Horizontal Policies Seminar5
Horizontal Policies
  • In principle they are allowed provided that they
    relate to the subject matter of the contract.
  • Environmental criteria even under the previous
    directives ?Concordia Buses New Directive Article
    53 (1) (a))
  • Social criteria? The directive is not explicit
  • Social criteria As long as they are not
  • C-31/87 Beentjes,
  • C-225/98, Commission v France
  • !!! Award criteria v. Contract conditions
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