Title: Presentazione di PowerPoint
1Piero Mussio DICO- Università di
Milano mussio_at_dico.unimi.it
Progettazione di sistemi interattivi per il
contesto e il tempo Ciclo di tre lezioni per il
Corso di Dottorato Virtual Prototypes, Real
2Lez.3 Progetto, contesto e tempo
- Introduzione
- Il ciclo di vita a stella
- metadesign
- Lapproccio delle officine informatiche
- Due casi
- Tecniche di specifica
3HCI a syndetic process
La macchina unentità virtuale che reagisce e
opera secondo le regole programmate da
progettisti ed implementatori (stake holders)
Lutente il problemowner nel dominio
Due interpretazioni
PCL interaction model Bottoni et al.95
4Il messaggio digitale
- Virtuale
- Asincrono
- Interatttivo
- Proattivo
- Induce cambiamenti
- Nel processo di comunicazione
- Nel ruolo dellutente
- da consumatore passivo di dati a potenziale
co-autore del sistema (end-user)
5The characteristic pattern approach to HCI
recognizes characteristic patterns (cps), i.e.
distinguish characteristic structures (css) in
the environment and associates them a meaning
interprets streams of input events related with
its cps and computes the response to human
materializes the results using the output devices
materializes his/her intention acting on a cs
using the input devices
6End user
- operates in medical, Earth science, mechanical
engineering field - End-users
- professional people (engineers, geologists,
medical doctors, ) - expert in their domain
- not necessarily experts in computer science nor
willing to be - use computer environments to perform their daily
tasks - develop documentation styles, notations and
procedures to record communitys knowledge - reason and act
- Heuristically rather than algorithmically
- Interpreting implicit information embedded and
conveyed by the (electronic) document
presentation and content (images, icons, ) - Exploiting their tacit knowledge
7End users need
- powerful and flexible software environments
- Customized to their culture, skills, needs, age,
training, - Suitable to manage the user view of the work
activity - Exploiting concrete, situated, notations based
on icons, symbols, and words that resemble and
schematize the tools and the entities used in the
working environment - Allowing users to personalize and evolve (we say
to shape) their own software environments ? End
User Development
- in the design team
- End-users as the owners of problems
- Have a domain-oriented view of the processes to
be automatized - Software engineers
- Possess the knowledge about tools and techniques
for system development - HCI experts
- Have the knowledge on system usability and human
9I fenomeni da controllare
10Simmetria dellignoranza
- Symmetry of ignorance or asymmetry of knowledge
- one participant complements the ignorance of
others - Need of exchange of information among those
concerned (stake-holder) in order to reach a
mutual understanding - IMPLIES
- recognition
- of other stakeholders
- and
- of the need for peer to peer collaboration
After Horst Rittel (1970)
TEMPO Co-evoluzione Utente e sistema variano
nel CONTESTO Variabilità dellutenza
determinano contesti di lavoro
diversi Conoscenza tacita e informazione
implicita permettono di navigare nei
contesti (affordance e affordance percepita)
12Il ciclo di vita a stella
Analisi del Task/ Analisi Funzionale
Specifica dei Requisiti
Valutazione di Usabilità Computationale e di
Progetto Concettuale Formale Fisico
Uso Manutenzione
Progetto, sviluppo e manutenzione multidisciplina
ri interdipendenti e senza fine
Adattato da HartsonHix HH93 in BBM99b
13Metodi di progetto e sviluppo
user centered lutente in un ruolo reattivo,
non propositivo. Si cercano informazioni sui
requisiti, su come si svolgono i compiti, sui
casi duso. Partecipatory design. Lutente è
membro attivo del gruppo di progetto Metadesig
n progettista dei suoi tools e agisce come un
progettista. Determina i controlli sul
progetto, e levoluzione di strumenti e
contenuti svolgendo attività di programmazione
14A view on meta-design
- an evolving definition
- Meta-design is a technique which provides the
stakeholders in the design team with suitable
languages and tools to favour their personal and
common reasoning about, and collaboration to, the
development of software systems that support user
15The SER model
Il primo descritto in letteratura a tempo
discreto. Metafora non seguita con convinzione
E. Giaccardi G.Fischer,,Creativity and
EvolutionA Metadesign Perspective EAD06,
Bremen, March 2005
16Roles of the owners of problems
- As practitioners, they perform their working
tasks - As representatives of the community
(stakeholders), they participate in the
development of the workshops
17To overcome the gap
- Design ad develop environments that
- allow end-user to interact through their visual
notations (formalized as necessary) and with
tools familiar to them (widget resembling their
tools in shape, behaviour and interaction ) - make abstract Computer Science concepts concrete
to users and allow users to follow their learning
and reasoning strategies (e.g. programming by
example) - support user-system co-evolution
18A useful metaphor
- Software systems devoted to a specific community
are organized as virtual workshops, called
Software Shaping Workshops - Analogy with the artisans workshops
- A SSW gives users a view on problem, a context
a set of constraints a set of resources (vt)
19SSWs and Stakeholders
- SSW methodology offers to each stakeholder a
software environment by which the stakeholder can
- test and study a software artefact
- contribute to its shaping and reshaping as any
object or tool that can be easily created,
manipulated and modified - Stakeholders access, test, and modify the system
of interest, each one through a SSW customized to
his/her own culture, experience, needs, skills - Stakeholders can exchange the results of the
design activity to converge to a common design
20Software Shaping Workshops
- Application workshop is a SSW used by a community
of domain-experts to perform its daily tasks,
properly designed for its specific needs - System workshop is a SSW used to generate and
update other workshops, it is designed for the
specific needs of a designers community in a
context, e.g. software engineers, HCI experts,
experts of a specific domain designing a SSW for
that domain - Use level and design level one network of SSWs
21Two cases
- Co-evolution determines has determined new
organizations in several fields of activity. - We analyze two prototypes under development in
the field of - Augmented collaborative distributed enterprises
- Augmented collaborative distributed hospitals
22The 1st case study
- Domain mechanical engineering
- ETA Consulting, a company producing systems for
factory automation - ETA requests
- Creating automation systems that are usable for
and tailorable by ETA clients - Having software tools that supports ETA personnel
(d_experts) in design, development, test, and use
of the automation systems - The involved users communities
- 1. professional software developers
- 2. ETA d-experts electronic mechanical
engineers - 3. HCI experts
- 4. Client d-experts testers, assembly-line
23Need of environments for different d-experts
- Different d-experts collaborate to get a common
goal - They use same data but interpret them and
materialize them in different ways - Common case team composed by members of
different sub-communities (and companies), each
with different expertise - Each sub-community needs a software environment
(SSW) suitable to manage its own view of the
activities to be performed
24ETA system for robot control SSW for
assembly-line operator
The operator equips the robot, simulates
behavior, controls operations
- using his/her language
- organizing data according to his/her culture
- using images expressive to him/her
- permitting actions that resemble those performed
in the traditional workplace - not requiring computer science-oriented actions
This display interpretation requires operator
tacit knowledge
25Who may develop such SSW?
