Title: Folie 1
1An integrated, Grid enabled workbench tool
forGrid application users, Grid developersand
Grid operatorsbased on the Eclipse platform
Harald Kornmayer (Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe)
on behalf of the g-Eclipse consortium
2Grid architecture blue print
- Well known
- Layered
- Different solutions available
- gLite
- Globus
User interfaces
Application services
High level Grid services
Fabrics (computation, storage, networks)
- User interfaces
- Most projects use a web server based approach for
user interfaces - http protocol have some limitations
3Fat vs thin client
- Thin clients
- Only web browser needed
- No software on client required
- http protocol used
- Server required
- Single point of entrance
- Examples
- GridSphere
- Fat clients
- Standard computers grow
- Connectivity grows
- Tools for distributed software management exist
- More flexibility concerning protocols
- Examples
- Migrating Desktop
- User oriented
4e-Science infrastructure
- Grid infrastructure are emerging
- National level
- AustrianGrid
- D-Grid
- .
- European level
- Deisa
- worldwide
- LCG computing Grid
- Different Grid middleware exists
- gLite, UNICORE, GT4, .
i.e EGEE infrastructure in Europe
5e-Science applications
- Many application domains starts using Grid
infrastructures - Grid applications are workflows
- Even a embarrassingly parallel task is a
workflow! - Grid applications access different computing
systems - Grid applications are written in different
programming languages - Errors are not easy to debug as the
infrastructure can change all the time
C, Linux
JAVA, SQL, Linux
Fortran Linux, OSF, AIX
C, Linux
C, Linux
6The g-Eclipse vision
- Many projects developed promising Grid tools
- Each project had its own UI (portal) framework
- Easy exchange of results was impossible
- User centric approaches (application end user)
- ? an integrated platform
- Grid users
- Grid operators
- Grid application developers
- Based on an industry compliant open-source tool
- Grid infrastructure Community
- e-Science
Grid actors
Eclipse community
7The project
- Funded by European Union
- 24 months
- approx. 2 M funding
- Specific targeted research project
- 6 Partners
- Coordinator Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe
- Harald Kornmayer
- More Information http//www.geclipse.eu
University of Cyprus
- Started in 2001
- IBM donated their Java development framework as
Open Source - Pure Java development
- First industrial partners joined
- Eclipse Foundation started in 2004
- Independent non-profit organization
- Eclipse management organization
- Councils (requirements, architecture and
planning) - 10 projects (including gt 50 subprojects)
- With Eclipse 3.0 not only a Java IDE, but a
general framework build for extension
9Grid user roles
- 3 different roles
- user
- operator
- developer
- in general...
- job management
- resource management
- files
- applications
- ...
- ? integration in Eclipse is complex
10Grid project
Replica Manager
Resource Broker
Programming languages
Grid project
Domain services
Batch apps
Infrastructure Providers
Interactive apps
Virtual Organisations
Service Providers
Web services
gLite Middleware UI
VOMS Authent. Impl.
gLite Middleware Resource Management Implementatio
Authentication UI
Resource Management UI
Grid Authentication Core
Grid Resource Management Core
Job Management
Res. Management
Eclipse Platform
12User Interface contributions
Resource Editor
Authentication Token View
Job Editor
Site Configuration Editor
Site View
Job View
Grid Workflow Editor
Resource View
Web View
User Perspective
Operator Perspective
Terminal View
Developer Perspective
Authentication Preference Page
Project Wizard
Job Wizard
VO Preference Page
Authentication Token Wizard
Project Preference Page
2007-01 Version 0.1
authentication, job, file, resource
management exemplary support for gLite
2007-06 Version 0.5
core features improvements support for
gLite first review
2007-12 Version 0.8
core features improvements support for second
2008-06 Version 1.0
final release with core features support for
second middleware second review
- Milestone candidates on a 4-6 week period
14Status/First results
- First Architecture finished
- Implementation started
- VO Management
- Declare memberships
- Manage identities/roles
- File browser
- Knowledge from MD used
- Terminal access
- JDL Editor started
- Collaboration
- With Eclipse Foundation
- Proposed a technology project
- Collaboration with EGEE and int.eu.grid
- g-Eclipse started 1st of July 2006
- Architecture defined
- Implementation of prototype version started
- The following goals are addressed
- Creation of an eco system of tools to build
Grid-enabled, interactive graphical user
interfaces - For users, operators and developers
- g-Eclipse open source community to guarantee
sustainability of this eco system - Eclipse project proposed
- To be approved soon!
- Awareness of Grid technology in industry by using
one of their standard eco system - Participation at the Eclipse summit 2006 last
- Extensibility
- Use the Eclipse way for extensions!
- Reliability
- Dont start from scatch, use an existing
framework - Middleware independence
- Open for different middleware systems!
- Exemplary support
- Prove that the framework works with the gLite
middleware - Collaboration with int.eu.grid and EGEE
- Integration
- Enable third party tools to be integrated
- MD functionalities
- GridBench