Title: PeckppointohpEPPCT Conf 1
1Reconfiguring PCTsInfluences and options
- Professor Edward Peck, Health Services Management
Centre - 6 October 2005
2Some initial thoughts
- NHS as pendulum
- NHS as shanty town
- NHS as commissioner
3Primary care-led commissioning - what does the
evidence tell us?
- Little evidence that shows PCLC (or any other
approach) to have made a significant or strategic
impact on secondary care - PCLC, where clinicians have influence over
budgets, can improve responsiveness - PCLC has made most impact in primary and
intermediate care
4Primary care-led commissioning - what does the
evidence tell us?
- Given a sustained opportunity to innovate, highly
determined PCL commissioners can achieve
innovation in working practices - Primary care-led commissioning increases
transaction costs in commissioning
5Primary care-led commissioning - what does the
evidence tell us?
- No ideal size for a commissioning organisation
- A single organisational solution is neither
appropriate nor possible - Meaningful clinical engagement is key
- Balance to be struck with public and management
accountability - PCLC organisations have struggled with public
6Can form follow function?
- Commissioning referral and demand management at
around 30-50k - Public Health joint projects suggest LA
co-terminosity 200k-1m - Independent contractors ?
- Provision ?
7What do we know about mergers?
- No evidence that increases in size beyond 100,00
generate significant cost savings or performance
improvements - Numerous studies point to tendency of mergers not
to make promised savings - Many other costs in terms of loss or morale and
productivity - Most managers fail due to cultural differences
8Provider changes for more profound
- Contestability demands a contest?
- Contestability demands variety of propositions?
- Contestability demands range of organisational
9The plethora of options
- Private sector platforms and pensions?
- Voluntary sector perspectives and pensions?
- Public/Community Interest companies
legislation? - Public Benefit corporations governance
10The plethora of options (contd)
- Vertical integration monopoly and evidence?
- Horizontal integration LA relationships?
- Care Trust commissioner or provider (or both)?
- Local Authority history?
- GP Partner business growth culture?
11The plethora of options (contd)
- Enthusiasm of DH to support innovation?
- Enthusiasm of NHS managers for entrepreneurial
approaches? - Enthusiasm of staff for the disruption and risk
12The plethora of options need to balance
- The views of commissioners (NHS and LA)
- The views of provider managers (and elected
members) - The views of clinical staff
13The plethora of options adopt a joint venture as
holding position
- Purpose
- Identity
- Senior Executive and Management Team
14A plethora of options adopt a joint venture
- Simple to establish
- Focus on short-term
- Process for deciding long-term future