Title: RE and the Climate Change Challenge:
1RE and theClimate Change Challenge
Can RE Technologies Deliver?
Steven Guilbeault, Greenpeace International
2Defining the Challenge
- UNFCCC Article 2
- Millions at Risk
3UNFCCC Article 2 Objective
- The ultimate objective of this Convention is
to - prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with
the climate systemin time to - allow ecosystems to adapt naturally to climate
change, to - ensure that food production is not threatened and
to - enable economic development to proceed in a
sustainable manner.
4Additional millions at risk in 2050s
5Additional millions at risk in 2080s
6Thats Quite A Challenge
- Can RE technologies deliver ALL of that?
7What RE cant do
- Cope with IEA projected increases in electricity
consumption - Reverse global deforestation trends
- Energy efficiency MUST play a major role
- Unsustainable patterns of consumption and
- production must be transformed
- Transport
8What RE technologies CAN Do
- By the end of the century, renewables have the
potential to provide nearly 100 of our energy
needsindeed they must if we are to meet the
climate change challenge. - Existing RE technologies can provide a
significant share of global electricity demand by
2020, and a very large share by 2040.
9Working with the Industry
- Greenpeace working with industry?
- European Wind Energy Association
- European PV Industry Association
- Solar Thermal Power Industry Association
- And others
10Wind Force 12
- Wind Force 10 to Wind Force 12
- 27 fold increase in a decade
2020 11 of world electricity 2040 22 of
world electricity
Global Wind Power will be equivalent to reducing
13Global Wind Power will be equivalent to reducing
- Enormous technical potential, but expensive so
far, although costs are coming down - Growth is fast, but starting from a very small
2020 1 of global demand 2040 26 of
global demand
- New report
- Feasibility study like WF12 and SG
- Working with BOTH European and US industry
associations - Results
17Solar Thermal Can Deliver
18Three Technologies
Today 2020 2040
Wind 64.5 (twh) 3021 (twh) 12 8100 (twh) 22
Solar pv Ca. 2,5 TWh 276 (twh) 1 9113 (twh) 26
Solar Thermal Ca. 0,7 TWh 43 (twh) .16 3174 (twh) 5
Total 3340 (twh) 13 20,387 (twh) 53
19Next (for us)
- Geothermal technical potential w/existing
technology 1 X current global energy demand - Modern Biomass technical potential w/existing
technology 40 of current global energy demand - Marine Energy technical potential w/existing
technology 5 of current global energy demand -
20Meeting the Challenge?
- Role for government, industry and civil society
- Growth rates achievable similar to other energy
technologies (Fax machines, PC, mobile phones,
21An Important Step on The Road to Avoiding
Dangerous Climate Change and A Clean Energy Future
- Steven Guilbeault
- Greenpeace International
- G
- www.greenpeace.org