(Centre de Recherche et d'Application en Traitement de l'Image et du Signal, Lyon, ... H. DUQUE, J.M. PIERSON, V. BRETON, L. BRUNIE, I.E. MAGNIN, DM2: Medical ...
Septembre 2002, Janvier 2003 (CNRS ?) Plaquette, web. Assembl e g n rale du LIRIS 12 ... Fran ais / anglais. Septembre : web1. Version simple. Pr sentation ...
A (Quick) Historical Panorama of Information Technologies Lionel Brunie National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) LIRIS Laboratory/DRIM Team UMR CNRS 5205
Indexation s mantique pour la recherche d information multilingue : approche dirig e par les ontologies. Web centr utilisateur Catherine ROUSSEY , LIRIS
A short history and some insight into the future of IT Lionel Brunie National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) LIRIS Laboratory/DRIM Team UMR CNRS 5205
A short history and some insight into the future of IT Lionel Brunie National Institute of Applied Science (INSA) LIRIS Laboratory/DRIM Team UMR CNRS 5205
LIRIS FRE 2672 CNRS/INSA de Lyon/Universit Claude Bernard Lyon 1/Universit ... r agissant une signature de t che choisie explicitement par l'utilisateur ...
Objectifs/LIRIS : cadre th orique des processus d'extraction de connaissances (bas s sur ... AMBRE : Apprentissage de M thodes Bas sur la R utilisation de ...
Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Syst mes d'information. LIRIS UMR 5205 ... than OWL-DL SWRL and Ontobayes, for example implement Deontic Logic in SWRL ...
Consortium : ArtisGRAVIR ID-IMAG LIRIS MOVIGRAVIR. Extraction du personnage avec ... un d cors virtuel. Mod le textur , anim ins rer dans le d cors ...
LIRIS UMR 5205 CNRS/INSA de Lyon/Universit Claude Bernard Lyon 1/Universit Lumi re Lyon ... Affectation des autorisations par les r les. Faits : la politique ...
TOWNTOLOGY Genesis of a Project Robert Laurini INSA Lyon Genesis Euro Conf. on the Ontology and Epistemology for Spatial Data Standards, September 2000, near ...
Multi-Scale Computing: the greatest challenge for this decade? Open Directions for Research and Innovation Lionel Brunie National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA)
VLT+NACO monitoring of 14 ULIRGs out to D ~ 300 Mpc. Historical SN in NGC 7714 Found in archival UKIRT K image from Sep 1998. Optimal Image Subtraction Allard ...
Core-collapse SNe (CCSNe) generate/liberate the bulk of the ... Can serve as probes of extinction and ISM. CCSNe blast wave probes progenitor mass-loss history. ...
Title: Conseil Scientifique Assembl e G n rale Author: Alain Mille Last modified by: Alain Mille Created Date: 3/22/2005 10:26:00 PM Document presentation format
MLSB 07 Evry, September 24th Artificial Regulatory Network Evolution Yolanda Sanchez-Dehesa1 , Lo c Cerf1, Jos -Maria Pe a2, Jean-Fran ois Boulicaut1 and ...
Alignement comme du texte. 27/11/2006. TICE 1 TD 10 Universit Lumi re Lyon 2 A. ... Alignement dans les cellules. Fusion de cellules. Insertion/suppression de lignes/colonnes ...
Coding of multiple sources which can not communicate at the encoder ... coset1={000,111} coset2={001,110} coset3={010,101} coset4={100,011} M=3. Slsb=100 = W=101 ...
Am lioration de l'interface visuelle. Int gration des indicateurs de ... Ajouter une fonctionnalit rendant plus pr cise l'appr ciation de la concordance ...
This work has been partially funded by the European Project AEGIS (IST-2000-26450) ... STULONG Data : A 20 year longitudinal study of risk factors related to ...
Artificial Regulatory Network Evolution. Yolanda Sanchez-Dehesa1 , Lo c Cerf1, Jos -Maria Pe a2, Jean-Fran ois Boulicaut1 ... Large kinetic transcriptome data ...
Title: Design et syst mes num riques (r flexions autour de l informatique pervasive) Author: Lionel Brunie Last modified by: Lionel Brunie Created Date
towards joint operation of VTT, Themis, DOT, SST ( Gregor eventually EST) ... THEMIS. 1.52m Telescope. Telescopio Carlos Sancez. 2m Telescope. Telescope ...
Objectif : comprendre pourquoi certains groupes de g nes sont exprim s par ... Donn es binaires. 0 1. 0 1. 0 1. G nes particuliers... ( 1/2) G nes Growth factor. G nes ...
Cr er une interface visuelle permettant au m decin de contr ler de mani re ... Outil graphique permettant de faire correspondre des parties pr cise des images ...
APRESIASI SASTRA PUISI Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Indonesia dan Pembelajarannya S1 PGMI UIN Sunan Kalijaga Oleh : Ahmad Mubarok, S. Si Apresiasi Sastra (Lanjutan) Squire ...
Virtual Knowledge Communities : ... A virtual community is a group whose members are connected ... Virtual communities : knowledge exchange using a blackboard ...
P2PIR is one of the an application of peer to peer network. P2PIR combines key elements of File Sharing and Federal Information Retrieval. No single technique is used for all P2PIR problem. Recall and Precision are used for Evaluation of P2PIR. A field dealing with the structure, analysis, organization, storage, searching and retrieval of information is called information retrieval. And Searching in peer-to-peer networks is called Peer to Peer Information Retrieval.
... the user may change his mind, get lost in his way, decide a detour, etc. ... objects that the user faces during his detour will also provide a set of common ...
Les m thodes de segmentation et d'indexation. Mise en place de la structure de navigation. ... On assigne chaque classe , les points Les plus proche de. ...
Same best-effort service today as in 1991. Opportunity in. smart management of assets ... Cogent Computing Group Cogent Computing Group at Coventry University, UK ...
Vers une simulation Monte Carlo de la distribution de dose d pos e dans un patient en hadronth rapie. 1. Introduction des donn es anatomiques d un patient dans ...
notamment par la mod lisation de l'apprenant. Les EIAH s'adressent principalement aux ... acteur majeur de la relation apprenant / connaissances / EIAH ...
Simulation par m thodes Monte-Carlo de la dosim trie par imagerie ... tudes actuelles: Pr sentation de l'imageur portal num rique: Imageur portal d'ELEKTA: ...