- The expertise of mechanical engineers and
operators may be exploited to create SSW which is
correctly perceived and understood by their users - Mechanical engineers know users notations ,share
their culture, skills, tacit knowledge. - They are not aware of tool grain and HCI problems
- Mechanical engineers
- acting as a domain expert
- using high level customized evolutive languages
- supported by a team of SE and HCI experts
26SSW for the mechanical engineer
As domain expert produces (programs) the
assembly line workshops in the context of
design workshop, using the resources of the
environment, being constrained by the ETA
guidelines of Interface construction
This display conveys d-expert s implicit
knowledge by
27(No Transcript)
28SSW network in ETA application
Meta-design level
Participatory Design level
Within level connections not shown
Control operations
mechanical tests
Equip robot
Use level level
mechanical programming
software tests
ETA consulting workshops
Client workshops
29How the team operates in time (1)
- a star cycle approach no
- activity has an end until the
- product life end
- evolutionary prototype and systems
30How the team operates in time
- initial state an
- Esternalization
- locally developed
- system of hard-soft
- tools
- Fuzzy boundaries among
- design, development
- and use
- At any level the activity performed is defined as
a - developmental process
- interacting with environment
- evolving from an initial sate to an
(unpredictable) final one
31The single expert
Views the whole activity through his/ her eyes
- Operates through
- customized notations
- and tools
- communicates
- prototypes
- to other team members
- on the same level to
- achieve a common task
- communicates
- prototypes
- to other levels to
- achieve
- usability and co-evolution
32Co-workers in each co-lab
Operate on the same entity
In ETA design colab Operated entity
Application Workshop
In ETA and Client use colab Operated entity The
machine to be governed
33The entities
- Act as mediators among the different stakeholders
- Develop under the action of all the stakeholders
- Are interpreted by each stakeholder from his/her
own point of view
34Workshop network organization
- The SSW approach leads to a workshop network
- In general, a network is organized in levels
- The meta-design level where software engineers
use a system workshop to prepare the tools to be
used at the successive levels - The participatory design level where software
engineers, HCI experts, and user representatives
cooperate to the design, implementation and
validation of application workshops, using system
workshops customized to their needs, culture and
skills - The use level where practitioners cooperate to
achieve a task using application workshops
to W-End-UserW
to W-End-UserZ
Meta design level
to W-End-UserX
to W-End-UserY
Participatory Design level
communication, generation and evaluation
Use level
communication path
36Case study 2
- Domain
- Medical field
- The problem
- A team of physicians should analyze medical
examinations (X-rays, MRI, EEG, etc.) giving
their own contribution to the diagnosis according
to their expertise - The involved stakeholders
- 1. professional software developers
- 2. HCI experts
- 3. Senior physicians as representatives of
end-users - 4. Domain experts as end-users neurologists,
radiologists, - neuro- radiologists,
37Application SSW devoted to the neuro-radiologist
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39System SSW to build application workshops in the
medical domain
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43Software Interactive Systemsappear as virtual
- Virtual entity (ve) an interactive, dynamic
system which exists as the result of the
interpretation of a program by a computer - A population of ves interacting one another and
with the user constitutes a software interactive
system - A characteristic pattern is a state of a virtual
44Ve specification as a dynamic system
- As a dynamic system, a ve captures the user
inputs, computes the reaction to them and
materialize its own state (cp) - the results of
the computation in a form perceivable by the
user - The dynamics of ves is specified for end-users
and HCI experts by - an initial state
- a visual rewriting system (RW)
- a set of transformation rules specified as
- ltuser activity, visual rewriting rule ?RWgt
- They dynamics of ves is specified for programmers
by - a. Control Finite State Machine
45Example of transformation
Transformation rewriting of a string by the
application of a rule
A transformation induced by an user action and
system reaction induced by the application of
the rule described slide
46Example of transformation rule
T-r ltuser activity, visual rewriting rulegt
ltclick, gt,lt
user activity
visual rewriting rule
Boundaries of the output field of the automatico
button three disjoint sets of pixels. ltthey
denote the resources required to apply the
rules. The three set can be disposed as necessary
on the canvas, but cannot overlap.
47Example of CFSM using statechart notation
(portion of highest level statechart)
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