Title: ChiChang Kao
1Recent Developments in Synchrotron Facilities
Chi-Chang Kao National Synchrotron Light
Source Brookhaven National Laboratory
- Advances in sources, optics
- and detectors
- COMPRES and facilities
- Inelastic x-ray scattering study of materials
under high pressure
3Advances in Storage Rings Brightness
1 TPa?
4Advances in Storage Rings Flux
5X-ray Free Electron Lasers
Expected 2008
Richard Lee
6Advances in Optics
- Micro-focusing
- High energy focusing
- High energy resolution
- optics
7Advances in Detectors
- Multi-Element Solid
- State Detectors
- Pixel-Array Detectors
- High Energy Detectors
8Integrated Experimental Design
9COMPRES and Facilities
- Represent the interests of the community
- Ex 1 Scientific agenda and needs
- Ex 2 Coordination of activities
- Leverage facility resources
- Ex 1 X17 hutch upgrade
- Ex 2 High energy focusing optics
- Collaborate on education and outreach
- Ex Synchrotron technique and data analysis
training courses
10Some interesting things to find out after EOS
- Phase diagram and structure refinement
- Strain mapping
- Electron structure and lattice dynamics
- Local structure information in disordered and
liquid phases - Statistical physics and origin of
structural/magnetic/metal- insulator phase
transitions - Systematic study of electron correlation effects
- Control the coupling between lattice and
electronic - degrees of freedom in strongly correlated
electron - systems
- ..
11Kinematics of Inelastic X-ray Scattering
12Double Differential Scattering Cross Section
13Inelastic X-ray Spectrum
14Dynamic Structure Factor of Diamond and LiF
PRL, 84 (2000) 3907
15Dynamic Structure Factors of Metals
Eguiluz et al, J. of Physics and Chemistry of
Solids 61 (2000) 383390
16Spatial and Temporal Scales of Scattering
- IXS covers a unique frequency
- -momentum space, complementary
- to optical, electron scattering, and
- neutron scattering techniques.
- No restriction on energy and
- momentum transfer.
- Single scattering simplifies
- comparison with theory
- Offers great flexibility in sample
- size and sample environment.
17Current Status of Inelastic X-ray Scattering
- Lattice dynamics 1-2 meV
- -liquids
- -Amorphous solids
- -Biological systems
- -Extreme conditions
- Charge dynamics 0.1-1 eV
- -Liquids
- -Metals to insulators
- -Strongly correlated electrons
- -Extreme conditions
Third generation high energy synchrotrons 1013
to 1014 in Si(111) bandwidth
18Pressure vs Temperature
PV work per atom
Atomic unit of pressure
Thermal energy 103 Ry
19SPring-8/ SRRC IXS Spectrometer
In Collaboration with Advanced Design Consulting,
Inc., NY, USA
20IXS Beamlines at Third Generation Synchrotrons
-ESRF ID16/ ID 28
-Several CATs at APS are part time used for IXS
-SPring-8 BL35XU BL11XU BL12XU
Nuclear Resonance and Compton scattering
21Magnetic Collapse in Transition Metal Oxides
R.E.Cohen, I.I. Mazin, D.G. Isaak, Science 275
22High Resolution X-ray Emission
High Spin
Low Spin
Emitted x-rays
Incident x-rays
23High-spin to Low-spin Transition in FeS
24High-spin to Low-spin Transition in FeS
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 3284 (1999)
25Magnetic Collapse in Transition Metal Oxides
Ferropericlase (Mg0.83Fe0.17)O 60-70 GPa Badro,
Science 2003
Silicate perovskite Jie Li private communication
26H.-K. Mao and R.J. Hemly, CIW J.-P. Rueff,
CNRS Y. Cai and P. Chow, NSRRC/SPring-8