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Diapositiva 1


Training Seminar Methodologies and procedures of definition, gathering, elaboration and presentation of information and data for quality assurance of study programmes: – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Diapositiva 1

Training Seminar Methodologies and procedures of
definition, gathering, elaboration and
presentation of information and data for quality
assurance of study programmes experiences and
best practices Bratislava, 10-12 October
2012 Documentation of information and data for
the quality assurance of study
programmes Alfredo Squarzoni Project Coordinator
  • Topics
  • Aim and activities of DoQuP project
  • First results definition of the Standards and of
    the Documentation for the quality assurance (QA)
    of study programmes (SPs) in partner countries
  • Next activities and Aim of the training seminars

Aim of DoQuP project The aim of DoQuP project
is the definition and implementation of an
on-line documentation system for the QA of SPs in
the PCs (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Tajikistan) consistent with the European
standards for internal QA.
Importance of the documentation process Why a
clear and complete documentation of learning
objectives, educational process, learning
context, learning outcomes and management system
is an essential and necessary aspect of the QA of
  • Because the availability of information and
    data on the characteristics and results of SPs is
    essential for their transparency, one of the
    most important objective of the Bologna process,
  • and
  • in order to ensure trust in the SP capacity to
    meet the requirements for quality, in one word to
    guarantee its quality, making possible the
    formulation of an informed judgment on the SPs
    quality by all the interested parties, first of
    all students.

  • But the availability of information and data
    on the characteristics and results of SPs is also
    essential and necessary for their comparability
    at national and international level, another
    important objective of the Bologna process.
  • Furthermore, their availability constitutes a
    powerful incentive to the improvement of SP
  • As a matter of fact, when a SP is required to
    document its quality, in case of bad quality it
    is also stimulated to adopt the opportune actions
    for its improvement.

  • Without taking into account that the
    availability of information and data on the
    characteristics and results of SPs is necessary
    in every assessment process.

Work Package 1 Definition and implementation of
an on-line documentation system for the QA of SPs
in the PCs Objectives of the WP 1 a)
identification of standards for quality of SPs in
the PCs, consistent with the European Standards
and Guidelines b) identification of information
and data necessary to assure quality of SPs c)
definition of the methodologies and procedures
for their definition, gathering, elaboration and
d) definition and organisation of the
responsibilities and facilities for their
management e) design and production of the
software for their on-line management and
documentation f) implementation of the
methodologies and procedures, responsibilities
and facilities in all the PCs.
Standards for QA of SPs in PCs The first step of
the project has been the definition of the DoQuP
standards for QA of SP in PCs and of the
associated quality requirements. The
identified standards and the associated quality
requirements are reported in the document DoQuP
standards for quality assurance of study
programmes in partner countries, approved by the
project board (PB) in the meeting in Biskek on
May 4th 2012.
  • The identified standards are 5 and regards
  • Needs and objectives
  • Educational process
  • Resources
  • Results
  • Management System.

