Title: Diapositiva 1
110 COSMO GENERAL MEETING Plans and State of Art
at USAM/CNMCA Massimo Ferri
2- Strategy at USAM/CNMCA
- Vision
- Under the pressure of reduction in human and
financial resources to preserve the operational
capability of the National Meteorological
Service, maintaining it at the state of the art. - Continue to serve as national reference in the
international scenario and contribute to the
consolidation of the European Meteorological
Infrastructure - To promote better integration with the Regional
Met. Services and enhance relationship with
Academy and Industry in Italy. - Plans
- Renewal of the observational network (both ground
and upper air segments) a 3 years programme has
been approved with a first allocation of 10 M. - Renewal of the computing infrastructure dedicated
to the handling of meteorological data in order
to cope with (interoperability) requirements
posed by WIS, INSPIRE, Military Applications
the programme is under discussion. - Renewal of the computing infrastructure dedicated
to the web services technical requirements
ready allocation of 700 k available ITT to be
issued in the last quarter 2008. - To run operationally the Hydrology Satellite
Application Facility at CNMCA (Precipitation
products) Product operation readiness is under
certification by EUMETSAT end of process
expected by mid 2009.
3- Achievements at USAM/CNMCA in the last COSMO
year - new computing infrastructure dedicated to
numerical application the contract was signed
, the system , selected using LM-RAPS 4.0 as
benchmark, is an HP BL3000 128 nodes bi-processor
quadcore (Harpertown) and will be installed in
the first quarter 2009 after completion of site
preparation. - A prototype of the software of the Standard
Weather Station, based on the concept of sensors
plug-in and including the library of
measurement algorithms, was developed and tested. - The development phase of H-SAF precipitation
products was completed and the operational
procedures assuring the fulfilment of the
requirements in terms of availability and
dissemination were built and routinely run. - COSMO-Model exploitation
- RTTOV9.1 interface was developed
- A wave model, forced by COSMO-ME, was developed
for the Mediterranean at resolution of 3x3 and
is in operation since mid-summer 2008 - An interactive platform based on COSMO-ME output
and AWI post processing was developed and used
by forecaster on duty to produce input to
multimedia forecasts distributed (as XML files)
to the national TV broadcaster.
4- Status of the NWP System at USAM/CNMCA
- The NWP suite is run as Time critical
application for Member States at ECMWF. It is
organized as follows - Data assimilation 3D-Var PSAS FGAT using HRM as
prognostic component and BCs from IFS. Domain
Euro-Atlantic. Resolution 14 Km. 40 vertical
levels. Time step 3 hours. - COSMO-ME COSMO 4.3. ICs interpolated from data
assimilation and BCs from IFS. Domain
Mediterranean. Resolution 7 km , 40 vertical
levels. Time range 72 hours. Only 00 run. - COSMO-IT COSMO 4.3. ICs 6 hours nudging. Domain
Italy. Resolution 2.8 Km, 50 vertical levels .
Time range 36 hours. Only 00 run. - Post Processing (only on COSMO-ME output)
- Automatic Weather Interpretation produces ww code
cloud type - Pseudo Satellite Imagery for MSG channel IR 10.8
5Current and Future developments of the NWP System
at USAM/CNMCA A new data assimilation system
based on LETKF is in an advanced phase of
development. The new scheme presents numerous
advantages no dependency on any statistically
predefined structure of the background error
(i.e., fully flow-dependent) dependency on the
prognostic component is only trough forward
observational operator (i.e., simpler use of
radiances/precipitation obs.) the system is
optimally suitable to produce the set of ICs for
a short range ensemble forecast system. The
preliminary results are very positive and the
expectation is for a system with at least
comparable skill with a 4D-Var data
assimilation. The NWP suite will be
progressively moved to the new computer system,
starting with the new data assimilation
component. A Post Processing module will be
developed/adapted in order to be applied on the
COSMO-IT output. Versus Software Package will be
the platform adopted for the verification
activities at CNMCA.
6Contributions to COSMO 2008 Coordination of WG5
and Leadership PP Versus Contribution in PP
Versus and PP RK. 2009 Coordination of WG5 and
Leadership PP Versus 2 contributions in PP