A presentation by Dan Papperman
2Presenters note The following translations may
not be 100 accurate, however, they should convey
the right idea of the text. My sincerest thanks
to the people at http//world.altavista.com/tr
3Socialist/Communist Propaganda
From the Russian NEP will be socialist
Russia -Lenin
Under Lenins banner, under Stalins leadership,
forward to the victory of communism!
4Anti-Capitalist Propaganda
In capitalist countries
In the socialist country
The road of talent
The road to talent!
Freedom is the American way
Lenin lived, Lenin is living, Lenin will live!
Captain Stalin steers us from victory to
Let us conquer drought!
Great Stalin Banner of the friendship of the
people of the USSR!
7National Moral
More glad to live every day!
Peoples dreams happen!
Milkmaid, let us attain lots of milk from each
Bread to the nation!
9Social Movements
Alcohol is the enemy of production
Work, then the rifle
We Require the Peace!
10War Production
Each strike of the hammer has an impact
Everything for the front! Let us give the Army
more Tanks, Aircraft, Instruments, Machine Guns,
Rifles, Artillery, Cartridges!
11War Propaganda
How have you helped the front?
The Red Army Loyal Guard of the achievements
of October
The enemy is insidious - be on the alert!
Let us protect Lenins city
12The Holocaust
The soldiers will free the glory
13Roles of Women
We serve the people!
Let us replace!
14Communism Today