... (denominazione di Dionigi Gotofredo) o Codice giustinianeo Pandette o Digesto: = raccolta di testi di dottrina giuridica (Ulpiano, Gaio, Modestino, ecc.)
SLIDESHOW – Visiting Florence. In 1293, after the political success of the guilds, the new Priors wanted to build a monument which would become the most important civic monument in Florence, the Palazzo dei Priori, seat of the Signoria, later called Palazzo Vecchio. According to tradition, the central nucleus of the building was erected by Arnolfo di Cambio between 1299 and 1304. It has the appearance of a fortress, topped by a huge open gallery, from which rises the slender tower known as the Arnolfo tower and which repeats in the belfry the design of the top of the palace. The two rows of elegant ogival mullioned windows; this is the only measured proportion to the Palace. It was subsequently enlarged by Vasari, in the sixteenth century and by Buontalenti, in the seventeenth century. Palazzo Vecchio, after having been the seat the seat of the town authorities, became the home of the Medici family.
Il cristianesimo e l'ultima filosofia greca Bisogno di spiritualit I secoli appena precedenti e successivi alla nascita di Cristo sono contrassegnati da un intenso ...
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Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by... Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: Presentazione su schermo Other titles
Unitarian Universalist History The Unitarians: 0 c.e. 1638 c.e. Rise of Christianity 1st thru 3rd Century Constant fighting Small Christian sects with differing ...
Title: Storia del diritto romano Author: lepore paolo Last modified by: michele Created Date: 9/11/2006 1:19:31 PM Document presentation format: Presentazione su schermo
L ETA DI CESARE CONTESTO STORICO E CULTURALE VERSO LA FINE DELLA REPUBBLICA Dal 60 a.C. fino al 44 a.C. definiamo convenzionalmente et cesariana. un periodo ...
Title: Scuola Media Statale SALVO D ACQUISTO Author: alunno2 Last modified by: computer Created Date: 5/29/2006 1:39:29 PM Document presentation format
Assemblee popolari (comitia) POPULUS Prima del pareggiamento degli ordini Patricii membri delle comunit originarie delle gentes (curano i sacra, rivestono le ...
Title: Premessa al Progetto Diamo un futuro al nostro passato Author: utente Last modified by: utente Created Date: 1/3/2002 9:42:34 PM Document presentation format
Title: UOMO CHI SEI? Last modified by: marcello Created Date: 4/22/2006 12:38:55 PM Document presentation format: Presentazione su schermo (4:3) Other titles
Author off-prints and royalties. WSSA pays Allen Press for: Managing editing. Copyediting ... Credibility and high quality submissions. Stage 1 successfully completed ...