Standard A - Needs and Objectives The study
programme should identify the educational needs
of the labour market of reference, establish
educational objectives coherent with the mission
of the Higher Education Institution and the
educational needs of the labour market of
reference, and learning outcomes coherent with
the established educational objectives.
Standard B - Educational process The study
programme should assure students educational
activities able to accomplish the established
learning outcomes through contents, methods and
times adequately designed and planned, take under
control their development, assure a correct
assessment of students learning through suitable
assessment methods and establish appropriate
criteria for students studies progression.
Standard C - Resources The study programme
should have at disposal teaching staff,
facilities, financial resources, student support
services and partnerships with businesses,
research institutions and other Higher Education
Institutions adequate for the accomplishment of
the programme outcomes and able to make students
studies progression easier.
Standard D - Results The study programme should
monitor the results of the educational process at
least with respect to entrance students,
students learning, students studies
progression, students opinion on the educational
process, graduates placement, in order to check
the adequacy and effectiveness of the educational
service provided.
Standard E - Management system The study
programme should adopt an adequate and effective
management system, able to promote the study
programme quality and the improvement of the
effectiveness of the processes for the study
programme management and of the associated
results, and should assure its continual adequacy
and effectiveness. Furthermore the SP should
guarantee the publicity of the information on the
study programme.
Then for each standard the processes considered
fundamental for a management for quality of SPs
in PCs and the associated quality requirements
have been identified. (Quality Requirements
Statements which express the expected behaviours
and results associated to the processes for the
management of a SP)
Identified processes Standard A - Needs and
Objectives A1 - Identification of the
educational needs of the labour market A2
- Definition of the educational objectives A3 -
Definition of the learning outcomes
(Educational objectives competences to be
developed and obtained during the learning
process by the students Learning outcomes
statements of what a learner is expected to know,
understand and/or be able to demonstrate after
completion of a process of learning)
Standard B - Educational Process B1 -
Definition of the admission requirements B2 -
Design and planning of the educational process
B3 - Realization of the educational process B4 -
Assessment of students learning and criteria
for students studies progression
Standard C - Resources C1 - Identification and
put at disposal of the teaching staff C2 -
Identification and put at disposal of facilities
(in particular lesson rooms,
laboratories, libraries) C3 - Identification and
put at disposal of financial resources C4 -
Organisation and management of student support
services (in particular orienteering,
counselling and tutoring services) C5 -
Establishment of partnerships (with national and
international businesses, research
institutions and other Higher Education
Institutions for the development of
students external education and mobility)
Standard D - Results D1 - Monitoring of the
entrance students D2 - Monitoring of the
students learning D3 - Monitoring of the
students studies progression D4 - Monitoring of
the students opinion on the educational
process D5 - Monitoring of the graduates
Standard E - Management System E1 - Definition
of the processes for the SP management
and of the organisational structure E2 - Adoption
of initiatives for the quality promotion E3 -
Re-examination and improvement E4 - Publicizing
of information on the SP
Example of Quality Requirement Quality
Requirement A1 - Educational needs of the labour
market The study programme should identify the
educational needs of the labour market of
reference. The educational needs should be
identified in terms of professional profiles
and/or roles/activities expected for the
graduates and required competences.
Information and data for QA of SPs in PCs The
identified requirements for the quality of SPs in
PCs have been the starting point for the
identification of the information and data to be
documented in order to provide evidence of the SP
quality, the second step of the DoQuP project.
The identified information and data are reported
in the document DoQuP information and data for
quality assurance of study programmes in partner
countries approved by the PB in the meeting in
Astana on August 22th 2012. The required
documentation is defined for each quality
requirements of the DoQuP standards.
Example of information and data to be documented
Quality Requirement A1 - Educational needs of
the labour market Ways of identification of the
educational needs of the labour market The SP
should indicate how the educational needs of the
labour market of reference have been identified
(e.g. derived from documents, studies, labour
market analysis through consultations of
organisations representative of the production,
services and professions world etc.).
Identified educational needs of the labour
market The SP should identify the educational
needs of the labour market of reference in terms
of professional profiles and/or roles/activities
expected for the graduates in the first years of
their placement in the labour market and required
competences, and in terms of expected learning
The structure of the document DoQuP information
and data for quality assurance of study
programmes in partner countries suggests also a
framework for the documentation of the required
information and data for the QA of SPs in PCs.
Next activities and Aim of the training
seminars The definition of standards and
documentation for the QA of SPs in PCs has
concluded the first phase of the project,
coincident with the first year of the
project. The main responsibility for the
accomplishment of this aim was on the European
partners of the project. This is easily
understandable, because the aim was the
definition of standards and documentation
consistent with the European Standards and
Guidelines for internal QA.
  • On the contrary, the carrying out of the next
  • activities of the project and in particular of
  • the definition of the methodologies and
    procedures of definition, gathering, elaboration
    and documentation of the identified information
    and data
  • the definition and organisation of the
    responsibilities and facilities for their
  • the implementation of the methodologies and
    procedures, responsibilities and facilities
  • the implementation of the software for the
    on-line management of the documentation for the
    QA of SPs
  • will necessarily be mainly on the responsibility
  • the PCs.

Consequently the accomplishment of the next
deliverables will require a full involvement of
all the project partners but in particular of all
the partners of the PCs.
  • The first two of the three training seminars
  • programmed by the project, i.e. the seminars on
  • methodologies and procedure of definition,
    gathering, elaboration and documentation of the
    identified information and data
  • definition and organisation of the
    responsibilities and facilities for the
    definition, gathering, elaboration and
    documentation of the identified information and
  • have one main objective

to introduce experiences and best practices on
methodologies and procedures and on
responsibilities and facilities for the
management of the documentation for QA of SPs of
the European partners of the project. The hope
is that the experiences and best practices of the
European partners of the project can be a useful
reference for the work to be done for the
accomplishment of the next deliverables of the
Sessions of the Bratislava Seminar The
Bratislava Seminar will introduce the next
step of the project the definition of
appropriate methodologies and procedures of
definition, gathering, elaboration and
presentation of the identified information and
data for the QA of SPs in PCs. The identified
information and data will be the starting point
for the identification and definition of the
methodologies and procedures for their management.
Programmed Sessions Session on Monitoring of the
adequacy and effectiveness of the educational
process perceived by students Session on
Monitoring and presentation of the results of the
educational process Session on Organisation and
management of the student support
services Session on Management of the
information about student support services in the
Quality Assurance System
Session on TUNING approach to the definition of
educational objectives, learning outcomes and
curriculum of a study programme Session on
Management system and initiatives for the
promotion of quality the process of revision and
improvement Session on Methods and procedures
of students' learning assessment strength and
weakness points
Other sessions Session on On-line management of
information and data for quality assurance of
study programmes Round Table on Strengths and
weaknesses of the implementation of the Bologna
process in the European countries partners of the
project (with particular reference on the
consequences on the educational level of the
graduates )
Good work and Thanks!
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